
Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

author:Fantuan entertainment

Oh, our sports stars, marriage is really enviable! Like Guo Jingjing and Zhang Yining, which one is not marrying into a wealthy family and enjoying the life of Kuotai? But you know what? Wang Nanke is a special case! She is a strong woman who has both career and family! Since marrying Guo Bin in 05, she has been taking care of her family while running her own business, which is simply a winner in life!

Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

Hey, just recently, on June 30th, Guo Bin posted a video of their family of three riding a three-wheeled motorcycle on his video account, which exploded netizens! Some people are envious, while others are beginning to question their safety. But you know what? This Guo Bin is a real estate tycoon, he made a lot of money in his early years, and now he is also worth a lot of money!

Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

Look at Guo Bin in this video, dressed in casual clothes, riding a three-wheeled motorcycle that looks like a lot of money, Wang Nan and his daughter are also sitting on it, and the family of three is happy. However, they didn't wear helmets during the whole process, which made netizens start to discuss hotly, saying that they disregarded the image of celebrities and endangered public safety.

But don't worry, after everyone carefully looked at their IP address and surrounding facilities, they found out that it was in their own company! Haha, how can it be illegal to test ride a motorcycle on your own turf? And those netizens who questioned had no choice but to silently shut their mouths.

Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

Speaking of this locomotive, it's worth a lot! Some netizens deduced from the details that this should be a Harley glide three-wheeler, priced at about 700,000 yuan! Come to think of it, that's the salary of ordinary people for several years! But for a real estate tycoon like Guo Bin, it's just pocket money!

I have to say, Wang Nan is really married to a good husband! Thinking about Guo Bin's infatuation with Wang Nan back then, it was really moving! During Wang Nan's cancer, Guo Bin took care of him and never gave up. This kind of love is really enviable!

Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

Now, Wang Nan and Guo Bin live such a warm and wealthy life, which is really enviable! Compared with Zhang Yining, the two of them are of the same age and have three views that are compatible, this kind of life is simply an ideal in the world!

Tsinghua talented woman Li Xueqin's athlete identity is fake, and the central media People's Daily publicly criticizes! I fell all over the network

Yo yo yo, friends, have you heard of Li Xueqin, a talented girl from Tsinghua University? She's a little fairy who is a top student! Not only is his academic performance dazzling, but he also has countless fans on social media with his humorous personality and unique artistic style. However, something happened to her recently that made people break through her glasses - she is still an athlete?!

Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

At the beginning, everyone thought that this was the perfect combination of a top student and an athlete, and it was simply a winner in life! However, as the matter fermented, some careful netizens discovered that something was wrong. I remember that Li Xueqin said in an interview before, "I can't swim", ♀️ which is simply "ice and fire" with her status as a second-level swimming athlete! This makes people wonder, what is the secret behind this?

Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

As netizens dig deeper, things are getting more and more interesting. It turned out that Li Xueqin's hometown of Benxi, Liaoning Province, once had a "college entrance examination bonus door" incident, and 87 second-level athletes all received extra points in the college entrance examination! This can't help but make people think, is Li Xueqin's athlete identity also one of them? Did she also take advantage of this status to gain improper benefits?

Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

Just when everyone was talking, the central media People's Daily couldn't help but speak out! They called on public figures to be honest and trustworthy and set a good example for society. This comment is simply a "slap in the face" to Li Xueqin! She instantly fell into the whirlpool of public opinion, and the whole network was discussing whether her identity as an athlete was real.

Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

In the face of doubts and criticism from public opinion, Li Xueqin also tried to respond and clarify through social media. However, her response did not receive the recognition and support of netizens, but made her situation even more embarrassing. Some netizens even directly questioned her integrity and moral bottom line, saying that she was "avoiding the important and trivial" and "vague".

This public opinion turmoil has turned Li Xueqin from a high-profile Tsinghua talent and social media celebrity to a controversial and questioning figure. Her image collapsed with a bang, which is simply distressing! However, this also shows us the fragility of fame and reputation in the entertainment industry. If you want to mix well in this circle, you must not only have talent and appearance, but also have integrity and integrity!

Wang Nan's husband drives a 700,000 motorcycle on the street, and he has a secret without a helmet, and the truth is admirable

So, friends, we must always keep a clear mind and firm beliefs in life! Don't be fooled by fame and fortune, and return to truth and integrity. In this way, we can win the respect and trust of others, and we can go further and more steadily on the road of life!

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