
Food recommendation: Ecological oil residue, black tiger palm protein ham, bell pepper crispy belly production method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: Ecological oil residue, black tiger palm protein ham, bell pepper crispy belly production method

Ecological oil residue

Raw material:

1000 grams of skinless pork belly, salt, peppercorns, sugar, salad oil.


1. Cut the skinless pork belly into pieces, put it in a pot of water and cook, take it out and change it into 5 cm square pieces, and set aside.

2. Put the pot on the heat, pour in the salad oil and heat it, fry the pork belly pieces over low heat until golden brown, and after the oil of the meat pieces is basically boiled out, pour out and drain the oil for later use.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the fried oil residue blocks, add salt, pepper noodles and sugar, stir well, and then put it on the plate.

Food recommendation: Ecological oil residue, black tiger palm protein ham, bell pepper crispy belly production method

Black tiger palm protein ham


300 grams of tofu skin, 1000 grams of soup, 10 grams of black tiger mushroom sauce, 20 grams of Knorr fresh sauce, 20 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 5 pieces of fish gelatin, 10 grams of sesame oil.


1. Add fresh sauce and spicy fresh dew sesame oil fish film to make the juice in the chicken soup.

2. The Guangdong tofu skin is separated one by one, and the juice is invaded and removed for 30 seconds.

3. Roll the soaked Guangdong tofu skin tightly with plastic wrap.

4. Steam in the steamer for 10 minutes, cool and refrigerate in the refrigerator, change the knife to the plate, and order the black tiger mushroom sauce.

Food recommendation: Ecological oil residue, black tiger palm protein ham, bell pepper crispy belly production method

Bell pepper crispy belly


1 pork belly, 10 grams of bell pepper, 1 gram of finger pepper, 1 gram of garlic, 1 gram of white pepper, 3 grams of ginger, 2 grams of crispy green beans, 5 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 2 grams of light soy sauce, 1 gram of chili oil, 2 grams of peanut oil, a little sugar.


1. Mix the pork belly evenly with white vinegar and cornstarch, and rinse it after repeated rubbing

2. Boil the washed pork belly with ginger slices, white pepper, etc. in the soup, pick it up and put it in ice water, cut the bell pepper and blanch it, and soak it in ice water to control the water

3. Cut the pork belly into strips, put the scallion oil sauce and bell pepper into the plate, put the fried pork belly in turn, chop the garlic and finger pepper, stir-fry with oil, and then pour in the spicy fresh sauce and light soy sauce, peanut oil, and chili oil to make a sauce, and then pour it into the plate and decorate it slightly.

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