
Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

author:The edge is shallow and the entertainment is deep

On July 1, some netizens met Yi Nengjing's mother and son at the airport, traveling with six large suitcases. She wears sunglasses and casual clothes, without any shelves at all, giving people a very friendly feeling.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

The two took a total of six large suitcases, and even the blogger couldn't help but sigh, "Yi Nengjing is so powerful, she is so thin and weak, she can carry it herself", which fully interprets the meaning of being a mother.

Yi Nengjing didn't bring any assistants with her when she was queuing for check-in, she pushed two suitcases forward by herself, and then returned to push the other suitcases, but Rao still didn't let the child help.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

Harry was wearing a short-sleeved cardigan and headphones, and he was also dressed very casually, although his mother didn't let him do it, but Harry kept his eyes off the suitcase and helped his mother look at things.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

Looking carefully at Yi Nengjing's hands, it does not conform to everyone's impression of celebrities at all, in the inherent impression of the public, celebrities are all ten fingers do not touch the spring water, and the slender jade fingers are well maintained, but her fingers are thick, and she does everything herself at a glance.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

At the bottom of this blog post, some netizens commented "This hand is the hand that works", and it has also been praised by more than 500 netizens, and some people say "At this moment, I suddenly feel that she has no star halo, she is a mother", "Being a mother is strong, no matter how much you pay for your child, you don't feel bitter, every mother is like this".

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

I wonder where they're going this time? Harry had just graduated from college, he had studied abroad, and after graduation he decided to return to Shanghai, and he was praised by many people at the time, thinking that he was a good boy with affection and righteousness, and that he should be going on a trip this time.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

I didn't see Mi Li on this trip, so I don't know if I went with the nanny first, or waited for my mother and brother in Shanghai?

When it comes to rice grains, I have to say that Yi Nengjing's second marriage, she and Yu Chengqing are separated is the best choice for each other, it is not that there is no love between the two, but in marriage, suitability is more important than love. Yu Chengqing's mother doesn't look down on Yi Nengjing, this relationship is not equal from the beginning, and it is in vain to be reluctant to be together.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help
Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

It turns out that after separation, the two have found a suitable partner for themselves, Yu Chengqing and the anchor's wife are obviously more compatible, and although Qin Hao "dislikes" Yi Nengjing's hypocrisy in front of the camera, the two of them are very compatible with their attitudes and views.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

The most commendable thing about Qin Hao is that he can treat Harry as his own child, at that time, the rice grain was still young, Harry sprained his foot, Qin Hao took over the important task of taking care of the child, let Yi Nengjing go to see Harry, who is so much bigger than the rice grain, how many men can do it?

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, panting and not letting their son help

Even Qin Hao's mother was full of praise when she mentioned Harry, and she didn't dislike Yi Nengjing's last marriage at all, but gave her 100% trust and respect.

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