
Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: The moon is full and the West Building is empty, please give the next couplet

Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: The moon is full and the West Building is empty, please give the next couplet

Shanglian: The moon is full and the West Building is empty

The red lotus fragrance remnants of jade in autumn, lightly dissolve Luo Shang, and go on the Lanzhou alone.

Who in the clouds sent the brocade book? When the word goose returns, the moon is full in the west building.

Flowers float and water flow freely, a kind of lovesickness, two sorrows.

There is no way to eliminate this situation, so I frowned, but I was in my heart.

——[Song] Li Qingzhao "A Cut of Plums"

Since ancient times, the moon has been an important vehicle for literati and artists to express their emotions, symbolizing fulfillment, loneliness, longing and other emotions. Here, the full moon hangs high above the West Tower, adding a bit of tranquility and mystery to the scene. "Full Moon" not only depicts the natural landscape, but also alludes to the coexistence of the protagonist's inner fullness and loneliness.

The three words "empty and thin" are concise and to the point, directly pointing out the state of the characters who are emaciated due to longing and sorrow. The word "empty" adds a bit of emptiness and helplessness, making the character image jump on the paper and resonate.

This emaciation is not caused by illness, but by longing and sorrow. This way of depicting is both delicate and vivid, so that the reader can deeply feel the pain and helplessness of the characters.

Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: The moon is full and the West Building is empty, please give the next couplet

Downlink: The wind is clear and the night in Beiyuan is slightly cool

The lower part turns to depict another picture, in the North Garden, the evening breeze is light, the air is fresh and cool, the night is getting thicker, the temperature drops slightly, giving people a sense of tranquility and a slight chill.

The word "Fengqing" is not only an objective description of the tranquility and comfort of the natural environment, but also a symbol of clarity and detachment of mind.

The "Slightly Cool Night" echoes the "empty and thin" in the upper couplet, further reinforcing this quiet and slightly sad atmosphere, which makes people think of those moments when it is difficult to sleep in the cool night and there are many thoughts.

At the same time, "The Night is Slightly Cool" also hints at the passage of time and the ruthlessness of the years, making the whole downlink more emotionally deep and complex.

Miao Lianjia is right, Shanglian: The moon is full and the West Building is empty, please give the next couplet

On the whole, this couplet constructs an ethereal and soulful night scene through the clever contrast and contrast between "moon" and "wind", "West Building" and "North Garden", "empty and thin" and "slightly cool night".

The moon and wind, as the two major elements of nature, are endowed with rich emotional colors and become an important medium to convey the inner world of the protagonist. The West Building and the North Garden increase the three-dimensional sense of the scene, so that readers can feel the loneliness and coldness more intuitively. On the other hand, "Empty and Thin" and "Cool Night" are direct expressions of the state of the characters and the atmosphere of the environment, and the two reflect each other and deepen the artistic conception of the work.