
Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: The wind has a sound to call for spring rain, please give the next couplet

Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: The wind has a sound to call for spring rain, please give the next couplet

Shanglian: The wind blows and calls for spring rain

"The wind blows with a sound", the four characters are light, just like the spring breeze blowing on the face, gentle and powerful, implying that the spring breeze not only brings warmth, but also awakens the sleeping earth with its gentle whispers.

The three words "calling for spring rain" are the direct result of the spring breeze action, and the spring rain follows, silently but nourishing all things, making the earth clothed in green and all things recovering. This sentence not only shows the vitality of spring, but also implies the germination of life and the birth of hope.

As the Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu said: "The light rain in the heavenly street is as moist as a crisp, and the grass color is close but there is nothing." "The fineness of the spring rain, moisturizing like ghee, makes all seemingly ordinary lives quietly change in this drizzle.

Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: The wind has a sound to call for spring rain, please give the next couplet

Downlink: Thunder without a shadow startles the summer cicada

Different from the delicacy of the upper link, the lower link "Thunder Strikes the Summer Cicada without a Shadow" shows the enthusiasm and excitement of summer with the shock of summer thunder.

The "thunder without a shadow" here uses visual elements, which is in stark contrast to the "sound of the wind" in Shanglian. The thunder roared, although there was "no shadow", but with its powerful momentum, it shook the heavens and the earth.

The three words "startled summer cicadas" shifted the focus to the summer cicadas, who were awakened by the thunder, and their chirping sounds were more rapid and powerful. The interweaving of cicadas and thunder forms a unique symphony of summer, showing the vitality of summer and the exuberance of the natural world.

Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: The wind has a sound to call for spring rain, please give the next couplet

By contrasting spring and summer, wind and thunder, rain and cicadas, this couplet constructs two contrasting and opposing natural landscapes, showing the dynamic beauty of the changing seasons. In terms of language, anthropomorphic techniques are used, the wind "calls" the spring rain, and the thunder "startles" the summer cicadas, giving vitality to natural phenomena and making the whole picture vivid and full of emotion.

At the same time, the spring breeze and summer thunder, spring rain and summer cicada are not only the changes in nature, but also a metaphor for different stages of life. It inspires us to cherish every season and every bloom of life in front of us.