
Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

author:Shushan History Road
Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?


Hu Xueyan, a well-known wealthy businessman in history, has always done things unexpectedly.

Once, he procured a batch of ham, but made a strange decision: pinch the head and remove the tail, and give the best middle section to the buddy, while he kept two ends.

What kind of business wisdom and employment methods are hidden behind this move? Is it a simple distribution of benefits, or a far-reaching management philosophy?

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

Poor Boy: The Mockery of Fate and the Turning Point of Life

In the third year of Daoguang (1823), in Huli Village, Jixi County, Huizhou, Anhui Province, a baby boy named Hu Xueyan fell to the ground. At that time, although Huizhou had already bred world-renowned Huizhou businessmen, life was still difficult for ordinary people.

Hu Xueyan's family is no exception, he has lived a life of not having enough food and clothes since he was a child. As a child, Hu Xueyan, like many children from poor families, had to go to the landlord's house to herd cattle for his stomach.

In the process, at a young age, he has already begun to learn to observe the world and think about how to survive in the face of adversity. This experience laid the groundwork for his future success.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

However, fate did not seem to favor this clever teenager. When he was 12 years old, his father died of illness, a blow that almost destroyed the entire family. The Hu family, which has lost its main labor force, can hardly maintain even the most basic livelihood.

Faced with such a predicament, Hu Xueyan, who was only 12 years old, had to embark on the road to make a living alone. Hu Xueyan has traveled to Hangzhou, Jinhua and other places, and worked as a young man in a miscellaneous grain store, a ham trading house and a Hangzhou money bank.

This experience gave him a deep understanding of the warmth and coldness of the world, and also gave him a preliminary understanding of business operations. In particular, the experience of the ham trading house planted the seeds for him to treat his subordinates well in the future.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

Just when Hu Xueyan thought that he was going to struggle at the bottom for the rest of his life, the god of fate finally showed him a smile. In the twenty-second year of Daoguang (1842), 19-year-old Hu Xueyan was accepted as an apprentice by the shopkeeper of Hangzhou Fukang Qianzhuang because of his diligence, willingness to endure hardships, and flexibility. This decision completely changed the trajectory of Hu Xueyan's life.

Yu has no son in the shopkeeper, he treats Hu Xueyan as his own and cultivates him carefully. Hu Xueyan did not live up to the expectations of the shopkeeper, he was eager to learn the money business, and soon mastered the know-how of this industry.

When the shopkeeper was dying, he passed the Fukang money village worth 5,000 taels of silver to Hu Xueyan. This wealth became the first cornerstone of Hu Xueyan's future business empire.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

Clever nobles: a business adventure that ascends to the sky in one step

It is often said that shopping malls are like battlefields. In China in the mid-19th century, this phrase was particularly apt. At that time, the social environment was complex, and collusion between officials and businessmen was prevalent, and it was difficult to break out of the business world on their own.

Hu Xueyan knows this well, and he understands that in order to succeed in this era, in addition to his own ability, he also needs a strong backer. Opportunity always favors those who are prepared.

In the twenty-eighth year of Daoguang (1848), the 25-year-old Hu Xueyan became acquainted with Wang Youling, the alternate Zhejiang salt ambassador. This encounter can be said to be a turning point in Hu Xueyan's business career.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

Hu Xueyan is keenly aware that Wang Youling may become his nobleman. In order to win this opportunity, he did not hesitate to take out 500 taels of silver to help Wang Youling fill his official position.

The 500 taels of silver was a lot of money for Hu Xueyan at that time, but he understood that it was a worthwhile investment. Facts have proved that Hu Xueyan's judgment was correct.

With the help of Wang Youling, Hu Xueyan's business territory began to expand rapidly. Not only did he gain a foothold in Hangzhou, but he also expanded his business to other regions.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

When Wang Youling was promoted to the governor of Zhejiang, he helped Hu Xueyan and opened up a broader business world for him. In the process, Hu Xueyan showed extraordinary social skills and political acumen.

He knows the rules of officialdom well and knows how to deal with officials. He is neither humble nor arrogant, neither flattering nor undesirable. This just right attitude has won him the favor and support of many officials.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

However, Hu Xueyan was not carried away by the success in front of him. He always kept a clear head and understood that officialdom was like a mountain of swords and a sea of fire, and the slightest carelessness could lead to a catastrophe.

Therefore, when he interacted with officials, he always maintained a certain distance, neither overly dependent nor easily offended. This cautious attitude laid a solid foundation for his future career development.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

Wizards of Troubled Times: Rise and Glory in Crisis

However, the business sea is up and down, and the situation is changing. Just when Hu Xueyan's career was booming, a huge crisis quietly came. In the eleventh year of Xianfeng (1861), the Taiping army attacked Hangzhou, and the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions fell into a state of war.

Faced with this situation, many businessmen have chosen to flee or sit idly by. But Hu Xueyan saw an opportunity. He is well aware that in times of war, material supplies become extremely important. Therefore, he resolutely decided to buy arms and food from Shanghai and Ningbo to help the Qing army.

This decision is undoubtedly risky. On the one hand, in the process of transporting supplies, it may be attacked by the Taiping army at any time; On the other hand, if the Qing army was defeated, these investments of his could come to naught.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

But Hu Xueyan believes that the more dangerous the situation, the more likely it is to get high returns. However, things did not turn out as Hu Xueyan had hoped. The Taiping army was overwhelmed and soon broke through Hangzhou.

Hu Xueyan's backer, Wang Youling, hanged himself due to the loss of the city, and Hu Xueyan himself fell into a trough for a while. But Hu Xueyan was not knocked down by the blow.

He knows that in such troubled times, new opportunities can arise at any time. Sure enough, the Qing court soon appointed Zuo Zongtang, who was able to fight well, as the governor of Zhejiang, responsible for fighting against the Taiping army.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

Hu Xueyan is keenly aware that this is a great opportunity. He took the initiative to approach Zuo Zongtang and expressed his willingness to support the fight against the Taiping army with strong financial resources.

This move was immediately appreciated by Zuo Zongtang, who was appointed as the chief administrator and was responsible for the supply of military supplies. In the following days, Hu Xueyan gave full play to his talents.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

He used his business network to quickly raise military supplies and provide strong logistical support for Zuo Zongtang's military operations. His efficiency and ability made Zuo Zongtang look up to him.

After the siege of Hangzhou was lifted, Hu Xueyan was entrusted with an important task to preside over the aftermath and the money, food, and military salaries of Zhejiang Province. This position gave Hu Xueyan more room to maneuver, and his business empire expanded rapidly.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

The Ups and Downs of the Shanghai Sea: Zuo Zongtang and the Battle of Xinjiang

Hu Xueyan's life is like a legendary novel with ups and downs. After establishing a close relationship with Zuo Zongtang, his career entered a new peak.

Zuo Zongtang was an eloquent commander, who not only had outstanding military talents, but also great political foresight. He realized that in order to consolidate the rule of the Qing Dynasty, Xinjiang had to be recovered. This idea has the full support of Hu Xueyan.

For Hu Xueyan, supporting Zuo Zongtang's recovery of Xinjiang is not only a political investment, but also a business opportunity. He is well aware that once Xinjiang is recovered, it will become a vast commercial fertile land.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

Therefore, he spared no expense and actively raised military salaries to provide financial support for Zuo Zongtang's expedition. In the process of raising military salaries, Hu Xueyan gave full play to his business talents.

He uses his network to raise funds from a variety of sources. At the same time, he also carried out a series of business activities, including opening a money bank and operating a salt business, in order to increase his source of income.

The process has not been easy. Due to the huge military expenditure, Hu Xueyan has repeatedly faced difficulties in capital turnover. But with his extraordinary wisdom and courage, he was able to save the day every time.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

He flexibly used various financial means, such as issuing bonds, borrowing, etc., and successfully survived one difficulty after another. Finally, with the help of Hu Xueyan, Zuo Zongtang successfully recovered Xinjiang.

This military campaign not only consolidated the rule of the Qing Dynasty, but also won Hu Xueyan great reputation and benefits. In order to reward Hu Xueyan for his merits, the Qing court awarded him the title of political envoy from the second rank, and also rewarded him with wearing a yellow coat and a second poinsettia crown.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

These honors made Hu Xueyan one of the most prominent businessmen at that time, and the reputation of "red-top businessman" also came from this. However, Hu Xueyan was not carried away by these honors.

He knows very well that the ups and downs of the business sea, today's glory does not mean tomorrow's success. Therefore, he has always maintained caution and vigilance, constantly expanding his business territory and preparing for future development.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

The way of ham: the way of management and the purchase of people's hearts

One detail in Hu Xueyan's business empire is particularly striking, and that is his practice of purchasing ham at the end of each year to distribute to his buddies. This seemingly simple move actually contains Hu Xueyan's superb management wisdom.

Hu Xueyan worked as a young man in a ham trading house in his early years and knew the quality of ham well. He knows that while ham is delicious, not all parts are equally delicious.

The head of the ham has many bones and a rough taste; The tail is too fat and easy to get tired; The middle part is the essence, the meat is tender and has an excellent taste.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

At the end of each year, Hu Xueyan personally purchases a large amount of ham and then divides it into three. He always gives the best parts of the middle to the guys, and keeps the heads and tails for himself. This approach seems to be a loss, but it is actually a clever way of management.

When the guys saw Hu Xueyan give the best part to themselves, they were naturally grateful. They felt valued and cared for by their bosses, and their enthusiasm for work increased greatly. This positive working atmosphere has laid a solid foundation for Hu Xueyan's business empire.

But Hu Xueyan's wisdom is not only reflected in the distribution of ham. He knows very well that in order to get his subordinates to sincerely work for him, material rewards alone are not enough. He often had long conversations with the guys to understand their living conditions and psychological needs.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

For those who perform well, he will give appropriate promotion opportunities; For guys who are having a hard time, he will provide the necessary help. Hu Xueyan's management style has formed a unique culture in his business empire.

It's a place where everyone feels valued and has the opportunity to grow. This culture has become the core competitiveness of Hu Xueyan's business empire, allowing him to always maintain a leading position in the fierce business competition. At the same time, Hu Xueyan also attaches great importance to the cultivation of talents.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?

He often told the people around him: "The shopping mall is like a battlefield, without excellent soldiers, no matter how good the handsome person is, it is difficult to win." Therefore, he spares no effort to nurture young people and provide them with opportunities to learn and grow.

Many of the businessmen who grew up under him went on to become business leaders. Hu Xueyan's management style not only achieved great success at that time, but also has far-reaching enlightenment for today's enterprise management.

He told us that a successful entrepreneur must not only have a keen business acumen, but also have superb management wisdom and profound humanistic care.

Hu Xueyan, a wealthy businessman, purchased ham, pinched the head and tail, and gave the middle to the guy, why did he leave two ends?


Hu Xueyan's legendary life is not only a history of business success, but also a life textbook of wisdom and resilience.

From a poor teenager to a "red-top businessman", he has created a career in troubled times with his keen insight, superb social skills and unique management wisdom.

His strategy for building relationships with officials, his courage to seize opportunities in a crisis, and his good intentions in dealing with his subordinates are all worth pondering for future generations.

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