
Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

author:Xiao Yuan History
Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

In 1987, a song full of vicissitudes and emotion "Tears in the Iron Window" swept the country, singing the unspeakable pain in the hearts of countless people. However, few people know what kind of ups and downs the singer of this song, Chi Zhiqiang, has experienced.

From the high-profile film and television star, to the prisoner in prison, to the reborn "King of Prison Songs", Chi Zhiqiang's life is like a legendary movie.

Today, at the age of 65, he has long since faded from the public eye, but his story is still embarrassing.

Let's walk into Chi Zhiqiang's legendary life, and explore how this former star found the true meaning of life under the tricks of fate, and finally gained inner peace and happiness in the ordinary.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

Chi Zhiqiang's life was like a bright meteor, radiant. At the age of 14, a discerning teacher discovered his acting talent and encouraged him to take an exam.

With his outstanding talent, the young Chi Zhiqiang successfully entered the acting class of Changchun Film Studio, thus starting his acting career.

After five years of hard work, Chi Zhiqiang stood out and became a hot star. In the hit drama "Little Characters", the image of the low-level little people he created is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, showing a unique comedy charm.

With the increasing fame, his resources have become more and more abundant, and he was even fortunate to share the stage with the famous actor Liu Xiaoqing and was received by national leaders.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

However, a twist of fate is just around the corner. In 1983, 25-year-old Chi Zhiqiang was at the peak of his career, but he fell into a disaster due to an ordinary dinner. That night, he wanted to do his best to arrange a taxi for his friends.

A driver introduced him to Ms. Yang, who not only helped him solve the problem of using the car, but also invited him to the dance.

In that particular era, veneer dancing was seen as an act of "messing with the relationship between men and women". Chi Zhiqiang's relationship with Ms. Yang, coupled with Ms. Bai, whom he met later, triggered a report from neighbors.

Although the police believed that it was just a matter of life style, in the social environment at the time, this was enough to ruin a star's career.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

In the courtroom, Chi Zhiqiang listened in disbelief as the judge read out the verdict: he was sentenced to four years in prison for "hooliganism". From the spotlight to the dark and damp prison cell, Chi Zhiqiang's world was turned upside down overnight.

His eyes were full of confusion and despair, and he couldn't understand why he was in such a situation.

This experience brought deep pain and reflection to Chi Zhiqiang. He began to realize that in that particular era, a person's fate could be completely changed by a single casual act.

This was not only his personal tragedy, but also a reflection of some of the problems of society at that time. From a bright star to a prisoner, Chi Zhiqiang's life trajectory has taken a dramatic turn, and this is only the beginning of his legendary story.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

When Chi Zhiqiang was first imprisoned, he seemed to have fallen to the bottom of his life. The once familiar stage lights and cheers are now replaced by cold bars and shrill bells.

In a small, dark cell, he huddled in a corner of only two square meters, huddled with two strange fellow inmates. The mess of grass underfoot, the rough meals that are hard to swallow, and the harsh reprimands of the prison guards all left the former star at a loss.

Pain and despair drowned Chi Zhiqiang like a tide. He couldn't accept this sudden upheaval, and his heart was full of questions about fate and fear for the future. In just ten days, he lost thirty pounds, and his eyes were full of pain and despair.

Whenever the prison guards reprimanded, remembered the sun outside the window, or swallowed a meal that was hard to swallow, he felt that life was worse than death.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

However, just when Chi Zhiqiang was at the lowest point in his life, an elderly cellmate reached out to him. The experienced inmate told him that as long as he behaved well, he could get a reduced sentence.

This sentence was like a ray of sunshine in the darkness, giving Chi Zhiqiang the courage to regain his strength. He suddenly realized that if he gave up his life easily, he would really lose everything.

Since then, Chi Zhiqiang has begun to adjust his mentality and actively participate in various activities in prison. He is particularly keen on theatrical performances, using his talent to bring joy to his fellow inmates and relieve everyone's stress.

Slowly, he regained his former cheerful personality, and the light of hope was rekindled in his eyes.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

Chi Zhiqiang's efforts paid off. He excelled in prison and was given three meritorious service opportunities. These positive performances eventually led to a one-and-a-half-year commutation of his sentence and early freedom.

In 1986, when he stepped out of the high wall and re-bathed in the sun, tears of excitement could not help but burst into his eyes.

This period of imprisonment not only made Chi Zhiqiang re-understand the preciousness of life, but also gave him a deeper understanding of human nature. He learned to keep hope in the face of adversity and not to give up in the face of difficulties.

This experience became an important spiritual wealth for him to start anew in the future, and also laid the groundwork for his later creation of the touching song "Tears in the Iron Window".

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

After regaining his freedom, Chi Zhiqiang chose to return to the familiar Changchun Film Studio. However, the former star can now only engage in some grassroots work. He was no longer a high-profile actor, but became an ordinary carpenter, electrician, and even helped carry coal.

Despite this, Chi Zhiqiang was not discouraged. With his love for acting, he insisted on looking for opportunities in this familiar environment, looking forward to starting anew.

A twist of fate came in 1987. This year, Chi Zhiqiang's life ushered in two key figures: loyal fan Chi Daiying and musician Zhou Yaping.

Zhou Yaping was keenly aware of the artistic value contained in Chi Zhiqiang's unique life experience, and decided to build him into a singer with unique characteristics.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

Under Zhou Yaping's careful planning, Chi Zhiqiang launched the song "Tears in the Iron Window". This song incorporates his personal experience and deep insights in prison, and the words are beautiful and moving.

The sincere emotions and unique charm in the lyrics touched countless listeners, and caused a strong response across the country as soon as it was released.

The success of "Tears in the Iron Window" made Chi Zhiqiang stand in the spotlight again. He has changed from a former prisoner to a "king of prison songs" that has attracted much attention.

The unexpected success of this accident made Chi Zhiqiang feel a lot of emotion, as if his life had been reborn. He deeply realized the wonder of fate, and cherished the hard-won opportunity in front of him even more.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

The re-launch of his career also made Chi Zhiqiang think more. He began to re-examine his life and clarify what his heart was truly pursuing. In this process, Chi Daiying, who has been silently supporting him, has become an indispensable presence in his life.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Chi Zhiqiang cherishes the happiness in front of him more and more. He proposed to Chi Daiying, and the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, opening a new chapter in their lives.

This experience made Chi Zhiqiang deeply realize that the value of life lies not only in the success of his career, but also in how to rediscover himself in adversity and create extraordinary in the ordinary.

From a former film and television star to the "King of Prison Songs", Chi Zhiqiang's life has experienced a gorgeous turn, which has also brought new thinking and direction to him in the second half of his life.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Chi Zhiqiang chose a new way of life. He and his wife, Chi Daiying, bid farewell to the once familiar Nanjing and settled in the picturesque Hangzhou.

This relocation is not only a change in geographical location, but also a symbol of a change in Chi Zhiqiang's life values.

Chi Zhiqiang, who once pursued fame and fortune and the spotlight, now cherishes the bits and pieces of happiness in ordinary life even more. He put more energy into family life and tried to be a good husband and father.

This transformation stems from his deep reflection on his past experiences, and he realizes that the warmth of family and the power of affection are far more precious than fame and fortune.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

When his son was born, Chi Zhiqiang's expectations for the child were different. He did not ask his son to become a star or an entertainer, but hoped that he could deeply understand the importance of the law and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

Under Chi Zhiqiang's careful teaching, his son really lived up to expectations and was admitted to Southwest University of Political Science and Law with excellent results, moving towards the goal of becoming a lawyer.

However, fate is always full of drama. Just when his son was about to become a lawyer, he decided to follow in his father's footsteps and devote himself to acting. This unexpected decision made Chi Zhiqiang both surprised and relieved.

He saw in his son his love for art, as if he saw himself when he was younger. At this moment, Chi Zhiqiang deeply realized that the meaning of life is not to fulfill the expectations of others step by step, but to follow his inner voice and bravely chase his dreams.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

In this ordinary and warm family, Chi Zhiqiang found inner peace and happiness. His story tells us that true happiness lies not in fame and status, but in being able to find oneself in ordinary life, enjoy the warmth of family affection, and support family members to pursue their dreams.

Chi Zhiqiang, who has entered old age, has not stopped pursuing art and thinking about life. He successfully directed a micro-film called "Born to the Sun", which is not only a gift for himself, but also a deep tribute to his father.

This work condenses his thoughts and perceptions of life, and shows his new understanding of life after experiencing the vicissitudes of life.

In the process of creation, Chi Zhiqiang looked back on his ups and downs in life. From the former film and television stars to the prisoners in prison, to the "King of Prison Songs" and today's ordinary life, every stage has brought him profound inspiration.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

He integrates these insights into his works, using the language of the lens to tell the resilience of life and the power of hope.

Today's Chi Zhiqiang is no longer the high-spirited young star, nor is he the desperate prisoner in prison. He has become an ordinary person who has experienced the ups and downs of life and still maintains his love for life.

His eyes reveal the wisdom and calmness after years of precipitation, which is a precious wealth that can only be obtained through wind and rain.

Chi Zhiqiang's story tells us that the setbacks and difficulties in life are not the end, but a new starting point. The 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs" uses his life to explain what true rebirth is.

Chi Zhiqiang, the 65-year-old "King of Prison Songs", was released from prison for 37 years, and his son's career was exposed sadly

From a former star to a prisoner, and then to an ordinary life, his experience shows us that true happiness does not lie in fame and fortune, but in how to find oneself in adversity and live a wonderful life in the ordinary.

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