
Yang Zishan's performance in the new drama is too popular, and the role of the judge is interpreted as a women's director, and Sarina is irretrievable

author:Xiaoshan chatted about gossip

Recently, the new drama "Executive Judge" starring Yang Zishan has been broadcast on CCTV and major video platforms, however, the audience has a lot of complaints about Yang Zishan's performance. In the play, Chu Yun, the president of the Second Executive Court played by Yang Zishan, was accused of acting too violently, interpreting the image of a judge who should be steady and majestic like a spicy female director, which aroused widespread discussion among the audience.

Yang Zishan's performance in the new drama is too popular, and the role of the judge is interpreted as a women's director, and Sarina is irretrievable

Originated from the Internet

As a legal drama focusing on the enforcement work of the court, "Enforcement Judge" has a compact plot and the case is close to the people's livelihood, which should be a very interesting work. However, Yang Zishan's performance has become the focus of the audience's complaints. In the play, the role of Chu Yun is set as a young female president with outstanding ability and the courage to take responsibility, but Yang Zishan's performance makes people feel that this role is professional and stable.

Yang Zishan's performance in the new drama is too popular, and the role of the judge is interpreted as a women's director, and Sarina is irretrievable

Originated from the Internet

Especially in the rivalry with Qi Lin played by Luo Jin, Yang Zishan's performance was particularly abrupt. In the face of Qi Lin's help, she not only had an exaggerated expression, but also stared at her throughout the whole process when she was emotional, which made the audience very uncomfortable to watch. Some netizens commented: "The heroine will only stare and shout, and play the judge like a shrew." Although this evaluation is sharp, it also reflects the audience's true feelings about Yang Zishan's performance.

Yang Zishan's performance in the new drama is too popular, and the role of the judge is interpreted as a women's director, and Sarina is irretrievable

Originated from the Internet

At the same time, the performances of other powerful actors in the play, such as Sarina and Ding Jiali, were well received by the audience. Sarina's role in the play has many rival scenes with Yang Zishan, however, even an old actor like Sarina has failed to completely recover Yang Zishan's performance mistakes. The audience said that Yang Zishan's performance was too exaggerated, and the rivalry with powerful actors such as Sarina was particularly incongruous.

Yang Zishan's performance in the new drama is too popular, and the role of the judge is interpreted as a women's director, and Sarina is irretrievable

Originated from the Internet

As the spokesperson of the law, the image of a judge should be steady, dignified and professional. However, under Yang Zishan's interpretation, the role of Chu Yun is too arrogant and domineering, and even a little fierce. For example, when Chu Yun led the team to enforce the person subject to execution in the play, her performance was more like a quarrel than an enforcement process. This kind of performance undoubtedly makes the audience's impression of the judge greatly reduced.

Yang Zishan's performance in the new drama is too popular, and the role of the judge is interpreted as a women's director, and Sarina is irretrievable

Originated from the Internet

Of course, we can't deny Yang Zishan's hard work and dedication in her acting career. Her performance in other works has also been recognized by the audience. But in the drama "Executive Judge", her performance does have the problem of using too much force. This may be because she has a wrong understanding of the role, or the director has a deviation in the positioning of the role. But in any case, as viewers, we would prefer to see a real, natural image of a judge, rather than an exaggerated, pompous female director.

Yang Zishan's performance in the new drama is too popular, and the role of the judge is interpreted as a women's director, and Sarina is irretrievable

Originated from the Internet

In general, the drama "Executive Judge" has its highlights in terms of plot and case selection, but Yang Zishan's performance has become the focus of the audience's complaints. I hope that she can learn from this experience and pay more attention to the shaping of characters and the sense of proportion of performance in future works. At the same time, we also expect the director and screenwriter to be more accurate in casting and role positioning, and present a more realistic and vivid legal case drama for the audience.

Yang Zishan's performance in the new drama is too popular, and the role of the judge is interpreted as a women's director, and Sarina is irretrievable

Originated from the Internet

Note: This article is only published in today's headlines, from a personal point of view No other If there is any infringement, contact to delete!

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