
Tick season is here! German tick high-risk areas exposed, have you been recruited near your home?

author:Eat, drink and be merry in Germany

When summer comes, ticks also enter the active period. Germany is the hardest hit area for tick-borne diseases, and there has been a surge in tick bites and infections in recent years.

Germany has seen an increase in the number of reported cases of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme disease in the past few weeks.

Tick season is here! German tick high-risk areas exposed, have you been recruited near your home?

In the case of Saxony, according to the weekly epidemiological report of the National Bureau of Investigation (LUA), nine cases of TBE and 395 cases of Lyme disease had been registered as of mid-June.

By comparison, the number of infections in early May was much lower, with only one case of tick-borne encephalitis and 173 cases of Lyme disease.

The number of tick-borne encephalitis cases in Saxony has also been on the rise year by year, from 15 cases in 2014 to 34 cases last year.

Tick season is here! German tick high-risk areas exposed, have you been recruited near your home?

Not only that, but most of Saxony is now at high risk of Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis.

Experts recommend that residents living in the high-risk areas pictured above should be vaccinated. Two doses provide about a year of protection, and a booster dose gives you an additional 3 years of protection.

Dangers of Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis

Lyme disease is spread by bacteria and generally causes symptoms such as rashes, fever, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and can lead to serious consequences such as arthritis, myocarditis, and neurological disorders if left untreated.

TBE is caused by a virus, with initial symptoms similar to influenza and can lead to meningitis, encephalitis and even death in severe cases.

How to protect it?

The easiest way to prevent tick bites is to avoid lush vegetation such as forests, tall grasses and shrubs. If you really can't avoid it, the following tips may help:

● Use insect repellent containing 20%-30% DEET, or 20% picaridin (preferably sprayed on clothing);

● Wear neutral colors (such as beige, light gray and other light colors), it is recommended to wear more breathable long sleeves and long lengths, and tuck the trouser cuffs into socks;

● When in the forest, try to only walk in the middle of the trail, avoiding grass or dead leaves;

● Don't sit on bare ground. When resting, spread a tarp on the ground and sit again;

● Before entering the house, carefully inspect your body, clothing, gear, and pets for ticks.

● Apply insect repellent about 20 minutes after applying sunscreen.

Pet protection

While protecting yourself from ticks, don't forget to protect your pets. Especially after they have been playing outdoors for a while, remember to check them for ticks.

Tick season is here! German tick high-risk areas exposed, have you been recruited near your home?

When it comes to checking, don't forget to check the following 5 common locations:

● Under the collar. It is advisable to remove the collar from time to time to check it;

● Groin. Between the hind legs, the groin under the tail is where ticks like to go;

● Inside the ears. The small slits in the ears are also a popular spot for ticks;

● Between the toes. A place like the toe, which is comfortable and not easy to see, is an ideal place for ticks to set up camp;

● The eye side. Ticks hiding here are generally difficult to find, if you are really unsure, you can take them to consult a veterinarian;

● Apply insect repellent about 20 minutes after applying sunscreen.

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