
Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

author:Erudite Listening Library
Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage
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Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

In 2005, Wang Nan, the queen of table tennis, finally entered the palace of marriage and tied the knot with wealthy businessman Guo Bin. The sports star, who has won 24 world championships for his country, is looking forward to a happy future.

However, fate is secretly brewing a great test.

Only 47 days after marriage, a cold medical diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue, pushing the newlyweds into a low point in their lives. Wang Nan was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and she once dominated the arena, but now she has to start a life-and-death battle with an invisible disease.

In the face of this sudden blow, the sweetness of the newlywed Yan'er was enveloped by fear and uneasiness in an instant. At this moment, how will Guo Bin choose? Will the couple, who have just joined hands, be able to overcome this difficult hurdle together? A story of love, courage and rebirth begins.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

In 1978, in an ordinary worker's family in Liaoning Province, Wang Nan fell to the ground. Unlike her lively and cheerful sister, Xiao Wang Nan is quiet and introverted, and is often nicknamed "stuffy gourd" by relatives and friends.

However, this seemingly silent little girl has a love for table tennis burning in her heart.

With the support of his parents, Wang Nan stepped into the door of the sports professional school. Here, she met Zhang Jingqing, the mentor who changed her life. Coach Zhang saw Wang Nan's potential and spared no effort to cultivate this talented girl.

Under the careful guidance of the coach, Wang Nan absorbed the table tennis skills hungrily and practiced hard day after day.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

Hard work pays off. Wang Nan's efforts quickly paid off. Her skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and she has made a name for herself in all competitions.

Finally, with her outstanding performance, she successfully made it to the national team and started her illustrious career.

In 1994, Wang Nan, who was only 16 years old, stepped on the stage of the Athens Olympic Games. When she stood on the podium with her first Olympic gold medal on her chest, the little girl who was once called "Stuffy Gourd" had transformed into a high-profile champion.

This gold medal seems to have opened the door to success, and Wang Nan has been breaking through since then, and has repeatedly achieved great results in the international arena.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

1997 was an important turning point in Wang Nan's career. At that year's World Championships, she and her teammates won the women's team event. In September of the same year, she made another success at the Table Tennis World Cup, winning her first singles world title.

However, Wang Nan did not stop there. In 1998, she surpassed her predecessor Deng Yaping with amazing strength and ascended to the throne of the world No. 1. Since then, Wang Nan has dominated the international table tennis arena and left many opponents far behind.

The 2000 Sydney Olympics became another peak of Wang Nan's career. She once again showed her unparalleled strength at this Olympics, winning a valuable gold medal for her country.

From that introverted little girl to the world's No. 1, Wang Nan has written an amazing inspirational story with her sweat and hard work. Her upbringing tells us that as long as there is a dream and perseverance, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary careers.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

However, just when Wang Nan's career was at its peak, fate prepared an unexpected turn for her. On the stage of her life, a man named Guo Bin quietly appeared on the stage, adding a new chapter to her story.

Wang Nan's life is about to usher in a new journey.

In 2001, a seemingly ordinary party became a turning point in Wang Nan's life. Liu Guodong, a friend of wealthy businessman Guo Bin, held a dinner and invited the national team players, including Wang Nan, to attend.

During the dinner, Guo Bin's eyes were inadvertently attracted by the world champion. Wang Nan's unique temperament made it difficult for Guo Bin to look away. The two had a good conversation, left a deep impression on each other, and left contact information for each other.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

Guo Bin, a man born in Weihai, Shandong Province in 1970, has an extraordinary life experience. Born into a family of ordinary workers, he was determined to change his family's economic situation from an early age.

With his extraordinary wisdom and perseverance, Guo Bin broke through the world of business and gradually became a well-known local billionaire.

In the face of this world-famous table tennis champion, Guo Bin adopted a gentle and firm pursuit strategy. He pays close attention to Wang Nan's every game, and always sends warm greetings and encouragement after the game.

When the weather turns cold, he will thoughtfully remind Wang Nan to pay attention to keeping warm. Every time he learned that Wang Nan was going back to China, he would take time out of his precious time to greet him at the airport in person.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

Guo Bin's sincerity and thoughtfulness slowly melted Wang Nan's heart. This female athlete, who once devoted all her energy to her table tennis career, began to feel the warmth of love.

She gradually learned about Guo Bin's family background and was also moved by his fighting spirit.

Under Guo Bin's unremitting pursuit, Wang Nan's heart was finally completely captured. In 2005, Guo Bin carefully planned a romantic marriage proposal. In the face of Guo Bin's sincere emotions, Wang Nan was moved to tears and nodded his head without hesitation.

However, fate always seems to like to give unexpected surprises. Just when they were still immersed in the joy of their newlyweds, a sudden news broke the hard-won tranquility.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

The joy of the newlywed has not faded, but Wang Nan feels that his body is getting tired day by day. At first, she blamed the state on training too hard and didn't pay much attention to it. However, the careful Guo Bin was keenly aware of his wife's abnormality.

At his insistence, Wang Nan reluctantly underwent a comprehensive medical examination.

The results of the examination were like a bolt from the blue - Wang Nan was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The bad news came so suddenly, like a punch that knocked the newlyweds to the ground.

It has only been 47 days since they received their marriage certificates. Wang Nan couldn't accept the reality for a while, and his spirit almost collapsed. She was once invincible in the arena, but now she feels unprecedented fear and helplessness.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

However, at this difficult time, Guo Bin showed extraordinary courage and responsibility. He held his wife's hand tightly and said firmly, "No matter what happens, I will always be there for you until you are fully recovered."

This simple and unpretentious promise gave Wang Nan great support and courage.

In the course of subsequent treatment, Guo Bin's actions fulfilled his promise. He stayed by his wife's side, taking care of her diet and daily life, and accompanying her through every difficult chemotherapy day.

Even when Wang Nan was at his weakest, Guo Bin never showed a trace of disgust or retreat. His dedication has touched the medical staff and other patients at the hospital.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

Wang Nan also showed a strong will as a world champion. She actively cooperated with the treatment and maintained an optimistic attitude, as if she was back in the ring to compete with her opponents.

She told herself that she had to win this battle against the disease. Whenever the pain was unbearable, she recalled her glorious moments on the field and used that indomitable spirit to support herself through the difficulties.

With the joint efforts of doctors and his family, Wang Nan's condition was gradually brought under control. The improvement in the results of each examination made the couple feel very relieved. They have experienced the test of life and death together, tasted the bitter medicine together, and ushered in the dawn of hope together.

This battle against the disease not only did not destroy the couple's feelings, but made their love stronger. Guo Bin's selfless dedication and Wang Nan's strength and courage have touched countless people, and their stories have become a model of true love.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

When Wang Nan finally recovered, her eyes when she looked at Guo Bin were full of gratitude and love. She knew that without her husband's support, she might have given up hope. Guo Bin is glad that he was able to accompany his wife through the most difficult moments, which made their relationship even deeper.

This experience made Wang Nan and Guo Bin understand the preciousness of life and the preciousness of love. They have walked through the low points of their lives hand in hand and will now continue their journey with a stronger attitude.

After overcoming the disease, Wang Nan did not choose to retire. That unyielding sportsmanship still burns in her heart, and she decided to return to the field in the hope of bringing glory to her country.

Although his physical condition is not as good as before, with the full support of Guo Bin, Wang Nan began a hard comeback training.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

In 2008, the Beijing Olympic Games, which attracted worldwide attention, came as scheduled. Wang Nan once again stood on the Olympic stage, this time, she not only represented the country, but also declared war on fate.

In the opening round, she showed amazing form and scored an exciting victory. However, in the subsequent match, she encountered a strong opponent Zhang Yining, and finally stopped regrettably.

After this Olympics, Wang Nan made the decision to retire after careful consideration, taking into account age and family factors. She chooses to devote more time and energy to her family life.

In September 2008, in the beautiful Yantai, Wang Nan and Guo Bin held a grand wedding and officially started their new life. This wedding is not only a farewell to the past, but also an expectation for the future.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

After retiring, Wang Nan gradually faded out of the public eye and focused on running his own small family. In 2010, they welcomed their first child, bringing joy to the family.

Six years later, in 2016, the arrival of the second child made the family more complete, and the happiness of both children made Wang Nan and Guo Bin feel very gratified.

Today's Wang Nan lives a low-key and happy life. Her story teaches us that no matter how difficult it may be, with the power of love, it is possible to overcome anything.

The glory of 24 world championships, coupled with an unforgettable love, constitutes the most exciting chapter of Wang Nan's life. In ordinary days, she found the true happiness and satisfaction in her heart, and wrote her happy life with love.

Wang Nan: He has won 24 world championships, and he was diagnosed with cancer 47 days after marriage

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