
How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

author:Appi Historical Library
How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

[Editor's note: This article is the original and exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

The rise of emerging forces has had a huge impact on traditional models, and people's ways of thinking have also kept up with the pace of the times, such as fresh ways of shopping, which are also fighting against people's three views.

Chinese love famous brands, this is recognized, in the past, luxury stores, many people came to patronize, since the epidemic, this situation has changed, the flow of people has decreased significantly.

How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

Has an epidemic emptied Chinese's money? In fact, no, the Chinese love saving more, they put their money in the bank, and they began to be reluctant to buy big names.

But the total retail sales of consumer goods are increasing, so where do Chinese go shopping? There are two main modules, one is the e-commerce operation where the anchor can always help you hit the price, and the outrageous house with a high price.

Gangang housing prices and e-commerce live broadcast have become hot topics among the people, one is related to daily consumption, and the other is the home of a distant wanderer. And these two consumption patterns, now everyone mentions it but sighs.

How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?
How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

E-commerce live broadcast, the water behind it is so deep

Why can the e-commerce industry win people's hearts, save effort in purchasing, and complete the operation without leaving home, no longer have to go to the scorching sun to buy things, nor do you have to go to another city to eat local food. And it is in the form of live broadcast, and with the strong sense of rhythm of the anchor to drive, many people have the desire to consume.

For the same product, for a few hundred yuan in the store, the anchor can give you a discount, who is not impressed. If it's such a good deal, why would anyone come out and question this consumption model? In fact, this has something to do with the chaos behind it.

The anchor shouted a fold, who is not impressed when he sees it, especially those who have used the product, usually hundreds or thousands of yuan larger, but now it can be so cost-effective, so naturally they have to buy more.

How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

These are called high-quality products, which may be different from what they say, which is called selling dog meat on the head of a sheep.

Looking at how good the products are in the live broadcast room, the anchor shows you indeed good products, but the merchant is unwilling to sell you the discounted price you said. By the time you receive the product, it's probably a low-quality product.

The interaction in the live broadcast room is actually a new marketing method, and customers are infected by the atmosphere when they look at it, and they buy it when they listen to it. When buying something, you may not think about the applicability of these things, and the anchor's one-fold marketing philosophy may be more attractive than a loss-making sale, after all, these are all popular products nowadays, and few people can refuse.

How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

If the live broadcast industry really doesn't make money, maybe not so many people are doing this, not only Internet celebrities are doing it, but many celebrities have also embarked on the road of live broadcasting, and this does not mean that they show generously in the live broadcast room, the whole purchase process is clear and transparent, and there is still chaos in some live broadcast rooms.

Buyers also become alert after multiple purchases, but alert prey can also fall into traps. In the face of all kinds of live broadcasts, the anchor has a sincere guarantee, and customers will inevitably be excited.

The live broadcast has also impacted the traditional business model, and the traffic in high-end clothing stores has been significantly reduced. But according to China's total retail sales of consumer goods for the first quarter of 2024, China grew by 4.7%. And behind this, it is indeed the embodiment of purchasing power.

How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

Although after the epidemic, many people began to shop around, and those girls who liked famous brands in the past may have also changed their style. However, it is unlikely that the price of physical stores is lower than that of e-commerce, and it is even more fantastical to sell at a discount like e-commerce.

And price-conscious consumers, the first choice is e-commerce, however, problems will also appear. Compared to seeing the quality of the product in a physical store, the products of live streaming e-commerce may be completely different.

In fact, there is a saying now, some manufacturers can customize special products for anchors, the appearance of this kind of copycat version is actually a kind of deception to consumers, in the face of live broadcast traps, consumers not only spend less money, but the quality of the things they buy is another matter. In addition to live broadcasts, there is also something related to people's lives, that is, houses.

How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?
How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

Buying a house is difficult

Some people have struggled all their lives and can't afford to buy a house, this is not alarmist, but a fact. Then why can't you afford it, before housing prices rose too fast, increasing at a rate of several times every year.

People make a savings plan from the beginning of the decision to buy a house, bank interest rates are limited, and the amount of money they can save each year is limited, and they may feel that they have saved a lot of money in three or five years, but the growth rate of housing leave is much higher than it.

After 2020, housing prices in many places have stabilized, and most people have already bought a house at this time, of course, it does not mean that they are buying cheaply. Some people buy a house in the form of a loan, and they have to repay the loan after buying the house.

How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

And the epidemic has made those who consume in advance see the facts clearly. Even if the wages of the epidemic are not paid normally, they must prepare some money to repay the loan, and this pressure has changed people's consumption concepts, and they have picked up the traditional Chinese virtue of frugality again.

Although housing prices tend to be stable, but the housing prices of a second- and third-tier city are also above 200,000, only people who really work and have families know that if they want to save these 200,000, they do need to make some efforts, and Beijing, Shanghai and other first-tier cities, housing prices are still outrageously high, and the house is the root of stability in the hearts of Chinese, and it has become a dream that some people are difficult to complete.

How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

The house is like a knot that cannot be unavoided, and the whole family is working on it. There are many examples of quitting jobs to find high-paying jobs in order to buy a house, and work has become more of a money-making tool. There are also parents who spend all their savings to buy a house for their children, and the cost of the house is really scary, at least it makes the average family overburdened.

Especially for the elderly, if they don't have money, they will follow suit, and if they are not feeling well, they will not dare to seek medical treatment easily, and a minor illness will become a major illness, and it will be a greater burden to treat it at that time. And if you still have some money in your hand, your parents will have the confidence to go to the hospital for examination.

How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

Buying a house and paying off the mortgage, for those who have experienced it or are going through it, are naturally more able to understand the hardships. A high mortgage can be very stressful for people with unstable jobs or low wages. If you pay the money and run into an unfinished building, it will simply outweigh the losses.

There is a risk in buying a house, and you have to buy it, spend all your living savings, lower your living standard to repay the mortgage, which is a kind of pressure for most people, people talk about the change of color of the building, when the residence becomes a luxury, many people may choose a new form of living.

And e-commerce is also facing the same problem, no matter how low the price is, the product quality is not good, it will also make customers lose confidence. In fact, this is only part of the social chaos, but such things have a great impact on people's lives.

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How have high housing prices and e-commerce live streaming changed residents' lives?

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