
Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

author:Entertaining and entertaining
Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

Hey, fans and friends, have you ever encountered the experience of being full of expectations when you look at the title and lineup, but you are "pitted" by your acting skills? Recently, a new rule of law drama "Executive Judge" was quietly launched, starring Luo Jin and Yang Zishan.

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

There are also a bunch of old drama bones to escort, such as Sarina, Ding Jiali, Zhao Jun, House Bin, Wang Tonghui and so on. This configuration is simply a "luxury package" in a legal drama! What is surprising is that two days after the broadcast of this drama, it actually aroused the "strong dissatisfaction" of the majority of netizens. What's going on here? Let's take a look.

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

Speaking of this drama, the theme is quite novel, focusing on the work of executive judges, which sounds quite exciting. However, when everyone turned on the TV with anticipation and prepared to welcome a feast of the rule of law, they were "surprised" by the heroine Chu Yun played by Yang Zishan. This Chu Yun is the president of the Second Enforcement Court, and his character is a "strong woman". However, is the image of this "strong woman" a little too hard?

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

In the plot, because Chu Yun couldn't contact the key person in the case, he went directly to the house under his name to seal it. This behavior simply stunned the audience.

It's not that the executive judge can't do this, but the point is that Chu Yun's approach gives people a particularly "extreme" feeling, as if he doesn't care about human feelings at all. Even the director felt that her approach was a bit excessive, this is really not something that ordinary "strong women" can do!

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

Let's talk about Yang Zishan's presentation in performance. Admittedly, she is often considered an actor with solid acting skills, but in this play, her performance was surprisingly unsatisfactory. Her facial expression appears somewhat unnatural, giving the impression of being too harsh, which is very different from the image of the people's judge in the play.

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

In addition, her performance in the play also lacks the depth of empathy for the audience, making it difficult for the audience to immerse themselves. Especially when she communicates with the male protagonist Luo Jin, she feels more like a community worker than a dignified judge. It's really frustrating and funny.

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

In contrast, the performance of the veteran drama bone Sarina is simply "textbook level". Her acting skills are undoubted, and she has her own aura as soon as she appears, which makes people want to take a few more looks.

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

However, no matter how much Sarina helps, she can't save Yang Zishan's "deviated" acting skills! The rivalry between the two in the play is simply a "disaster". Looking at Sarina's easy performance, and then looking at Yang Zishan's slightly blunt acting skills, people can't help but want to shake their heads and sigh!

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

Of course, this drama is not completely without highlights. At least, its theme and lineup still attracted a lot of people's attention. Some netizens said that they like the theme of this kind of rule of law drama very much, and they also think that the performance of other actors such as Luo Jin is quite good. It's just that Yang Zishan's "pit" is really a little difficult to overcome!

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

Speaking of which, the experience of this drama is really emotional. obviously has such a good theme and lineup, but it has caused such a big controversy because of the shaping of a character. This can't help but make people think: how important is the creation of a character in a drama? Is it that as long as one character "deviates", the whole drama will be affected?

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

Hey, speaking of which, I really want to sweat for the crew of "Executive Judge"! How did such a good drama fall into a "predicament" because of Yang Zishan's acting skills? However, we have to objectively say that there are actually a lot of things worth watching in this drama. After all, except for Yang Zishan, the performance of the other actors is still quite good. Moreover, the theme of the rule of law drama itself is also very attractive!

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

So, fans and friends, don't completely give up this drama because of Yang Zishan's acting skills! Maybe if you look at it, you'll find that it's actually quite interesting! After all, the quality of a drama is not determined by one character, right? We still have to look at the problem comprehensively and objectively!

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

It's just that ah, I still have to say that Yang Zishan's performance in "Executive Judge" this time is indeed a bit disappointing. originally thought that she could prove her acting skills again with this drama, but she didn't expect it to become the "oil bottle" of the whole show. That's a lot of emotion! I hope she can be more cautious in casting in the future, and don't let herself fall into this "embarrassing" situation again.

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

Finally, I want to say that the drama "Executive Judge" actually has a lot to pay attention to. Whether it is its subject matter or lineup, it is quite interesting. It's just that it really needs to be strengthened in terms of character building! I hope the crew can pay more attention to this issue in the future, and stop letting the audience question the whole show because of the acting skills of a certain character.

Yang Zishan's new drama is too violent, and the judge is played as the women's director, and Sarina can't save her

What do you think, fans and friends? Do you also think that Yang Zishan's performance in "Executive Judge" this time is a bit too hard? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section to let me know what you think! Let's talk about those things about this show!

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