
Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

author:Liangkan Sports


In the NBA, 40,000 points is a magical watershed, and he represents the greatness of LeBron James, because he is the only player in NBA history who has scored these points for so many years. Do you know how many of his 40,000 points were cut on the heads of 30 NBA teams? Today, the author will take you to see who the top ten teams are that were cut by Lao Zhan, and why they are so easy to lose points.

No. 10: New York Knicks (scored 1,564 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The 10th NBA team to be cut by LeBron James was the New York Knicks, who scored a total of 1,564 points. The Knicks have been regarded as a 10,000-year-old team since the turn of the millennium, not only have they not made the playoffs many times, but they are often at the bottom, losing more and winning less, so it seems normal for them to be scored so many points by James. However, it is worth mentioning that James's career average of 27.2 points per game is actually 27.2 points, compared to the fact that they only let him average 26.5 points per game when facing James, which is already considered to have prevented James, but the number of games against him has been 59, and the accumulation has become more, and there is a complex sense of contrast.

9th place: Charlotte Hornets (scored 1579 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The NBA team that was cut to 9th place by LeBron James was the Charlotte Hornets, with a total of 1,579 points. Like the New York Knicks, the Charlotte Hornets are a bad team and haven't made the playoffs a handful since their predecessor Bobcats was founded in 2004, so it's no surprise that they were dropped so many points by James. And they didn't defend like the Knicks when facing James, conceding an average of 28.2 points per game in a total of 56 games, which is greater than James's career average of 27.2 points per game, everything is so natural.

8th place: Orlando Magic (scored 1581 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The NBA team that was cut to 8th place by LeBron James was the Orlando Magic, with a total of 1,581 points. Although the Magic team has been one of the weak teams for many years, and has not even won the NBA championship since the establishment of the team, they still have a glorious period, that is, the "star-studded" period led by Dwight Howard, not only broke into the playoffs many times, and even reached the Finals, but Howard has won the best defensive player 3 times, and the interior defense is extremely strong, so they don't concede much points per game when facing James, only 25.5 points. It's just that there are more games, and a total of 62 games have accumulated 1581 points.

7th place: Toronto Raptors (1599 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The NBA team that was cut to 7th place by LeBron James was the Toronto Raptors, with a total of 1,599 points. To be honest, the Raptors are also a weaker or normal team, although there have been stars such as Chris Bosh and the "garbage brothers", but they can win the championship completely by luck and passing away Kawhi Leonard, and they are often eliminated in the first round when they enter the playoffs. As a result, they conceded an average of 27.1 points per game against James, which is not far from his career average of 27.2 points per game, but due to the number of games, they have played 59 games and are more high-ranked.

No. 6: Brooklyn Nets (1,656 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The NBA team that was cut to sixth place by LeBron James was the Brooklyn Nets, with a total of 1,656 points and an average of 27.6 points per game in 60 games. Another weak team that has been rotten for many years, and the team has not won the NBA championship so far. Of course, they also had their glory days, such as the Jason Kidd period, the Big Five, and the Big Three. Especially in the recent Big Three period, it can be said that there are many stars, so they concede an average of 27.6 points per game when facing James, which is not much different from James's career average of 27.2 points per game, which is within the normal range.

5th place: Boston Celtics (scored 1,699 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The NBA team that was cut to fifth place by LeBron James was the Boston Celtics, who scored a total of 1,699 points and averaged 28.8 points per game in 59 games. It is estimated that many people would not have imagined that a strong team like the Boston Celtics would be on the list, or even ranked 5th. You know, they are the team with the most championships in NBA history, and there is no one. But if you think about it, you can see that this is normal, because they don't have any small forwards with good defense in team history, Paul Pierce and Jayson Tatum are both offense over defense, and they have been playing bad in the first few years of the new century and after the disbandment of the Big Three, so they have conceded an average of 28.8 points per game against James, which looks a slight contrast.

No. 4: Atlanta Hawks (scored 1,726 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The NBA team that was cut to No. 4 by LeBron James was the Atlanta Hawks, with a total of 1,726 points. It may seem to many people that the Hawks deserve to be on the list, because they are also 10,000-year-old players, but a closer look will show that they have not missed many seasons in the playoffs since the new century, and most of the time they are hovering on the edge of the playoffs, which is considered a normal team. It's just that there are too many games against James, with a total of 63 games and a total of 1,726 points, and their average of 27.4 points per game against James is also proof of this.

3rd place: Indiana Pacers (scored 1,741 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The NBA team that was cut to third place by LeBron James was the Indiana Pacers, with a total of 1,741 points. If you are a fan who has only followed the NBA since 10 years, you may think that the Indiana Pacers are indeed a weak team, but in fact, they are the same kind of normal team as the Hawks, who are not rotten, unable to win championships, and only hovering on the edge of the playoffs, and the reason why they scored so many points against James is because they have played too many games, playing a total of 64 games, and they only conceded 27.2 points per game against James, which is the same as James's career average of points per game.

No. 2: Milwaukee Bucks (scored 1,751 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The NBA team that was cut to second place by LeBron James was the Milwaukee Bucks, with a total of 1,751 points. Well, there's not much to say about this team, it has been a model of a weak team in the NBA before the rise of Giannis Andertokimbo, although it looks very powerful recently because of the strength of Brother Alphabet, but it is difficult to enter the playoffs at the beginning of the new century, so they conceded an average of 28.7 points per game against James, plus 61 games, naturally ranked second on this list.

No. 1: Chicago Bulls (scored 1,805 points)

Who is the soft persimmon? Which 10 teams did James score the most with 40,000 points? The Greens are in 5th place

The first NBA team to be cut by LeBron James was the Chicago Bulls, with a total of 1,805 points. It is estimated that many people can't imagine that the Bulls, the team of Michael Jordan, the god of basketball, turned out to be the team that conceded the most points in the face of LeBron James, although there is a problem with the number of matchups, but in fact they only played 64 games, the most important thing is that they have no good stars at all in the post-Jordan period, and the only MVP Derrick Rose is still in his peak and is rapidly falling, so they concede an average of 28.2 points per game, conceding a total of 1805 points, ranking first on this list.

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