
6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

author:Appi Historical Library
6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

[Editor's note: This article is the original and exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

In just one month, Israel has held 11 funerals, and tens of thousands of lives have been lost since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but it has never awakened Israel's conscience. Blood has exacerbated tensions in the Middle East, and Israel's atrocities in Gaza have become a dagger piercing the heart of the Middle East.

In early April, Israel attacked the Iranian embassy in Syria, killing several people. In early April of the same year, Iran fired dozens of drone missiles at Israel, causing damage to many Israeli military bases.

Citing China News Network, on June 30, local time, Lebanese Allah launched a drone airstrike, bombing the Golan Heights with drones loaded with explosives, injuring 18 Israeli officers.
6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"
6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

Devastating wars

Israel has a long history of contradictions with Allah. The monotheistic doctrine of Judaism, which by nature excludes other religions in its vicinity, is a Lebanese Allah military organization formed by Lebanon with the help of Iran to fight the Israeli invasion.

Its status is different from that of Palestinian Hamas, and Allah is the largest political party in Lebanon, whose legitimacy is recognized by most countries in the Middle East world.

On 29 June, members of the League of Arab States removed Allah from the terrorist organization. On behalf of the League of Arab States, the legitimacy of Allah Lebanon is officially recognized.

The countries of the Middle East are founded on religion, and their doctrine is higher than national sovereignty, and both sides are forced by the rutted pressure of the world's progress to strive for stability.

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

But the "Iron Curtain" in Gaza has torn off this illusion, and the countries of the Arab world can no longer tolerate Israel's encroachment on the territory of neighboring countries in the Middle East, and the abduction and murder of ordinary people.

Therefore, in fact, the contradictions between the Arab world countries and Israel have never stopped, and Israel was born in its "Promised Land", which excluded and massacres the Palestinian people and frequently clashed with Arab world countries.

Since October last year, there have been repeated military clashes along the border between the Israeli army and Allah, resulting in small-scale firefights.

Since late January, Israel has launched multiple artillery strikes and drone strikes on southern Lebanon.

Since March, Lebanon has launched missiles and airstrikes against Israel.

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

Israel sent drones to attack cities in southern Lebanon on June 29, where the Israeli military said it received information that a large number of Lebanese Allah fighters were stationed.

On the same day, Israel bombed the Gaza Strip again, killing dozens of people, and Hamas frequently released messages for negotiations, while Israel turned a deaf ear and continued military attacks on the Gaza Strip, causing a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip to be held in sight.

U.S. intelligence had predicted that if Israel and Hamas did not reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip soon, a large-scale war between Israel and Allah was likely to break out in the coming weeks.

At the end of his visit to the United States at the end of June, the Israeli defense minister made a big statement in front of the media, "We have the ability to return Lebanon to the Stone Age." ”

In Washington, he stressed that in the event of a war, Israel could bring great destruction to Lebanon.

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"
6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"
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Iran warns, and the United States intervenes

With the end of the G7 summit and the continuous flow of NATO aid to Israel, the Biden administration is constantly looking for excuses for Israel's military actions on the surface, confirming legitimacy, and secretly trading weapons of mass destruction with Israel.

Allah is different from Hamas in Palestine in that they have been fighting for decades, have truly elite troops, and are well weaponized.

Faced with a strong opponent that has been established for many years, Israel will naturally not sit still.

According to the British newspaper The Sun, the United States will send the USS Wasp to the Mediterranean Sea to coordinate the evacuation of American citizens from the war zone.

The war is stalemate, and it is naturally right to evacuate overseas Chinese first. But the USS Wasp is not an ordinary ship, but an amphibious assault ship with US Marines on board.

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

At this time, the United States sent such a well-equipped and well-staffed warship to the eastern Mediterranean, where conflicts are frequent, whether it is really preparing for the evacuation of overseas Chinese or preparing for joining the war.

According to media sources, the United States plans to transport 6,000 500-pound heavy missiles to Israel.

According to a statistical report released by a US think tank in May, in the nearly 70 years after World War II, the largest flow of US foreign aid was Israel, with a total of more than $300 billion.

Almost all of the U.S. aid funds are paid to Israel's military sector in order to support the development of the Israeli army.

With the overt and covert support of the United States, Israel has become more and more arrogant and constantly provokes trouble in the Middle East.

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

In response to Israel's provocations, Iran said through the media on June 28 that if Israel insists on launching an attack on Lebanon, "a devastating war ensues." ”

Iran has tied itself to Lebanon as early as when it supported Allah in Lebanon, Israel is arrogant and arrogant in the Middle East, frantically waging wars, and every year people are forced to leave their homes because of small-scale fire between Israel and neighboring countries, and its violence has long caused dissatisfaction in many Iranian countries.

Iran, as the leading country in the Arab world, has always stood with Allah and the Palestinian people in Lebanon, and "Allah, Hamas, the Houthis and Iraqi Shiite militias could join this war." ”

Israeli Foreign Minister Katz still did not know how to restrain himself in the face of hostility from all sides, and forcibly responded that Iran is "threatening" and that a regime that threatens destruction should be destroyed.

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

Despite the military assistance of the United States, Israel's roots in the Middle East are not secure, and the Arab countries of the region have never welcomed Israel's birth, let alone made friends with it.

In April, the United States firmly affirmed its support for Israel's "defense" operations, and that the United States stands ready to provide Israel with more defense protections to help Israel defend itself against any Iranian attack.

Israel's military equipment can withstand Hamas's retaliation, but will it be able to withstand Iran and Allah's attacks?

Israel's military superiority lies in the Air Force, and its defense system is unable to resist "saturation" attacks. Assuming that Allah and Iran carry out a "saturation attack" against Israel's weak defenses, Israel's "Iron Dome" simply cannot respond effectively.

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"


"Han Feizi" cloud: The country is small but not humble, the strength is small but not afraid of the strong, rude and insulting the neighbor, but it can also die.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is still unresolved, and the Israeli-Lebanese conflict has restarted. Although both sides have the will to go to war again, another war will only sink the situation in the Middle East deeper into the whirlpool of war, and there will be no room for maneuver.

There are frequent voices in Israel that they do not want to rush into a second battlefield. If the war in northern Israel escalates rapidly, Israel will be exposed to the enemy, and the neighboring Middle East countries will also join the war for their own interests, which will not be beneficial to the development of Israel itself.

But war ensued, and it had nothing to do with the intentions of Israel and Lebanon. The United States and Iran are fighting for the right to speak in the Middle East.

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"


Iran warns Israel: if it attacks Lebanon, a devastating war will follow

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

A "war of words" between the United States and Israel? Netizen: They deceive people!

6000 500-pound bombs ready, the next war, Lebanon! Then, "destroy Iran"

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