
Stay safe! There have been many vicious incidents in Germany recently! The man's café poured sulfuric acid, injuring 11 people

author:Eat, drink and be merry in Germany

A sunny Sunday afternoon is supposed to be a time for people to enjoy their leisure time. However, at a café called Fräulein Coffea in Bochum, this tranquility is shattered by a sudden acid attack, and 11 people instantly become victims of the "acid maniac"!

Stay safe! There have been many vicious incidents in Germany recently! The man's café poured sulfuric acid, injuring 11 people

According to eyewitness accounts, a man suddenly broke into the outdoor area of the café and threw an unknown liquid on the customers sitting in the area, which hit one of the victims in the neck, abdomen and legs, causing severe burns.

The sudden attack threw the café into chaos in an instant, with customers panicking, screaming and fleeing in all directions. The suspect took advantage of the chaos to flee the scene.

Witnesses said they used "a few litres of water" to rinse the fluid off the victim's body in an attempt to alleviate the injuries before first responders rushed to the scene.

Stay safe! There have been many vicious incidents in Germany recently! The man's café poured sulfuric acid, injuring 11 people

According to police, a man entered the café at around 3:25 p.m. and threw acidic liquid directly at a customer sitting at a table in the outdoor area (seriously injured).

A lady and a waitress at the same table also suffered minor injuries, including four police officers and three firefighters, who arrived at the scene.

Shortly after the attack, the suspect was arrested nearby.

Police said it was unclear what the suspect's motive for the attack was and did not reveal his identity.

According to NTV, the liquid is alleged to be "high concentration sulphuric acid".

Stay safe! There have been many vicious incidents in Germany recently! The man's café poured sulfuric acid, injuring 11 people

The incident is reminiscent of another acid attack in Bavaria not long ago, in which a masked man (40) splashed liquid on the face of a man (31) after ringing the doorbell, causing permanent damage to the victim's eyes and body.

According to follow-up reports by German media, the suspect has been arrested, and the police suspect that the motive for the crime is related to a romantic relationship.

German netizens commented:

Stay safe! There have been many vicious incidents in Germany recently! The man's café poured sulfuric acid, injuring 11 people

What's happening here every day right now is just insane!

Stay safe! There have been many vicious incidents in Germany recently! The man's café poured sulfuric acid, injuring 11 people

In addition to the physical injuries caused, psychological scars were also left behind. I wish the victims a speedy recovery.

Stay safe! There have been many vicious incidents in Germany recently! The man's café poured sulfuric acid, injuring 11 people

Netizen A: Oops! Didn't study chemistry well? Adding water will be even worse and will generate heat!

"Add water first, then acid, or something terrible will happen."

Netizen B: Yes, everything is right. Rinse with plenty of water, which is part of every emergency plan. Sit down and go back to college.

Netizen C: They didn't notice the proportions. In an acidic accident, it is perfectly correct to use a lot of water.

Stay safe! There have been many vicious incidents in Germany recently! The man's café poured sulfuric acid, injuring 11 people

In 2014, the German police registered a total of 180955 criminal cases, of which 28.7% were foreign suspects. And in 2023, this figure rises to 41.1%, involving 214099 criminal cases. Source: Statista

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