
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

About the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty for the old princes and ministers after the death of the title of the seal, the memorial (court sacrifice), the record of mercy

(December 1913 to September 12, 1923)

It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy
It is a record of the small court of the Xunqing Dynasty to the old princes and ministers after their deaths, and they were given the title of the emperor and the court to give sacrifices and mercy

On December 15, the 2nd year of the Republic of China (1913), the former imperial guard Zhenglan Banner Manchuria Metropolitan Tong, the third class Chengen Gong Guixiang died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, and sent Bei Zi Pu Xin to lay acid and reward 5000 taels of silver for the funeral.

On January 20, the 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914), Prince Shiduo died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, gave him "Ke", and sent Beile Zaitao to Dian Gong and rewarded 3,000 taels of silver for the funeral.

On January 29 of the same year, Feng'en Fuguo Gongshou passed away, and Pu Yi rewarded 1,000 taels of silver for the funeral. On November 4 of the same year, Prince Yu Maolin died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, gave it to "Min", and sent Beile Zairun to Dian Yin, rewarding 1,000 yuan in silver for the funeral.

On April 10, the 4th year of the Republic of China (1915), Prince Rui Kuibin died, and Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, gave him "respect", and rewarded 2,000 yuan of silver for the funeral.

September 26 of the same year,太傅衔太保陆润庠去世,溥仪予谥"文端",赏给陀罗经被,派贝勒载润前往奠醊,赏银3000元治丧。

On March 3, the 5th year of the Republic of China (1916), Prince Zhuang Zaigong died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, and sent Beile Zaiying to Dian Yin, and gave him "Gong" and a reward of 1,000 yuan in silver for the funeral.

On April 5 of the same year, Jingfeng, the Minister of Internal Affairs, died, and Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, gave him "sincerity and prudence", and sent Bei Zi Zaixin to lay down the palace and reward 5,000 taels of silver for the funeral.

On April 27 of the same year, Rong Qing, the president of the Record Museum, died, and Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt with a reward of 5,000 taels of silver for the funeral.

August 30 of the same year,毓庆宫行走徐坊去世,溥仪赏给陀罗经被,予谥"忠勤",派贝勒载润前往奠醊,赏银3000元治丧。

On September 2 of the same year, the former minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Affairs, the Minister of the Former Interior

On October 4 of the same year, 前弼德院顾问林绍年去世,溥仪赏银500元治丧。

On December 31 of the same year, 前闽浙总督魏光涛去世,溥仪予谥"威肃".

On January 29, the 6th year of the Republic of China (1917), Prince Qing Yizhu died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, and sent Beile Zaitao and others to Dian Li, gave him a "secret", and rewarded 3,000 yuan of silver for the funeral.

On February 15 of the same year, Prince Li Chenghou died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, gave him a "quality", and sent Beile Zairun to Dian Yin, and rewarded 2,000 yuan of silver for the funeral.

On November 16 of the same year, the former county king Dorobelle Zailian died, and Pu Yi rewarded 4,000 yuan in silver for the funeral.

On March 13, the 7th year of the Republic of China (1918), Xiliang, the former governor of the three eastern provinces, died, and Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, gave him "Wencheng", and rewarded him with 500 yuan of silver for the funeral.

On April 29 of the same year, he was released at the former university.

On July 30 of the same year, Xiling A, who walked in front of the emperor, died, and Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt and sent Pu Ji to Dian Gong to reward 500 yuan in silver for the funeral.

On January 15, the 8th year of the Republic of China (1919), Zhang Deyi, the former Mongolian capital with a blue flag, died. ”

On July 10 of the same year, he was killed in the previous department, and he was able to leave the city at the end of the year.

On November 8 of the same year, 衍圣公孔令贻去世,溥仪赏银500元治丧。

On October 11 of the same year, Lu Haihuan, the former secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asked the late Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Sheng Xuan Huaijia to give him a mercy. Pu Yi decreed: "Sheng Xuan will reinstate all punishments with grace and give mercy as usual." ”

On January 5, the 9th year of the Republic of China (1920), Liang Dingfen, who walked in Yuqing Palace, died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, gave the crown prince the title of Shaobao, and gave him "Wenzhong", and sent Beile Zaiying to Dian Chen, and rewarded 3,000 yuan in silver for the funeral.

On April 24, the 10th year of the Republic of China (1921), Zhuang and Huang Guifei died, and Pu Yi honored "Gongsu".

On September 30 of the same year, 溥仪生母醇亲王嫡福晋瓜尔佳氏去世,溥仪即日至邸成服行礼。

On January 19, the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922), the Minister of Internal Affairs Shi Xu died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, gave the "Wenduan", and sent Beile Zaying to the Dian Gong and rewarded 8,000 yuan in silver for the funeral.

On January 24 of the same year, Jiang Guidi, the commander of the army of the army, passed away, and Pu Yi gave an altar and a reward of 1,000 yuan for the funeral.

On April 10 of the same year, he was found in the case of Wang Zenyū (悃亲王善耆去世,溥仪赏给陀罗经被,予谥"忠",派贝子溥忻前往奠醊,赏银3000元治丧。

On September 29 of the same year, Yuqing Palace walked Iktan and died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, Jin gave Shaobao, gave "Wenzhi", and sent Bei Zi Pu Xin to lay the capital and reward 3,000 yuan for the funeral.

December 16 of the same year,贝勒毓朗去世,溥仪赏给陀罗经被,予谥"敏达",派贝子溥忻前往奠醊,赏银2000元治丧。

On September 12, the 12th year of the Republic of China (1923), Zhang Xun died, Pu Yi rewarded the Dhara Sutra quilt, and sent Beile Zairun to Dian Li, rewarding 3,000 yuan of silver for the funeral.