
Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way


I heard that Teacher Sarina is in full swing in the new drama this time? But then again, this mother is really going back more and more! Even the audience shouted mother-in-law when they saw her, this level of respect is really enviable!

Do you know how Sarina-sensei became an instant hit? It turned out that she played the heroine in "Niu Yuqin's Tree", in order to better understand the role, she lived with Niu Yuqin's prototype for several months! The director was directly impressed when he saw her acting skills, and decided on the spot that she would play the female lead. Isn't this a typical Yanyun stage sheng song scattering?

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

As soon as the film came out, Teacher Sarina became popular all over the country. In the next few years, she also picked up the key to open the door with sesame, and all kinds of big productions fell into her arms. But have you noticed that as time goes by, Sarina's character has gradually transformed into a mother?

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

But don't watch her play the role of a mother, but don't underestimate her acting skills! Let's take Zhang Shanya, who she recently played in "Little Day". This Mother Zhang is not a kind and good mother, she is simply a complete evil mother-in-law!

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

Imagine that as soon as your daughter-in-law goes out, she will rummage through her daughter-in-law's bag with her teeth and claws! found that there was a hotel invoice in the bag, and she suspected that her daughter-in-law Hongxing was out of the wall on the spot. Hey, if my mother-in-law does the same, I won't be calm! What's even more infuriating is that Zhang's mother also questioned her daughter-in-law in front of a large group of people, scaring away all her daughter-in-law's partners. I think she is determined to ruin her son's career as well, right?

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

But even so, Zhang's mother did not stop there. She also ruined the gift given by her daughter-in-law in front of the whole family. I think this mother-in-law is eating her daughter-in-law's ear flags, right? It's just a vicious, pampered and arrogant scourge! If I have such a mother-in-law at home, I have to be on guard.

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

Seeing these plots, netizens are not calm. Some people directly said that the mother-in-law was really too much, and the acting skills were too realistic, and they felt burdened when they watched it. For example, Li Lei, a real-name netizen, left a message saying: It's so annoying, it makes my daughter-in-law and I start to be suspicious of each other. Sarina-sensei's acting skills have made me have a shadow on all my mothers-in-law, and I hope she will not play this kind of role again in the future.

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

However, some viewers played a round for Zhang Shanya's behavior, thinking that although her approach was biased, it was not completely unreasonable. Liu Zhikang, a real-name netizen, said: Don't deny Zhang's mother completely, her son is her pride, and it is understandable that she is afraid that her daughter-in-law will hurt her son. It's just that her approach is indeed too radical, but at least she is dedicated to protecting her son.

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

It seems that the image of Zhang Shanya created by Teacher Sarina not only makes people hate her paranoid and narrow-minded, but also makes people sympathize with her care for her son. This kind of complex character display is exactly where the skills of the old drama bones lie. I have to say that Sarina interpreted this role vividly, which resonated with the audience, which sparked a heated discussion.

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

As netizens said, maybe Teacher Sarina should not play this typical evil mother-in-law in the future. But there is no doubt that her superb acting skills in "Little Days" have made her a representative of the new generation of professional mothers in the hearts of the audience. She uses her own unique interpretation method to let us see the dramatic tension of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and also let us reflect on the contradiction of family ethics.

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

Dear audience friends, what do you think of the role of Zhang Shanya? Was her behavior reasonable? Or is she too suspicious? Welcome to discuss in the comment area! How did Sarina's wonderful performance make you feel? Come and share your impressions, I look forward to your enthusiastic interaction here!

Before March ended, the national first-class actor Sarina played a pair of king bombs in this way

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