
66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

author:Qingying History
66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

The article was first published by Toutiao

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and have been summarized at the end of the article

Chi Zhiqiang, who was once high-spirited, did not expect that when he first stepped into the film and television industry and was about to show his talents, an arrest warrant suspended his acting career.

When he was feeling inexplicable, the photos shown to him by the police shocked him and made him regret that he had not done it at the beginning.

After being released from prison, Chi Zhiqiang gradually faded out of the film and television industry, and was no longer as popular as in the past, but his song "Tears in the Iron Window" unexpectedly became popular, which is really unpredictable.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

Today, Chi Zhiqiang is 66 years old, and his son has already started a family, and when he learned about his son's career, netizens commented: "Realize the dream of my father".

What happened to Chi Zhiqiang? And why did he go to prison?

Chi Zhiqiang is his own

For many young people, Chi Zhiqiang's name is so unfamiliar, and people don't know much about him.

In 1958, Chi Zhiqiang was born in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, a young man born in the north who has formed an indissoluble fate with performing arts since he was a child. He has been generous and enthusiastic since he was a child, and he entered the training class of Changchun Film Studio under the introduction of relatives and friends, and trained him in performance-related knowledge as a student.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

Perhaps Chi Zhiqiang was born with the talent of an actor, and in less than a year, he was able to participate in the filming of the movie, and it was at this time that his first film "Sunny Day" appeared on the screen.

After this exercise, Chi Jianqiang has a deeper understanding of acting. Opportunities also favored this young man very much, and in 1974 he got an opportunity to play the technician Wei Guohua in the movie "Entrepreneurship". You must know that the movie "Entrepreneurship" reflects the Daqing Oil Battle, which was one of the important events in the development of the country at that time, and the film was also screened at the closing ceremony of the Fourth National People's Congress.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

And being able to get a role in this movie also proves Chi Zhiqiang's own strength from the side. In the process of continuous sharpening, Chi Zhiqiang's acting skills have been further improved, and his reputation has become bigger and bigger.

In 1980, the film "Little Characters" performed by Chi Zhiqiang won the Outstanding Film Award of the Ministry of Culture, in which he played a bus conductor, with his excellent acting skills, the conductor's frizz was vividly displayed, and the young actors at that time won the "Outstanding Young Actor Creation Award of the Ministry of Culture", and was also received by the central leaders at that time.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

You know, which group of young actors did Chi Zhiqiang stand on the same echelon at that time? is Tang Guoqiang, Liu Xiaoqing, Chen Chong, Pan Hong and other famous actors.

However, the good times did not last long, maybe fame and fortune overwhelmed Chi Zhiqiang's mind, or maybe he encountered too many temptations, Chi Zhiqiang encountered the Waterloo in his life.

Before and after the storm

This happened in 1982, when Chi Zhiqiang was preparing for the filming of his new film "Moon to Mid-Autumn Festival", which was filmed in what is now Nanjing.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

Chi Zhiqiang, who has always been cheerful and enthusiastic, has met a lot of friends in the crew, and thanks to his fame, many people are willing to talk to him. It was at this time that Chi Zhiqiang met a well-connected eldest sister, and through the introduction of this eldest sister, Chi Zhiqiang participated in a dance.

In this dance, Chi Zhiqiang met a young woman, who had also seen his movies before and was very fond of Chi Zhiqiang himself, so he behaved very actively, not only took the initiative to call him brother, but also invited him to her house the next day.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

Chi Zhiqiang didn't resist the temptation, not only went to the appointment the next day, but also maintained this ambiguous relationship with this woman for a long time.

Some people may say that both of them are adults, and they both know how to take responsibility for their own actions, which is at most the love life of two people, what's the big deal?

Well, herein lies the problem. Chi Zhiqiang had a girlfriend at that time, and when he was ambiguous with this woman, he did not break up with his girlfriend, and such behavior was actually cheating.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

Such a thing, in modern society, will still cause dissatisfaction among people. I believe that as long as there is a conscience and a moral bottom line, people will not approve of this kind of behavior, but at that time, Chi Zhiqiang was in the limelight, and he felt that there was nothing, so he indulged his behavior.

Unexpectedly, it was this indulgence that made him regret it. Paper can't hold the fire, and his frequent meetings with this woman have long been seen by the surrounding neighbors, and this kind of unjustified meeting was reported by the neighbors.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

After receiving the report, the police verified the evidence of both parties, and also felt that this belonged to his personal emotional life, and Chi Zhiqiang's behavior was indeed wrong, but he only needed to focus on criticism and education, and did not need to trace his criminal responsibility.

Chi Zhiqiang was let go like this, which Cheng thought, in less than a year, his incident was turned out again, and it was also posted in the newspaper, pointing the finger at Chi Zhiqiang relying on his star status and indulging in behavior.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar, and Chi Zhiqiang felt bad.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

As it turned out, he was right in this feeling, because soon after, the police arrested Chi Zhiqiang on charges of "hooliganism" and sentenced him to four years in prison.

For a long time after being imprisoned, Chi Zhiqiang was depressed and once thought of committing suicide, but under the care of the well-meaning people inside and outside the prison and the division commander, Chi Zhiqiang decided to cheer up and reform well, and he was bound to change his past mistakes. It was this realization that won him the opportunity to be released early.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

It can be said that Chi Zhiqiang fell directly from the smooth sailing road in the first half of his life, but the reason for this fall is closely related to his own behavior.

As the old saying goes, the embankment of a thousand miles collapses in the anthill. If a person does not understand the principle of prudent self-cultivation, it will inevitably affect his future.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

Chi Zhiqiang after being released from prison

After being released from prison, Chi Zhiqiang returned to Changchun Film Studio and participated in the performance of some of these films. In addition to his acting career, Chi Zhiqiang also entered the field of music.

He wrote his prison experience into two songs, namely "Tears of Remorse" and "Embrace Tomorrow", which combined with his own topicality in people's hearts.

Since then, although Chi Zhiqiang has been active in the entertainment industry, he has never been able to achieve the same results as in the past. For him, the time that belonged to him has passed.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father

But fortunately, Chi Zhiqiang's son is very competitive. His son did not choose to follow his father's career into the acting industry, but studied honestly and was admitted to the University of Political Science and Law to become a lawyer.

Now, the past has become a distant memory, and Chi Zhiqiang will have a better life.

66-year-old "King of Prison Songs" Chi Zhiqiang: 38 years after being released from prison, his son's career was exposed, netizens: Realize his dream for his father
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