
Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

author:X Fun Facts
Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

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At the age of 17, an age full of hopes and dreams, the golden moment in the journey of life, full of infinite possibilities and endless imagination. At this age, when we have just stepped into the threshold of youth, the world is so new and beautiful in our eyes.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

At the age of 17, he began to gradually get rid of the immaturity of his childhood and began to pursue his dreams and goals. This age is full of longing and expectation for the future, and the desire to realize the ambition in my heart through hard work and struggle.

And some people's lives stay forever at the age of 17, the national badminton player Zhang Zhijie, suddenly fainted to the ground during the game, during the convulsions, died after being sent to the hospital, and died due to ineffective rescue. The world badminton has lost a talented player in this way, what happened during this period?

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

He fainted and died

On June 30, an accident suddenly occurred at the 2024 Asian Junior Badminton Championships, and a 17-year-old national badminton player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. On July 1, the Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Federation released a statement saying that Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted on the court last night, died after being taken to the hospital, and died at 23:20 local time on June 30.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

A statement from the Asian Badminton Association and the Indonesian Association said: Chinese men's singles player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during a ball match in the evening, and was subsequently taken to the hospital, where he died. Zhang Zhijie fainted during the match against the Japanese team in the group stage, and the medical staff and medical staff of the organizing committee gave him first aid treatment. Two minutes later, he was taken to the hospital by an ambulance.

The announcement of the Indonesian Badminton Association said that "he was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes", but netizens did not buy this response, and everyone felt that this was avoiding the important and trivial.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

It seems that Zhang Zhijie received timely treatment, but it is not difficult to see from the live video that Zhang Zhijie has not been treated for a long time after he fell to the ground, and even the coach was blocked from asking on the field.

The Asian Badminton Federation, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the Organizing Committee deeply regret the incident, and also extend their most sincere condolences to Zhang Zhijie's family and the Chinese Badminton Association. It's heart-wrenching! The world badminton world has one less talented athlete.

Zhang Zhijie, who was born in Jiaxing in 2007, was selected for the national team in 2023, and was sent to the Zhejiang provincial team by Jiaxing Children's Sports School in the third grade of primary school. He won the men's singles championship under the age of 15 in the U15-17 finals of the 2022 National U Series badminton competition.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

2023 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B Men's Singles Champion, Men's Team Champion, 2024 Dutch Youth Badminton International Men's Singles Champion, 2024 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B Men's Team Champion.

To get such an honor at a young age, he must also be a talented seed player, but he is only 17 years old, and no one expected that this sudden fainting would kill him.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

My sister questioned that the rescue was not timely

In the opening match of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia, a tragic event shook audiences across the globe. Zhang Zhijie's sudden fall on the field made people faint unexpectedly and quickly lost consciousness, which made everyone in front of the screen look very worried.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

According to video footage released by witnesses, he briefly convulsed after the fall and tried to struggle to get up, but his strength was unable to support him and he eventually fell into a coma. Zhang Zhijie was constantly convulsing at that time, the scene was quite scary, even the opponent on the opposite side was directly stunned, the scene was a little silent, and the coach called for the first aid personnel to enter.

After 6 o'clock that night, the referee noticed that something was wrong and immediately took Zhang Zhijie to the hospital for emergency treatment. However, although the medical workers rushed to the scene of the accident as soon as they received the news, unfortunately, their rescue failed.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

At that time, the coach of the Chinese team also went to the stadium to check the situation, and after finding that the matter was more serious, he hurriedly called the medical staff, but obviously, the medical staff at the scene came slowly. In this regard, Zhang Zhijie's sister expressed doubts about this rescue operation in extreme sadness.

Zhang Zhijie's sister said that as a family member, she couldn't accept this sudden news, and it can be seen from the live broadcast that although Zhang Zhijie was still convulsing, he could still raise his head, obviously there were signs of life at that time.

She also pointed out that the arrival of medical staff was too long. The rescuers who came did not bring defibrillators, or even any medical equipment, which is also a reason for the shortage of local medical resources.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

Although the coaching team said they did their best, they could not prevent the tragedy from happening due to medical restrictions. My sister said that she had been contacting the coach until about half past nine, and learned that her last hope was to be transferred to the hospital, but she received the sad news of her brother's death.

My sister shared that Zhang Zhijie is a very well-behaved child, and when he gets the bonus, he wants to buy gifts for his family, and he takes his favorite badminton very seriously. The day before she died was my sister's birthday, and I was still sharing my dinner with my mother, and I didn't have time to wish my sister a happy birthday, and said that I would go home for two days after the game, but I couldn't wait for this person to go home.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

In the face of Zhang Zhijie's sister's emotional accusation, netizens felt deep powerlessness and sadness, especially watching Zhang Zhijie struggle to get up in pain, which was even more heartbreaking.

The player, who was once considered a star in badminton, has multiple singles titles and is the heart of the team. A week ago, when he was interviewed on CCTV, he was very powerful and was known as the "new star of the national feather".

Being able to represent his home country in Indonesia this time is enough to prove how strong he is on the world stage. But this tragic scene exposes the brutal truth that the human body is so fragile and helpless in a medically underdeveloped country.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

He was not treated in a timely manner

At the Asian Youth Championships in Indonesia, badminton rising star Zhang Zhijie passed away suddenly, and his death shook the world badminton world at the age of 17. Countless fans were distressed and expressed their condolences to this teenage genius on their social platforms.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

Fans were full of anger about the arrangement of the game, Zhang Zhijie unfortunately fell to the ground during the game, and had a violent spasm, the coach of the Chinese track and field team rushed to the sidelines, eagerly called for help, but half a minute later, the rescue team arrived.

The slowness and the late arrival of the medical staff were a world of difference from what Eriksen had in a European Championship match. It's hard to believe that when paramedics arrived, they didn't immediately resuscitate the patient, such as cardiac resuscitation. This kind of delay is really terrible.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

What's even more puzzling is that the referee didn't let the Chinese coach get close to Zhang Zhijie, as if he didn't know what was going on at all, and he didn't even have the least sense of crisis. He seemed to be preoccupied with the progress of the game, completely ignoring the life-and-death crisis.

The media expressed serious concern about Zhang Zhijie's tragic experience at the Indonesian badminton tournament. They believe that in such an emergency, the best way to deal with it is to immediately dispatch a professional medical team to carry out emergency rescue of the patient, which is a life-or-death moment. Unfortunately, there were no emergency measures at the scene of the accident.

After Zhang Zhijie fell, as long as he received professional treatment in time, he still had a chance to be rescued. However, given the medical situation in Indonesia and the possible delays, it really cannot be ignored to lose the best time for treatment. Even the best doctors are helpless in the face of such emergencies.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

The Asian Badminton Federation should reflect on whether life is more important than its own athletic prospects. Just like the previous fight between the national badminton and Magnus, so did they. Why are they so slow and hesitant when it comes to the important issue of athletes' lives?

Compared with some domestic competitions, some fans have said that they have seen efficient professionalism under the guidance of the team doctor. As soon as the medical team in the province receives an emergency, they will rush to the scene as soon as possible, and they can rush to the scene as soon as possible without going through complicated processes.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

Among the many fans who watched the game online, many criticized the unresponsive and amateurish on-site medical staff in Indonesia. Some netizens said: "I am now doubting whether the medical staff have the most basic first aid knowledge, and their response is too slow......

Some netizens said: "This sudden fall and spasm is likely to be acute cardiac arrest, and there will be a brief spasm after the fall, the organizing committee really has no safety awareness, and does not know how to do it, so that it delays the most critical minute of life!" ”

Another person said: "I hope that after this incident, our medical staff can learn some lessons, this kind of competition is too intense, and in case of emergencies, they can't just wait to spray with sprayers, but stay vigilant and do basic first aid." ”

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

In fact, even in world-class competitions, we can see how poor their ability is, how poor the medical conditions are, how poor the ability to adapt, and human lives, we have to think about it, especially the athletes. Moreover, seeing that in the live broadcast screen, the doctor did not bring a defibrillator to the scene, which is obviously very unprofessional.

Looking at this live broadcast full of tragedy, the hearts of those of us ordinary people are tugging. A sunny boy in his youth, with a sturdy physique, fell into boundless darkness at this moment.

Bad news! Zhang Zhijie, a national badminton player, fainted during the game and unfortunately passed away at the age of 17

My sister posted a painful post asking why she couldn't be treated in time, because she believed that as long as she was treated in time, her brother would have a chance of life. In fact, people have long heard about the poor medical situation in the local area, but they have not paid enough attention to it. The long spasm in the video made it difficult for the family to accept, and it increased the pain of the family and the suspicion that they were not rescued in time.

Hopefully, similar tragedies will not happen again, and future competitions will pay more attention to the physical condition of the players, so that they can get the best treatment in critical situations. After all, everyone's life is precious, and no matter where they go, they must be protected in a timely and professional manner.

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