
The "Yijian Purchase" TCM smart watch spontaneously combusted, and the elderly were burned in their sleep......

author:Global Network Technology Channel

Source: China Consumer Daily


Consumer Ms. Ho to

China Consumer News

3.15 Consumer Voice all-media interactive platform reflected

One worn by the elderly at home

A smartwatch with health monitoring

A spontaneous combustion explosion occurred at night

Caused the elderly to suffer second-degree burns

What the hell is going on

Let's take a look at the reporter's investigation

The smartwatch spontaneously combusted in his sleep

The old man was diagnosed with second-degree burns

According to Ms. He, on April 30, 2022, the elderly at home spent 2,588 yuan on a WeChat mini-program platform called "Medical Health Purchase Butler" to buy a "Points-Wrist Home ONE+T1 New Generation Traditional Chinese Medicine Smart Watch" through a WeChat mini-program platform called "Medical Health Purchase Butler". The watch claims to be able to monitor and manage health, and also has functions such as intelligent risk warning and precise positioning, and can issue medical reports and physical fitness reports. On May 7, 2022, the elderly began to bind and use the watch after receiving it, and in order to ensure the monitoring effect, the elderly also wore it when they slept.

Ms. He told reporters: "On the evening of May 5 this year, the elderly at home were asleep when they were suddenly awakened by severe pain in their wrists. We rushed the old man to the town health center, and the diagnosis was upper limb burns. On May 7, the old man's injuries worsened, and he then went to Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital for treatment, where he was diagnosed with second-degree burns. ”

The "Yijian Purchase" TCM smart watch spontaneously combusted, and the elderly were burned in their sleep......

The watch spontaneously combusted. Profile picture

The day after the incident, I contacted the merchant through the official customer service hotline and communicated on WeChat. The merchant's customer service attitude was cold, and he also said that he would come to pick up the spontaneous combustion watch for testing and confirmation, but I did not agree.

The "Yijian Purchase" TCM smart watch spontaneously combusted, and the elderly were burned in their sleep......

Hospital diagnosis. Profile picture

As the injuries of the elderly in my family worsened, on May 8, I communicated with the merchant again through WeChat, but the matter has not been resolved.

The reporter learned that under the urging of Ms. He many times, the compensation plan finally given by the merchant was: to compensate for a new watch and pay 5,000 yuan for medical expenses. Ms. He did not approve of the solution and complained to the local market supervision department.

Spontaneous combustion is not an isolated case

Health monitoring type smart watch for the elderly

There are legal gaps

The reporter inquired and found that the main account of the WeChat applet of "Medical Health Purchase Butler" and the WeChat public account of "Cloud Medical Chain Health Service Platform" is Hunan Cloud Medical Chain Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and after entering the applet, I saw that the points mall sells a product called "Points-Wrist Home ONE+T1 New Generation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Smart Watch", and the product promotion page says 24-hour all-weather health monitoring management.

The reporter saw on the outer packaging box of the product provided by Ms. He that the product has a 3C certification mark, and the manual reads "The 'environmental protection service life of this product is 10 years', and the service life of replaceable parts such as batteries may be different from the environmental protection use period of the product."

The "Yijian Purchase" TCM smart watch spontaneously combusted, and the elderly were burned in their sleep......

The 3C logo on the back of the product packaging. Profile picture

The "Yijian Purchase" TCM smart watch spontaneously combusted, and the elderly were burned in their sleep......


Why does this product spontaneously combust?

What does the merchant do about this?

The reporter dialed the official customer service number. The customer service staff said that there are many reasons for the spontaneous combustion of the product, and it needs to be tested to know. There is a dedicated person responsible for handling Ms. Ho's complaints.


Spontaneous combustion of children's watches also occurs from time to time

In 2023, a 10-year-old boy walking on the road suddenly burst into flames with a spark on his wrist;

In 2021, a 4-year-old girl's phone watch suddenly spontaneously combusted, causing severe burns to the back of the girl's hand.

It is understood that the spontaneous combustion of children's watches is mostly caused by short circuit or charging overload of the battery in the watch, including factors such as failure to do a good job of waterproofing, watch squeezing deformation and even unqualified batteries.

At present, the mainland has formulated a series of national standards for smart watches, including "Terms, Definitions and Classification of Smart Watches" (GB/T 38728-2020), "Children's Watches" (GB/T 41411-2022), etc., on March 11 this year, the "Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information and Rights and Interests of Children's Smart Watches" (T/ CCIA003-2023) was also officially implemented, however, there is still a legal gap for smart watches for the health monitoring type of the elderly.

Jiang Qiangqiang, a lawyer at Jiangsu Pintao Law Firm, said that according to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, if a defective product causes damage to others, the infringed party can claim compensation from the manufacturer of the product or the seller of the product. Therefore, if an accident occurs during the normal use of the product, the consumer can claim compensation. In addition, according to the relevant provisions of the Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Consumers, if a business operator provides goods or services that cause personal injury to consumers or other victims, it shall compensate for reasonable expenses incurred for treatment and rehabilitation, such as medical expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, etc., as well as the loss of income due to lost work. Mr. Jiang suggested that the supervision of the field of health watches can be strengthened by formulating national standards and industry standards, standardizing the development of the industry, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of elderly consumers.


Consumers should choose well-known brands as much as possible when purchasing, pay attention to whether there is 3C mandatory safety certification, etc., and check the battery life and functions;

When in use, avoid overcharging, wetting, bumping, etc.;

If the smart watch is found to have too high temperature, smoke and other phenomena, it should be removed immediately to avoid safety accidents.

Reporter / Xue Qingyuan

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