
TCM Health Tips and Taboos: An Absurd Collision of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Life

author:Thinking about the media

TCM Health Tips and Taboos: An Absurd Collision of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Life

TCM Health Tips and Taboos: An Absurd Collision of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Life

TCM Health Tips and Taboos: An Absurd Collision of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Life

Have you ever thought that we modern people are staging an absurd health farce? While shouting "health first", he used his body as a garbage disposal. According to statistics, more than 70% of office workers have varying degrees of sub-health status. However, the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine is like an unpopular old antique, which is sealed in the corner of history by us. Today, let's lift the curtain on this farce and see how ancient wisdom plays out a ridiculous drama in modern life!

TCM Health Tips and Taboos: An Absurd Collision of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Life

Seven Wellness Tricks: Are You Really Ready?

TCM Health Tips and Taboos: An Absurd Collision of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Life

Friends, are you ready for a thrilling wellness adventure? Let's start with the "back thrashing Dafa"!

Imagine you're working intently in the office and suddenly you hear a "pop bang" sound. When I turned my head, it turned out that Xiao Wang next door was practicing the "back beating Dafa". He clenched his hands into fists and pounded his back like a sandbag, with an intoxicated expression on his face. You may think he is crazy, but in fact, this seemingly ridiculous action turned out to be a great stunt of Chinese medicine health preservation!

According to ancient records, "the back should often beat the yang qi". This method not only stimulates the acupuncture points on the back, but also strengthens the immune system and even prevents chronic low back pain. But be warned, if you want to try this trick in the office, it's a good idea to say hello to your colleagues first, so as not to be mistaken for a fight or go crazy.

Next, let's take a look at the "secret techniques of facial massage". You may ask, does my face still need a massage? The answer is yes! The ancients called it "bath face", which is said to make your complexion rosy and less wrinkled. Imagine that every morning you rub your face vigorously as if you were washing your face. Over time, you may really get thicker and thicker – not just literally, but maybe even better at work!

After talking about health stunts, let's take a look at those health taboos that make people laugh and cry. The first is to "maintain health when you are old". Many people spend extravagantly when they are young, and they don't think about health until they have gray hair and a mouth full of dentures. It's like taking a worn-out classic car for maintenance and expecting it to be a brand new sports car. Sorry, this isn't a magic transformation!

Let's take a look at the "treat when you're sick" article. How many people have to wait until it develops into pneumonia before going to the doctor? It's like seeing an impending typhoon, but waiting until the house is blown over before remembering to go to the shelter. Friends, prevention is better than cure, this is not an empty phrase!

Finally, let's talk about the ironic taboo of "losing weight only when you're fat". How many people usually eat big fish and meat, eat with a round belly, and don't think of losing weight until they can't wear pants. And then what? I went on a crazy diet, I was half tired to death, but it didn't take long for me to rebound again. It's almost like playing "Balloon Life" – blow, deflate, blow and deflate. Friends, instead of tossing yourself like this, it is better to manage your diet and exercise well from now on!

Case Study: The Health Farce of Modern People

Let's take a look at some of the examples. Xiao Li is a typical office white-collar worker, sitting in front of the computer for more than 10 hours a day, and even eager to take a laptop with him to the toilet. His "sedentary syndrome" has reached alarming levels – his ass is growing on the chair! Although he also knows to exercise more, every time he stands up and stretches, he feels like he has completed the day's exercise.

Let's talk about my "night owl" friend Xiao Wang. Convinced that "those who go to bed early have no future", he slept at 3 a.m. every day and was woken up at 9 a.m. by an alarm clock. His "Circadian Clock Challenge" has been going on for several years, and dark circles are on the verge of becoming a fashion icon. Although TCM emphasizes the importance of regular work and rest, in his opinion, staying up late is the true meaning of life.

Finally, don't forget the fanatical "wellness gurus". I have a neighbor aunt who has turned her home into a "home remedies testing ground". From drinking urine therapy to sleeping upside down, as long as she hears that it can maintain health, she has to try it herself. Once, she almost ruined her kidneys because she drank too much of some kind of magic juice. This attitude of "I'd rather believe what you have, not believe what you don't have" really makes people laugh and cry.

TCM Health Tips and Taboos: An Absurd Collision of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Life

In this age of information explosion, we seem to be less and less aware of how to properly care for our bodies. The ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine is taken out of context, and the modern concept of health is misunderstood and misinterpreted by us. It's like we're in a huge labyrinth, desperately looking for an exit, but always going in the opposite direction.

So, how exactly should we find balance in this absurd wellness farce? Perhaps the answer is simple: go back to your heart and listen to your body. Don't blindly follow the so-called health regimen Dafa, and don't scoff at ancient wisdom. Moderate exercise, regular work and rest, and a balanced diet may be the most effective way to maintain health.

Remember, health doesn't happen overnight, it requires consistent effort. Starting today, try to break a bad habit and develop a good one. Perhaps, this is the first step to a healthy life.

[Disclaimer]: This article is for health popularization only and does not constitute medical advice. It aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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