
In 1990, at the repatriation ceremony of Sino-Vietnamese prisoners of war, Wang Bin, a "mutiny" officer, dragged his body weighing only 37 kilograms and walked towards us tremblingly. Suddenly there was a curse from the crowd, he

author:Appi Historical Library

In 1990, at the repatriation ceremony of Sino-Vietnamese prisoners of war, Wang Bin, a "mutiny" officer, dragged his body weighing only 37 kilograms and walked towards us tremblingly. Suddenly there was a curse in the crowd, and he shook slightly. Afterwards, the deputy division commander held his hand: "I believe in you!" ”

In 1984, it was a time of gunpowder. The Battle of Laoshan was in full swing, and Wang Bin, as the deputy instructor of the company, led the soldiers to move forward in the artillery fire, and every assault was a brush with death. However, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and the heroes are also sad to cross the single-plank bridge. During an unexpected ambush, Wang Bin lost consciousness and woke up to find himself in an enemy camp.

The days of captivity in Vietnam were like walking a tightrope. The Vietnamese soldiers tried all kinds of torture to get him to speak, but Wang Bin would rather die, his lips tightly closed, and he was determined not to reveal the slightest information to the brutal enemy.

"Real gold is not afraid of fire", Wang Bin proved this with his strength, although his body was destroyed to the point that only skin and bones remained, but his spirit became stronger and stronger.

No matter what method was used, they could not "pry open" Wang Bin's mouth, so the Vietnamese army came up with a dirty idea, that is, to destroy Wang Bin's reputation and spread rumors that he had defected, and the news quickly spread back to the motherland, leaving Wang Bin's family and comrades-in-arms deeply shocked.

After all kinds of tribulations, in 1990 Wang Bin finally returned to the land of the motherland, he originally thought that he could be welcomed by heroes, but he was greeted by cold eyes and misunderstanding, this scene, like cold water pouring, made his heart like ashes.

Just when Wang Bin was almost desperate, a familiar figure appeared. His deputy division commander Chen Zhijian, the old leader not only supported him with actions, but also firmly held his hand and said: "Xiao Wang, you have suffered all these years. I believe you! The old leader's words were like spring breeze and rain, which made Wang Bin feel the warmth he had not seen for a long time.

With the help of Chen Zhijian, Wang Bin began a long road of clearing his grievances. Through consulting materials and interviewing comrades-in-arms, the truth gradually emerged.

It turned out that Wang Bin always maintained the dignity and loyalty of a soldier in the prisoner of war camp, and never had any mutiny. Finally, the voice of justice prevailed over the rumors, and Wang Bin's reputation was restored.

This result is a relief for Wang Bin. Not only was he reinstated, he was promoted to captain, and more importantly, he regained the respect of his comrades and the people. With the passage of time, Wang Bin's body gradually recovered his health, and his life opened a new chapter.

One can be destroyed, but never defeated! This sentence couldn't be more appropriate for Wang Bin.

Information source: Phoenix Satellite TV 2017-06-03 - "The position covered by artillery fire is only crying, Chinese soldiers destroy the withering and decaying and beat the enemy"

In 1990, at the repatriation ceremony of Sino-Vietnamese prisoners of war, Wang Bin, a "mutiny" officer, dragged his body weighing only 37 kilograms and walked towards us tremblingly. Suddenly there was a curse from the crowd, he
In 1990, at the repatriation ceremony of Sino-Vietnamese prisoners of war, Wang Bin, a "mutiny" officer, dragged his body weighing only 37 kilograms and walked towards us tremblingly. Suddenly there was a curse from the crowd, he
In 1990, at the repatriation ceremony of Sino-Vietnamese prisoners of war, Wang Bin, a "mutiny" officer, dragged his body weighing only 37 kilograms and walked towards us tremblingly. Suddenly there was a curse from the crowd, he

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