
quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

author:Brother Chen chats about the world
quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean
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quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

In September 2023, a piece of news made waves in the entertainment industry. Yuan Li, a once brilliant film and television star, appeared in public welfare activities in a simple outfit.

However, it was not only her obviously changed figure that sparked heated public discussions, but also the sudden disappearance of the wedding ring on her hand, which symbolized love.

This ring was a testimony of Yuan Li's love with her poet husband Xu Taiping, who was 11 years younger than her.

From the spotlight to the obscure public welfare work, Yuan Li's life trajectory seems to be unfolding in an unexpected way.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

Yuan Li's ups and downs in the entertainment industry. Her outspoken personality has won her the love of many fans, but it has also caused her to fall into a series of jaw-dropping disputes.

The most striking thing is her grudge with Li Bingbing. 2009 was a year full of disappointments for Yuan Li. She was originally confirmed to play the heroine of the movie "The King of Guns", but the day before filming started, she was suddenly told that the role had changed hands, and the new heroine was Li Bingbing.

This kind of blow is difficult for any actor to accept, but Yuan Li chose to remain silent. However, when a similar incident happened again during the filming of "Babel Empire", Yuan Li's patience finally reached its limit.

This backlog of grievances finally exploded in 2018. When Li Bingbing fell into the negative news of competing with Peng Yuyan for the "C position", Yuan Li seized the opportunity and launched a series of fierce attacks on Weibo.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

She used sharp words such as "firewood girl in a small county" and "excessive hyaluronic acid injection" to describe Li Bingbing, and even did not hesitate to expose some indecent photos. Although this "one-man show" attack did not get a positive response from Li Bingbing, it caused an uproar on the Internet, making people question Yuan Li's behavior a lot.

However, Yuan Li's "straightforwardness" was not limited to disputes with Li Bingbing. At a press conference in 2012, in order to get rid of reporters' questions about her pregnancy rumors, Yuan Li made a shocking move.

She turned the finger to the senior Siqin Gaowa who was present, calling it "sheep placenta injection". This sudden remark not only embarrassed Siqin Gaowa, but also made Yuan Li himself the focus of public opinion.

In 2017, in the much-watched "The Birth of an Actor" program, Yuan Li had a fierce confrontation with judge Zhang Ziyi. Faced with Zhang Ziyi's questioning of her absence from film and television works in recent years, Yuan Li did not back down.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

She cleverly responded with sarcasm, mentioning Zhang Ziyi's former "fraudulent donation" incident. Although this response turned the situation back for a while, after the show was broadcast, Yuan Li found that he was edited into a "crazy" image.

Faced with this situation, Yuan Li once again chose to fight back. She posted 20 Weibo posts in a row, pointing directly at all kinds of "crimes" of Zhejiang Satellite TV. She pointed out that the TV station not only broke its promise, failed to fulfill the promise to make her shortlisted, but also deliberately smeared her image in the program.

This fierce battle of public opinion eventually ended in Yuan Li's complete victory, but it also made her public image significantly polarized.

These incidents all show Yuan Li's situation in the entertainment industry: although her straightforward personality has won the love of some people, she seems out of place in this circle full of "human spirits".

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

Some admire her courage in confronting injustice, while others think her actions are too extreme. There are even rumors that she suffers from schizophrenia, although there is no conclusive evidence for this claim.

Yuan Li's story seems to confirm the old saying: In the entertainment industry, you must learn to "see the wind and steer". However, Yuan Li chose another path, one that insisted on himself and was unwilling to compromise.

This road may be full of thorns, but it also allows Yuan Li to maintain his true colors in this complex circle.

In 2017, after the broadcast of the program "The Birth of an Actor", Yuan Li found that he was portrayed as a "crazy" image. This experience became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and completely ignited Yuan Li's anger.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

Faced with this situation, Yuan Li did not choose to remain silent. Instead, she decided to fight back in a more direct way. She posted 20 Weibo posts on her personal Weibo, pointing directly at Zhejiang Satellite TV's various "crimes".

These Weibo are like bombs, exploding in the entertainment industry.

Yuan Li revealed on Weibo that Zhejiang Satellite TV had promised her that she would be shortlisted for the show. However, during the recording process, the TV station broke its promise. What's even more infuriating is that they not only failed to fulfill their promises, but also deliberately smeared her image in the program clips, portraying her as a "madman".

This fierce battle of public opinion has attracted widespread attention. Many netizens began to question whether the operation of the TV station was fair, and some expressed support for Yuan Li's approach. In the face of Yuan Li's fierce attack, Zhejiang Satellite TV fell into passivity for a while.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

In the end, the turmoil ended in Yuan Li's complete victory. However, the incident also polarized Yuan's public image. Some people praised her for daring to face injustice and speak up for herself; Some people also think that her behavior is too extreme and does not conform to the "unspoken rules" of the entertainment industry.

After this turmoil, speculation about Yuan Li's psychological state began to circulate on the Internet. Some even claim that she suffers from schizophrenia, although this claim is not supported by any medical evidence.

In any case, this incident undoubtedly became a turning point in Yuan Li's acting career. It not only shows Yuan Li's courage to challenge authority, but also exposes all kinds of unknown operations behind the entertainment industry.

What's more, it seems to indicate that the rift between Yuan Li and the mainstream entertainment industry is widening.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

In this circle that needs to "see the wind and steer the rudder", Yuan Li's straightforwardness and stubbornness seem out of place. However, it is this uncompromising spirit that allows her to maintain her uniqueness in the entertainment industry, and also lays the groundwork for her future life changes.

Yuan Li's love life, like her character, is full of drama and twists and turns. Her love journey has witnessed her entire process from the peak of her career to her retirement from the entertainment industry, and each relationship seems to tell a different stage of her life.

Yuan Li's first public romance was with wealthy businessman Xu Wei. This relationship lasted for 12 years, which can be called the golden period of Yuan Li's acting career. With the support of Xu Wei, Yuan Li's career is thriving, and he has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in just three years and has become a hot star.

As the scandals between Yuan Li and his partners continued, this seemingly stable relationship finally came to an end. This breakup seems to herald the end of Yuan Li's peaceful life.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

In 2007, Yuan Li met her first husband, Zhao Ling. The relationship between the two came and went quickly, falling in love, getting married, getting divorced, everything happened within a year.

What's even more surprising is that the former lovers actually went to court over property issues. This lawsuit became a hot topic in the entertainment industry at that time, and it also made people see the insistent side of Yuan Li's character.

After the failure of a short marriage, Yuan Li did not lose faith in love. In 2011, she got married again, this time with Lin Bowen. The marriage lasted four years, slightly longer than the first, but eventually ended in divorce.

The failure of two marriages made Yuan Li's love life fall into a trough for a while.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

However, the drama of love played out again in Yuan Li. In 2019, the news that Yuan Li had obtained a marriage certificate suddenly broke out on the Internet. This time, her other half is the poet Xu Taiping, who is 11 years younger than her.

This "sister-brother relationship" has caused a lot of controversy, some people question that the age gap will affect the stability of the marriage, and some people have turned out what Yuan Li once said: "It is much easier to choose a president than to choose a partner", suggesting that this marriage may not last long.

Faced with doubts from the outside world, Yuan Li chose to remain silent. She seems to have learned how to run her love life out of the public eye. However, the recent mysterious disappearance of her wedding ring has once again sparked public speculation about her marital status.

Yuan Li's love path is like a movie with ups and downs. From the long-term relationship when he was successful in his career, to two short-lived marriages, and then to today's "sister and brother love", each relationship reflects a different light in Yuan Li's character.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

Her emotional experience may be a microcosm of her life journey: full of challenges, but always true to herself.

No matter how the outside world judges, Yuan Li always seems to interpret love in his own way. Her love path is still full of unknowns and possibilities, just like her life, always full of drama and suspense.

Yuan Li's acting career was once as bright as a star. The vivid characters she created are still talked about by the audience today. In "Very Love", she performed the comfort of perseverance, which made people feel the strength and charm of women.

Ouyang Lanlan in "Never Look Away" showed her ability to control complex roles, and her proud and arrogant personality jumped onto the screen. In "Iron Tooth Bronze Tooth Ji Xiaolan", she successfully interpreted the witty and intelligent Du Xiaoyue, adding a lot to this classic comedy.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

These roles all show Yuan Li's extraordinary talent and versatility as an actor.

However, just when his career was in full swing, Yuan Li made a decision that surprised everyone: gradually faded out of the public eye. This choice has left many people feeling puzzled and regretted.

Some people speculate that this may be related to her many disputes in the entertainment industry; Some people also believe that this is Yuan Li's repositioning of self-worth. In any case, this decision marked an important turning point in Yuan Li's life.

After retiring from the entertainment industry, Yuan Li did not choose a comfortable life, but devoted his energy to public welfare. Admirably, she has persevered on this path for more than 20 years without stopping.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

This spirit of perseverance is in stark contrast to her "controversial" image in the entertainment industry, and it also allows people to see the resolute side of Yuan Li's character.

In September 2023, Yuan Li reappeared in the public eye because of his participation in public welfare projects. At this time, her appearance has a big gap with the image of the former "goddess".

She was dressed plainly, and her figure had changed significantly, just like an ordinary middle-aged woman. However, her enthusiasm for public welfare has not diminished in the slightest. At this moment, people seem to see a new Yuan Li: no longer chasing fame and fortune, but focusing on giving back to society.

This kind of transformation has given many people a new understanding of Yuan Li. Some netizens commented: "The reason why Ms. Yuan Li can't gain a foothold in the entertainment industry is because she lives too purely.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

This sentence may explain the real reason why Yuan Li chose to quit the entertainment industry. In this circle full of complex interpersonal relationships, Yuan Li's straightforward and unfamiliar character of "seeing the wind and making the rudder" really seems out of place.

It is this "unsociable" personality that allows Yuan Li to find a new direction in life. In public welfare, she doesn't need to disguise herself, she doesn't need to think about complex interpersonal relationships, she just needs to focus on helping others.

This simple way of life seems to be more in line with Yuan Li's character and pursuit.

From the attention of the entertainment industry to the obscure public welfare work, Yuan Li's transformation is full of emotion. But in any case, she has always maintained her loyalty to herself and interpreted her life value with practical actions.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

This may be Yuan Li's biggest inspiration to us: no matter what kind of environment we are in, the most important thing is to keep our hearts and live our true selves.

Throughout Yuan Li's life trajectory, one word has always run through it: truth. Whether it is outspoken in the spotlight or the public welfare undertakings that have been working silently after retiring from the circle, Yuan Li has always maintained his loyalty to himself.

In the entertainment industry, which is full of "human spirits", Yuan Li's straightforwardness is often misunderstood as "crazy". Her public dispute with Li Bingbing, her gaffe to Siqin Gaowa, her-for-tat confrontation with Zhang Ziyi, and her fierce attack on Zhejiang Satellite TV all showed her character of not knowing how to "see the wind and steer the rudder".

This kind of personality seems out of place in the entertainment industry, but it allows her to maintain herself in a complex environment.

quit the entertainment industry after the fire, and now insists on doing charity, Yuan Li is really clean

From a high-profile star to an obscure public welfare person, Yuan Li's transformation seems to be huge, but in fact it is in the same vein. She always adheres to her own principles, does not follow the crowd, and does not violate her heart.

This kind of persistence may bring controversy and criticism in the entertainment industry, but it has become her advantage in the field of public welfare.

Yuan Li's story tells us that in this world, everyone has the right to choose their own way of life. Whether it's in the hustle and bustle or the tranquility, the most important thing is to stay true to yourself and live your true self.

This is perhaps Yuan Li's biggest inspiration for us: to be your truest self, even if it means being out of step with the mainstream.

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