
The "Small State Council" issued a document, focusing on comprehensively deepening reform, with a clear direction, new thinking, and a large amount of information

author:Political Papers
The "Small State Council" issued a document, focusing on comprehensively deepening reform, with a clear direction, new thinking, and a large amount of information

This article is selected from the fourth issue of the "Jinghuahui" series of articles, and I will share this compilation to the group in early July.

Learning the deconstruction and analysis of excellent manuscripts by "pen sticks" is the "fast lane" for novice writers to improve their writing skills, and it is also the learning form that they have been looking forward to.

Therefore, I have set up a team of "tasters" for good articles, and the "pen sticks" in various fields will screen, screen, and recommend excellent manuscripts such as theoretical articles, signed articles, speech reports, experience models, and research reports published in the past two months, and comment and appreciate the excellent manuscripts in the form of text, which I summarize on a monthly basis.

Here are some articles from the compilation of this series to discuss and learn with you.

Today, I would like to recommend to you the commentary and analysis of the Party Group of the National Development and Reform Commission on "Further Comprehensively Deepening the Reform of the Economic System and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization with High-quality Development".

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The "Small State Council" issued a document, focusing on comprehensively deepening reform, with a clear direction, new thinking, and a large amount of information

1. Reasons for recommendation

This article was published in the 10th issue of Qiushi magazine in 2024, and the author is the party group of the National Development and Reform Commission.

This article is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the "pen" team of national ministries and commissions, which not only has the characteristics of high standing, strict logic, and complete system given by the mission and responsibility, but also has a distinctive work style of the business department such as highly concise rhetoric, highly compressed information, and rich case data. From the perspective of article writing, there are three characteristics of the full text that are worth learning and grasping:

First, the hierarchy is clear and the context is smooth. What makes a good article structure? It is necessary to achieve "one pass and three strictness".

"One pass" is to take the theme as the stem, connect the various architectural levels of the article, no matter how ever-changing, its own core will not move.

The "three strict" means that the hierarchy is strict, the logic is rigorous, and the connection is strict. The so-called "strict hierarchy" refers to the differences and mutual exclusions between different content structures, and it is necessary to ensure that each is in its place and different, so that the content of the article will not be general, repetitive and monotonous; The so-called "logical rigor" refers to the fact that each part should be a rigorous sub-argument around the theme, or a parallel structure, or a vertical structure, reflecting and highlighting the theme from different aspects; The so-called "tight connection" means that although the parts are independent of each other, there is a tight vein that can be connected, such as "what-why-how", "historical evolution-current problems-future practices", etc.

This article can be said to be a good article with a standard structure, the full text framework is divided into four parts: important discussion and guidance, historical development achievements, accumulation and summary of experience, and follow-up practice requirements, so that the theme of economic system reform is achieved, each part plays a role with each other, and different parts are connected according to certain ideas, which not only meets the requirements of political papers, but also allows readers to understand at a glance.

Second, the content is detailed and orderly. The richness of the content is an important factor affecting the quality of the article. How to select and organize content is closely related to the professional level and practical ability of the author of the article. A good article must be rich in content and have a large number of vivid examples, and it must be a practical guide that is instructive for specific work in related fields.

The content of this article has always focused on promoting Chinese-style modernization through the reform of the economic system, and a large number of work data, professional terms, realities, practical problems, and methods and measures are interspersed in the full text, especially in the second part of the historical achievements.

This also inspires us to use more fresh first-hand materials when writing articles, and truly understand, comprehend, and grasp them well, so that we can achieve proper integration in the right place, in the right way, and so on, so as to better add luster to the article.

Third, the style of writing is capable and the expression is concise. Information condensation, compression, extension and expansion are the skills that need to be mastered in writing articles, especially official documents. In the writing of different manuscripts, sometimes it is necessary to concise and concise the content with a high degree of condensation, and sometimes it is necessary to expand the length of the content in detail, which has high requirements for the author's writing.

This article is a signed article by the party group, which reflects all the work of the first-level organization, and the incision of economic system reform, although it is a theme, but the content is also all-inclusive.

Studying this article, in fact, we can carefully figure out the sentences and vocabulary of the article, and taste how to summarize a thing with a highly concise expression, which has a certain significance and value for us to temper our writing and improve our thinking ability.

The "Small State Council" issued a document, focusing on comprehensively deepening reform, with a clear direction, new thinking, and a large amount of information

2. Commentary on the text

The first paragraph: The first paragraph of the full text plays the role of echoing the theme, raising the flag and setting the tone, starting with comprehensively deepening the reform, highlighting the guiding effect of new ideas, new views and new assertions, which not only highlights the depth of the article and the overall pattern and vision, but also is the embodiment of a clear political banner, which is inseparable from the status of the signing unit in the center of national reform and development, and is based on the position of the unit.

This also inspires us to always consider the reality of the region and the unit, and appropriately integrate it into the organizational structure and wording of the article, so as to achieve the unity of things and reason, and what should be and what is true.

Level 1 heading: In-depth study and comprehension of the spirit of the important exposition on comprehensively deepening reform

Comprehensively deepening reform has a direction, a stance, and a principle.

Comprehensively deepening reform is the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Comprehensively deepening reform is an inevitable requirement for the development of new quality productive forces.

In comprehensively deepening reform, we must adhere to the correct methodology.

The second paragraph: This paper introduces the important exposition on comprehensively deepening reform, on the one hand, it points out the great significance of clarifying the overall goal, correct direction, principles and methods, key tasks and other practical aspects of comprehensively deepening reform, and also points out its great significance for guiding the practical epistemological level, echoing the first paragraph of the whole text, as the first paragraph of this part, it also paves the way for the specific analysis and discussion of how to guide the comprehensive deepening of reform in the following section.

The third paragraph: The first sentence of the paragraph points out that there is a direction, a position, and a principle for comprehensively deepening reform, and starts with an important exposition, highlighting the fundamental position and fundamental principle of upholding and improving the party's leadership and upholding and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and putting forward the requirements of how to do it on the new journey.

The logic in the paragraph is the standard "what-why-how" writing logic, which shows the close connection between the segments and the rigor of the logic behind it, which is worth pondering and learning.

Paragraph 4: This paragraph clarifies that comprehensively deepening reform is the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization, puts the comprehensive deepening of reform within the grand theoretical framework of Chinese-style modernization, and uses important expositions as strong arguments to relate to various levels such as national development, economic transformation, and innovation-driven, further highlighting the unparalleled major mission of comprehensively deepening reform and the myriad sense of practical urgency, and clarifying the essence and core of comprehensively deepening reform to promote Chinese-style modernization in important discourses.

The fifth paragraph: The concept of new quality productivity is a hot word in the current field of high-quality development. This paper also incorporates this new theory of the development of productive forces into the framework system of comprehensively deepening reform, and makes it clear that comprehensively deepening reform is an inevitable requirement for the development of new quality productive forces. At the same time, it further pointed out that a new type of production relationship that is compatible with the new quality of productive forces will be formed through reform, and the two will be linked together to jointly serve the great journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

This subtle logical correlation tests the grasp of theory and practice, and also inspires us to pay more attention to what we say and convince people with reason when writing manuscripts.

Sixth paragraph: The above three paragraphs clarify the necessity and importance of comprehensively deepening reform from different aspects, this paragraph further highlights the methodology that needs to be adhered to, and also starts with an important exposition, expounding that in the deep water area and the stage of tackling key problems, we should pay more attention to ways and methods, and highlight the systematic, holistic and collaborative nature of reform, which is the key point and important point that needs to be paid attention to and considered in the new era and new journey to further promote the comprehensive deepening of reform, and it is a problem that we need to always think about in our reform practice.

First-level heading: Historic achievements have been made in comprehensively deepening the reform of the economic system

Positive results have been achieved in the construction of a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system.

The macroeconomic governance system has been continuously improved.

The modern industrial system has developed and expanded.

The establishment of a new open economic system has been accelerated.

The people's sense of gain, happiness, and security has been continuously enhanced.

The ability to guarantee economic security continues to improve.

Paragraph 7: This article focuses on comprehensively deepening reform, especially the reform of the economic system, after the first part of the guiding ideology, theoretical guidance, great significance, method and principles of comprehensively deepening the reform, this part further narrows the level of discourse, focuses on the level of economic system reform, and focuses on the historical achievements of the economic system reform, so as to use the overall achievements as an argument to highlight the historical and practical significance of comprehensively deepening the reform, and at the same time, it is also to further deepen the economic system reform in an all-round way to trace the historical origin and sort out the contextIt plays the role of connecting the previous and the next, and linking theory and practice.

The eighth paragraph: economic system reform, the core goal of building a modern market system, this is the overall goal, this paragraph grasps the general explanation, introduces the achievements of the construction and development of the market system in the past ten years, and is related to many terms and materials, such as the national unified market, state-owned enterprise reform, private enterprises, business environment, etc., the essence of the material, the connection is smooth.

Paragraph 9: Focusing on the macroeconomic governance system, it introduces the results achieved in the coordination and cooperation of policies in the economic field under the guidance of macro governance such as development plans and annual plans in the past ten years, and cites economic data to highlight remarkable results.

Paragraph 10: Focus on the development of the modern industrial system, introduce the effectiveness of relevant practices in the past ten years, and cite relevant data, which is more authoritative and significant.

Paragraph 11: Focus on the construction of an open economic system, introduce the results of opening up and cooperation, and also use data as arguments to ensure that the content is rich and detailed, and the results are outstanding.

Paragraph 12: High-quality development is people-centered development, and the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security is the fundamental starting point and foothold of doing all work well. Over the past 10 years, the reform of the economic system has made a series of achievements and breakthroughs in the urgent and difficult issues that the people are concerned about, covering various fields such as science, education, culture and health.

Paragraph 13: Development and security are two sides of the same coin, this paragraph connects the reform of the economic system with the overall national security concept, the new security pattern and other security system construction, highlights the characteristics of the reform of the economic system, and specifically points out that the ability to be independent and controllable in the industrial chain and supply chain has been continuously enhanced, so as to achieve a combination of points and areas, thick and detailed.

Level 1 heading: Comprehensively deepening the reform of the economic system has accumulated valuable historical experience

Adhere to the party's overall leadership.

Adhere to the people-centered.

Adhering to high-quality development is the last word in the new era.

Adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Persist in promoting reform through opening up.

Adhere to the system concept.

Paragraph 14: After introducing the guiding ideology and historical achievements, this part focuses on the experience summary level, and summarizes the experience and practices in the following six aspects based on the position and perspective of the NDRC, which need to be adhered to and worked for a long time.

Paragraph 15: It clarifies the role of upholding the party's overall leadership in raising the banner and orienting it.

Paragraph 16: Adhering to the people-centered principle is the fundamental foothold of reform and development, and also echoes the achievements made in the reform of the economic system over the past 10 years.

Paragraph 17: Adhering to the last word of high-quality development in the new era is the goal direction that should always be focused on comprehensively deepening reform, and it is the criterion for judging the effectiveness of development.

Paragraph 18: Adhering to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is fundamental, and this experience is the key to further deepening reform in an all-round way and not allowing change.

Paragraph 19: Promoting reform through opening-up echoes the historical achievements mentioned above and guides the future to further deepen reform in an all-round way.

Paragraph 20: The system concept is both an epistemological level and a methodological level, and this paragraph echoes the persistence of the reform methodology in the above theoretical basis, summarizes that the achievements of deepening the reform are inseparable from the support of the system concept, and also clarifies the methodological guidance that should be adhered to for further deepening the reform in the future.

First-level heading: Make every effort to promote the implementation of major tasks in the reform of the economic system

The first is to improve the implementation of the "two unswerving" institutional mechanisms.

The second is to build a high-standard market system.

The third is to get through the blockages and difficulties in the development of new quality productive forces.

Fourth, we should build a new system of a higher-level open economy.

Fifth, intensify reforms in the field of people's livelihood.

Sixth, improve the system and mechanism of comprehensive green transformation.

Seventh, it is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of economic security capacity.

Article 21: The meeting held in July, to comprehensively deepen the reform of the economic system, it is necessary to base on the needs of Chinese-style modernization, focus on promoting high-quality development and other issues, and plan and deploy a new round of reform.

Paragraph 22: The two unwavering are important contents of the mainland's basic economic system, and to further promote the reform of the economic system, we must always anchor this key point and promote the development and growth of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises.

Paragraph 23: The construction of the market system needs to be done for a long time, and the reform and development of the economic system has achieved results in the past 10 years, and it is still necessary to further deepen this in the future.

Paragraph 24: The new quality of productivity is a new theory of productivity, is the future needs to always anchor the direction, to further deepen the reform of the economic system, but also to adhere to the development of new quality productivity blockages and difficulties, with scientific and technological innovation to empower industrial innovation.

Paragraph 25: Building an open economy is also an area in which the reform of the economic system needs to be carried out consistently, and it is necessary to further deepen this on the original basis.

Paragraph 26: From the aspects of income distribution reform, public service system, social security system, social assistance system, regional and urban-rural integration development system and mechanism, etc., the issues of concern to the people are covered, and the results and experiences mentioned above are also echoed, and the whole is in the same vein.

Paragraph 27: Focusing on the construction of ecological civilization, highlighting the improvement of the system and mechanism of green transformation and development in the reform of the economic system, this is introduced in detail.

Paragraph 28: Echoing the achievements made in the past 10 years, it is clear how to further deepen the guarantee of economic security capabilities, such as the new requirements for the supervision of the real estate industry, government debt management, financial supervision, etc., have also been incorporated into the requirements in a timely manner.

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