
All diseases start from the cold, 4 kinds of food help disperse the cold, adenoid hypertrophy, rhinitis slightly better faster

author:Liu Xiaoying, Director of Pediatrics

In TCM theory, cold evil is considered to be one of the root causes of the occurrence of many diseases.

The five organs (heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys) play a vital role in TCM theory, not only controlling the various physiological functions of the human body, but also the key to maintaining the balance of yin and yang in the human body.

All diseases start from the cold, 4 kinds of food help disperse the cold, adenoid hypertrophy, rhinitis slightly better faster

When the human body is invaded by cold evil, and the yang energy of the five internal organs is damaged, it is easy to have various health problems, so there is a saying that "all diseases start from the cold". When the spleen and lungs in the five organs are attacked by cold evil, corresponding symptoms will appear, such as adenoid hypertrophy and rhinitis.

However, through the conditioning methods of traditional Chinese medicine, we can effectively help the body to recover health, so that diseases such as adenoid hypertrophy and rhinitis can naturally get better quickly.

In view of the cold of the five internal organs, through the effect of warm and tonic herbs, it can dispel the cold evil in the body and restore the yang energy of the internal organs. Here are some suggested warm ingredients:

Ginger has the effect of dissipating cold in the middle of the temperature and dissipating the cold on the surface, and can be used to add it when cooking soup, tea or cooking.

Jujube can replenish the middle and invigorate the qi, nourish the blood and calm the nerves, and has a good effect on regulating the cold of the five organs. It can be eaten directly or cooked in soup with goji berries, longan, etc.

All diseases start from the cold, 4 kinds of food help disperse the cold, adenoid hypertrophy, rhinitis slightly better faster

Mutton: Mutton is a good product for warming and replenishing, which can warm and replenish qi and blood, and nourish the kidneys and yang. It can be added to soups, shabu-shabu, or stir-fries.

Longan: Longan has the effect of nourishing the heart and brain, nourishing the body, and has a good effect on improving symptoms such as palpitation and insomnia. It can be used to cook soup or porridge with other ingredients.

Of course, the above-mentioned foods mainly play an auxiliary role, and if it affects the growth and development of children, it needs to be regulated by TCM syndrome differentiation.

The patient, Xiao Ming, 9 years old, has been suffering from adenoid hypertrophy and rhinitis for a long time. Enlarged adenoids cause symptoms such as nasal congestion, snoring, and difficulty breathing. Whereas, rhinitis causes nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, etc.

After TCM syndrome differentiation,

In TCM theory, the lungs are the main qi, the breath, the opening of the nose, and the throat. When the lungs are deficient, the lungs' function of promoting and suppressing is weakened, resulting in symptoms such as nasal congestion and runny nose. At the same time, lung qi deficiency can also easily lead to external evil (such as cold evil) invading the body, further aggravating the condition.

All diseases start from the cold, 4 kinds of food help disperse the cold, adenoid hypertrophy, rhinitis slightly better faster

In Xiao Ming's case, due to the deficiency of lungs and spleen qi, the body's resistance to cold evil weakened, resulting in the internal flourishing of cold evil. It will not only aggravate the original adenoid hypertrophy and rhinitis symptoms, but also cause other complications, such as cough, phlegm, wheezing, etc.

In order to treat Xiao Ming's illness, the prescription of warming the lungs and spleen and dissipating cold and clearing the body is adopted. The whole square group is composed of astragalus, atractylodes, parsnip, spicy flowers, cinnamon branches, dried ginger and so on.

Replenish qi and raise yang, benefit the health and strengthen the table.

Strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, dry dampness and water.

Dispel wind and relieve the surface, win dampness and relieve pain.

Disperse the wind and cold, and clear the nose.

Sweat and dissolve muscles, warm and pass through the meridians.

The temperature dissipates the cold, and the yang is clear.

After a month of conditioning, Xiao Ming's adenoid hypertrophy and rhinitis symptoms have improved significantly, his breathing is smoother, and his nasal discharge has also decreased.

In the process of TCM conditioning, syndrome differentiation and treatment are the key. According to the patient's specific symptoms, tongue image, pulse and other information, accurate syndrome differentiation is carried out, and then the appropriate Chinese medicine prescription is selected for treatment.

All diseases start from the cold, 4 kinds of food help disperse the cold, adenoid hypertrophy, rhinitis slightly better faster

Through the conditioning methods of traditional Chinese medicine, we can effectively dispel the cold of the five internal organs and help the body recover health.

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