
Apple may launch a built-in camera in 2026 AirPods and Vision Pro for integration!

author:Mo talks about technology

Follow, forward, like, and take you to understand the latest digital product information! In 2026, your AirPods will become "contact lenses"! Apple is going to put infrared cameras on them

Recently, rumors about the possibility of Apple's next-generation AirPods carrying cameras have boiled again. It is reported that this new AirPods version will start production in 2026, and its highlight is that it will have a built-in infrared camera.

It seems that Apple is determined to completely "evolve" the AirPods into contact lenses this time. But then again, the operation of putting a camera on the headphones is really eye-opening. However, it is more appropriate to say "open your eyes" than to "open your eyes".

Apple may launch a built-in camera in 2026 AirPods and Vision Pro for integration!

According to the analysis, this new generation of AirPods is likely to be deeply integrated with Apple's VR headset Vision Pro. This will not only provide users with a better wearing experience, but the addition of infrared cameras will also greatly improve the quality of hearing.

Apple may launch a built-in camera in 2026 AirPods and Vision Pro for integration!

After all, with these "contact eyes" hidden in the headphones, AirPods can always monitor the user's environment and provide better audio based on feedback. It seems that the dreams of those "nerds" are finally going to become a reality in the near future.

Apple may launch a built-in camera in 2026 AirPods and Vision Pro for integration!

However, this is not the end, it is reported that Apple may also use this infrared camera integration to provide users with certain health support features.

Does this mean that in the future, we will be able to check all kinds of physical indicators just by relying on a pair of cameras hidden in our ears? You know, this is no longer a science fiction story.

But having said that, if this kind of "contact lens" AirPods are really popular, I believe that many fruit fans may have to change to a "wide-eyed" expression.

After all, for them, other indicators may not be important except for fashion sense and brand image. So if AirPods become this kind of "invisible equipment", I'm afraid their enthusiasm for it will be greatly reduced.

But even so, I'm sure Apple won't give up on this idea. After all, for this company, which has always focused on scientific and technological innovation, isn't it more meaningful to know the user's surroundings than to circle around an "earring" all day long?

Besides, if AirPods can really have many functions such as sound quality, wearing experience, and health detection, then who wouldn't like it? Except for those "die-hard fruit fans", I'm afraid everyone else will flock to it.

However, one point that cannot be ignored is that this kind of integrated AirPods may not escape the trouble of sky-high prices. After all, apples, which have always been known for their "high value", how could they "hurt themselves" with them?

So for those ordinary users with a strong "tech plot", they may have to save up a lot of money before 2026. Otherwise, when Apple officially releases this "contact lens-style" AirPods, I'm afraid it will make them greedy for a long time.

In short, if Apple really puts an infrared camera on the AirPods this time, it will be really exciting and worrying. But no matter what the outcome will be, I believe it will definitely become a big "topic bomb" in the tech world.

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