
Wang Nan's daughter smiled and appeared on CCTV news! No matter how much money you give, you won't advertise profitably!

author:A new dimension in sports


Wang Nan's daughter smiled and appeared on CCTV news! No matter how much money you give, you won't advertise profitably!

Wang Nan's daughter smiled and appeared on CCTV news!

The emergence of Xiaoxiao, a small role model, not only promoted the publicity and attention of children's table tennis, but also appeared on CCTV to become a national fitness expert. This oversized close-up of the whole face is on camera, and the smile is simply not too handsome.

As more and more people like Xiaoxiao, many well-known brands and TV stations have come one after another, and they have thrown olive branches to Wang Nan and Guo Bin, hoping to let Xiaoxiao participate in variety shows as an endorsement.

Wang Nan's daughter smiled and appeared on CCTV news! No matter how much money you give, you won't advertise profitably!

Guo Bin said that no matter how much money is given, Xiaoxiao will not be allowed to advertise with interests, and she must calm down and play well, and she cannot let her be lost prematurely.

Wang Nan and Guo Bin have a very clear attitude, Xiaoxiao only acts as an example, and does not pursue interests. Not only did he smile and don't do it, but even Wang Nan didn't do it. After Wang Nan retired, many events and well-known brands came to Wang Nan to advertise, but they were all rejected by Guo Bin, Guo Bin said that after retiring, don't use everyone's familiarity with you to make money, we don't want those.

Wang Nan's daughter smiled and appeared on CCTV news! No matter how much money you give, you won't advertise profitably!

Guo Bin is a businessman, but Guo Bin is not a mercenary person. A gentleman loves money and takes it in a good way, a businessman is a profession, and knowing how to make trade-offs is a personality.

Wang Nan smiled and did not do commercial advertising, but did public service advertisements, and the mother and daughter advertised for the Northeast Qinxiang hosiery industry for free. The sister cities endorsed by Wang Nan are also free.

Wang Nan's daughter smiled and appeared on CCTV news! No matter how much money you give, you won't advertise profitably!

True wealth is not money, but achievement and respect earned through hard work. Thumbs up for Guo Bin and Wang Nan!

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