
Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

author:Appi Historical Library
Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

[Editor's note: This article is the original and exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

Russian politics has once again set off stormy waves!

According to the foreign media "Tsar", the former deputy minister of defense of Russia, Tatiana Shevtsova, is suspected of defecting to France with classified documents, and this female general was Shoigu's right-hand man and was in charge of the financial power of the Russian army.

However, on June 17, she was abruptly removed from her post along with three other deputy ministers, a rare and large-scale personnel reshuffle, a hint at a new round of anti-corruption storms unfolding within the Kremlin?

Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission
Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

The Kremlin vault keeper absconded with secrets

The sudden departure and reported defection of former Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, Tatiana Shevtsova, has recently caused an uproar on the Internet. The background and experience of the senior official, once known as the "guardian of the Kremlin's coffers," is remarkable, and her potential defection has sparked much speculation and concern.

Born in 1969 into a military family, Shevtsova is the only female general in the Russian army, and her career is legendary, starting as an ordinary tax inspector in St. Petersburg and working her way up to the rank and file as deputy head of the Russian Federal Tax Service.

In 2007, she was transferred to the Ministry of Defense, where she demonstrated her financial skills, and in 2010, then-President Dmitry Medvedev appointed Shevtsova, 41, deputy defense minister, to manage the military's finances.

However, the official, who was once highly trusted, was abruptly removed from his post on June 17, 2024. The Russian Ministry of Defense replaced four deputy ministers in one day, including Shevtsova, who, according to the Tsarist newspaper, may have been removed from office due to corruption.

Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

According to the report, she owns a number of high-end properties, including a mansion worth 2 billion rubles on the banks of the Moscow River, as well as luxury residences in downtown St. Petersburg and Pargolovo. In addition, there is information that she also has residences and hidden deposits in Italy and France.

Even more striking is the fact that Shevtsova secretly left Russia shortly after her removal and allegedly arrived in France. The report describes her leaving with a small bag containing a hard drive to store classified documents and digital currency. If this information is true, it will pose a serious threat to Russia's national security.

Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission
Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission
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When military secrets fall into the hands of NATO?

Why did Shevtsova defect? There is a lot of speculation. Some say she is trying to evade anti-corruption investigations, while others believe she is unhappy with Putin's government. What's more, there is speculation that she has long been plotted against by Western intelligence agencies, and this "defection" is nothing more than a well-planned drama.

Although the official news of Shevtsova's defection has not yet been confirmed, it is reported that Russian Defense Minister Belousov was furious after learning about it, and it seems that the possibility of the female general has fled!

If Shevtsova really defected with secrets, it would be a big blow to Russia, think about it, what she has in her hands are core secrets such as Russia's military strategy, financial situation and international cooperation, if this information is obtained by NATO countries, how can Russia's military operation in Ukraine continue?

Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

Not only that, but Shevtsova's defection could trigger a chain reaction that could see Russia become more isolated on the international stage and face tougher economic sanctions. Relations with the allies may also be affected, after all, who knows if Shevtsova will also pour out the "little secrets" between them?

For the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, this defection is a heavy blow. If Shevtsova really disclosed the deployment and strategy of the Russian army in Ukraine, wouldn't the Ukrainian army wake up laughing? With this information, Ukraine may really be able to come up with a big counteroffensive!

Of course, it is still too early to tell, whether Shevtsova actually defected, whether the intelligence she took with her is still valuable, these are still unknown, but it is certain that the Kremlin may not be able to sleep.

Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission
Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

A new task for the KGB

As news of Shevtsova's reported possible defection spreads, Russia faces a serious national security crisis. The KGB's successor, the Federal Security Service (FSB), may have been given a new and important task: tracking down and responding to the would-be defector.

The Federal Security Service (FSB) is definitely busy. It is estimated that she is checking the surveillance and checking the call records day and night, and she can't wait to go through Shevtsova's circle of friends, who knows how many secrets this female general has hidden?

It is said that the FSB has mobilized its most elite agents to form a "fox hunting team" and vows to capture Shevtsova back. Rumor has it that they even sent agents to infiltrate France, planting eyeliner in every corner of Paris.

Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

At the same time, there may have been chaos within the Kremlin, and Putin is said to be furious and wants to "invite everyone associated with Shevtsova to tea". At this moment, I don't know how many high-ranking officials will not be able to sleep, the Ministry of Defense has begun a large-scale personnel adjustment, and officials close to Shevtsova have been "put on leave" one after another.

The Russian government has also embarked on a frantic round of "security cleaning". Now even the toilet has to be triple certified, which scares Putin a lot! Interestingly, a number of "counter-espionage" propaganda posters suddenly appeared on the streets of Moscow, reminding citizens to be wary of "Western spies" around them.

An even darker speculation is circulating: Will Shevtsova be assassinated by the KGB? You know, Russian agents have a track record of "handling" defectors overseas.

Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

Think about those bizarrely poisoned former agents, who would dare to say that Shevtsova will not be the next target? Netizens even quipped: "French teahouses have to be careful recently, don't accidentally serve a cup of 'Putin's special'!" "

In the international arena, Russia is even more angry. He angrily accused Western countries of "digging into the wall" and threatened to "have a good talk" with France. Putin is now presumably in a dilemma: should he bring Shevtsova back, or should he save face internationally?

Some analysts believe that Russia may take more subtle measures, such as retaliating through cyber attacks or economic sanctions.

Shevtsova's run really caused Russia a big problem. Whether Putin can catch this "fox", let's wait and see! However, one thing is certain: I am afraid that there are still many wonderful plots waiting for us in this scene.

Maybe in the next second, we will see Shevtsova holding a press conference under the Eiffel Tower, or Putin himself going to France to "visit relatives and friends".

Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission


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Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

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Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

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Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission

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Russia's high-level turmoil! The Deputy Minister of Defense defected late at night, and the KGB urgently deployed a targeted elimination mission