
2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

author:Saisai Qingjian
2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations
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On June 30, the 8 million fan Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was given a critical illness notice by the doctor, and on the same day, the girlfriend of "Brother Gluten" took her daughter to launch a donation on the Internet, hoping that fans could work together to help "Brother Gluten" get through the difficulties.

The illness came like a mountain, and it was only 4 days before he suddenly fainted at home, and his girlfriend and children have been guarding him and never abandoning him.

Can "Brother Gluten" save the day this time?

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

Millions are needed for terminal cancer treatment, and fans are asked to donate

On June 26, "Brother Gluten" (Cheng Shulin) suddenly fainted at home, his girlfriend Zhai Moumou quickly called an ambulance, and the situation was not optimistic after being sent to the hospital for examination on the same day, less than 24 hours, "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU ward due to advanced liver cancer, and at the same time, the hospital issued a critical illness notice.

On the 29th, the doctor consulted on the details of the cancer of "Brother Gluten", and the doctor informed the accompanying Zhai and the child that liver transplantation could delay the condition.

At this time, the family of "Brother Gluten" came to the hospital to go through the transfer procedures and planned to go to Hangzhou Hospital for liver transplantation.

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

On the morning of June 30, his girlfriend Zhai and his daughter posted a video asking for help on the Internet with the account of "Brother Gluten", which roughly reads: He was diagnosed with liver cancer a few years ago, and "Brother Gluten" has no income in the past few years.

After Zhai told this, he once again launched a fundraising campaign with netizens, saying that at present, "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and liver transplantation is needed for later treatment, but the amount of donations he received before the 30th is only more than 90,000 points, which is much worse than the more than 2 million costs said by the doctor.

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

Zhai said that he was forced to publish the fundraiser, and the huge medical expenses made them have to choose to release their personal information. I hope that fans and families can work together to help "Brother Gluten" get out of the difficulties.

Later, the daughter of "Brother Gluten" said, "The fundraising will be transparent, this money is really the money to save my father's life, and he may leave if he can't bear this experience." ”

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

After the matter fermented on the Internet, some netizens questioned Zhai's identity, to which Zhai responded that because he was sick a few years ago and did not choose to get a certificate, the two had a daughter but are still boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Brother Gluten" was originally named Cheng Shulin, pen name Lin Mengjie, is an authentic Henan, and his popularity is because of his song "Roasted Gluten" in the draft.

Due to the poverty of his original family, Cheng Shulin got married very early in his hometown, and he and his wife had a total of 4 sons and 1 daughter.

But in 2009, due to the incompatibility of Cheng Shulin and his wife's personality and divorce, the daughter was taken away by his wife, and the four sons lived with Cheng Shulin.

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

In 2013, Cheng Shulin participated in the talent show "The Voice of the Chinese Dream", and the gluten song he played and sang on the spot was very magical, brainwashing, "The real baked gluten can be energetic... A different taste.."

It's a pity that this song was not favored by the judges, but it didn't take long for "Baked Gluten" to quickly gain attention on the Internet with its magical lyrics, and with Cheng Shulin's wild and uninhibited hairstyle and state, fans flocked to it.

Everyone once jokingly called Cheng Shulin "Brother Gluten", and in the following years, Cheng Shulin released the songs "I Fell in Love with a Girl" and "Poor Me" again, coupled with the blessing of "Roasted Gluten", Cheng Shulin quickly gained millions of fans on Station B.

Until 2018, Cheng Shulin has become the "Top 100 UP Masters of Station B" and has become a popular symbol on the Internet.

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

However, until today, although Cheng Shulin is already a big Internet celebrity with 8 million fans, he has not released a song comparable to "Baked Gluten".

After Cheng Shulin became popular, he met his current girlfriend Zhai, and the two gave birth to a daughter, that is, the one who appeared a few days ago, who is almost a teenager, Zhai and Cheng Shulin have lived for many years and have not received a marriage certificate.

Faced with Cheng Shulin's terminal cancer, the two finally chose to embark on the road of fundraising, and if they could successfully carry out a liver transplant, they could prolong their lives.

However, the complete cure rate of advanced cancer is very low, and no one can guarantee whether it can be cured or not.

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

From a medical point of view, can liver transplantation achieve a "cure" effect?

For advanced patients, transplantation can be performed if the physical fitness is up to standard and the surgical conditions are met, but if the cancer cells spread, liver transplantation has little effect on prolonging life, and even if the transplant is transplanted, it will be quickly occupied by cancer cells. But for families who want to extend the patient's life, a liver transplant is a good option to spend more time with the family.

Why is it that in many cases of liver cancer, it is found to be at an advanced stage?

This is because in the early stage of liver cancer, it is highly insidious, and patients generally do not have obvious complications, mostly anorexia, poor appetite, physical weakness and fatigue, etc., which are easy to ignore.

However, if a comprehensive physical examination is done in the early stage, it can be detected and treated in time.

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

If left unchecked, there will be obvious symptoms in the medium term, such as weight loss, liver pain, etc., because the liver position is behind the ribs, it is difficult to detect the general compression, and the liver does not have pain nerves, so it is impossible to perceive the pain through the individual body in time, and only when the pain accumulates to a certain extent and involves the surrounding organs will it erupt.

Therefore, the general liver cancer patients are often in the middle and advanced stages of pain after examination. The insidious nature of liver cancer makes it difficult to intervene and treat this disease in the early stage, and the liver, as an organ with strong metabolic ability, needs to be examined in time.

Generally speaking, it is a good idea to maintain a regular physical examination, and you also need to pay attention to food hygiene, work and rest habits in daily life.

Through the hospital's summary of liver cancer patients, it is known that the characteristics of the population that are prone to liver cancer are obvious.

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations

For example, in terms of living habits, people who love to drink, smoke, often stay up late, and have poor immunity need to pay attention; Some people who have suffered from liver diseases for more than 5 years (chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis, cirrhosis) need to pay attention to timely participation in treatment to avoid the deterioration of liver diseases; There are also genetics that run in families that increase the probability of disease in the next generation.

In general, liver cancer will cause many people to ignore the body's signals because of its strong concealment, and people with the above conditions should pay more attention to the body's signals and maintain a good routine for regular physical examinations.

As for advanced patients, in cases like "gluten brother", the condition can only be delayed through medical technology, and the specific situation also needs to see the doctor's consultation plan.

Anyway, I hope that Zhai and his daughter can find the best treatment as soon as possible, and hope that "Brother Gluten" can get better as soon as possible.


Red Star News "Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" suddenly fainted and was sent to the ICU Girlfriend: has been transferred to Hangzhou, but the person is still in a coma"

Jiupai News Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, and his girlfriend spoke: It takes more than 2 million, and the treatment costs in the past few years are all paid by me, and it is almost hollowed out"

2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations
2,000,000 treatment fees! "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend took the child to ask fans for donations


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