
56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

author:Paper Airplane Six Entertainment
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56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

Text: No. 6 Paper Airplane Entertainment

Edited |

Oh, friends, let's talk about one thing in the entertainment industry today, which is really distressing and wants to eat melons.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

Speaking of 2024, the veteran Na Ying in the music world, we all know it, it is the Northeast girl with a unique voice and a distinct personality, she actually encountered a sudden "skin battle" - shingles, and it grows around the eyes, this is not a joke, it hurts really badly!

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

At such a juncture, on the stage of "Singer 2024", that sister is still a ruthless character, and she insisted on the eighth episode of the show with this pain.

And guess what? She chose You Changjing's "Night of a Star" to sing, and the singing voice was so full of emotion that it seemed to be able to penetrate the screen and hit people's hearts.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

As a result, with this affectionate interpretation, Na Ying not only won the third place on the spot, but also successfully walked out of the shadow area of elimination, which is a double display of strength and courage.

The atmosphere of the scene was tense enough as the game progressed, but I didn't expect that after the audience voted, Mr. He Jiong came to a "true love giveaway" and shook out the secret of Na Ying's illness in battle.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

Mr. He's eyes were red at that time, and it could be seen that he was really distressed.

When he talked about Na Ying's persistence in participating in the competition, his tone was full of admiration, but this wave of operations set off a lot of waves on the Internet.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

Netizens are frying now, some people say that He Jiong is acting, is it a little too much with tears in his eyes? There are also people who directly expressed their disbelief in Na Ying's sick performance, thinking that this is sympathy.

But think about it carefully, Teacher He Jiong only revealed his illness after the vote, in fact, he didn't want to kidnap the audience morally, after all, the votes were all cast, and the result was decided, which was more like an affirmation and distress of Na Ying's efforts.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

But then again, Na Ying's character is really not likable in the circle.

In the early years, the rumors about her suppression of singers such as Daolang, Zhou Shen, and Yao Beina have never stopped, although it is difficult for outsiders to judge the truth, but this matter has become a "black spot" for her in the hearts of many people.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

Therefore, even if she sincerely struggles on the stage this time, it is inevitable that some people will not buy it, or even sneer at it.

Alas, these days, you have to be careful to do good deeds, and if you are not careful, you will be sprayed into a sieve.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

In the final analysis, the entertainment industry is in dire straits, and those of us who eat melons can only watch the excitement and express our own small opinions.

Na Ying insisted on being sick this time, whether it was dedication or show, everyone had a rod and scale in their hearts.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

But then again, good health always comes first, and I hope that sister will have a good rest and recover soon.

As for those controversies, let it go with the wind, after all, in the entertainment industry, there is never a shortage of controversies and topics, let's pay more attention to the works and less involved in other people's private affairs, after all, you have to eat melons with quality, right?

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

No matter what the outside world says, Na Ying's performance at least let us see the tenacity of a singer, as for the story behind it, leave it to time to judge.

However, when it comes to Na Ying, there are basically few people in our generation who don't know, this Northeast girl is a well-known figure in the music world.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

Born in 1967, she has been stubborn since she was a child, and she became popular in 88 with cover songs, and won the third place in the "Sunshine Cup Young Singer Competition".

The song "Ravine and Valley" made her unique in the tide of the northwest wind, and then "The Mountain Does Not Turn and the Water Turn" was another wave of popularity, and various awards were soft, and this starting point was so high that people were greedy.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

In the mid-90s, Na Ying's career was like riding a rocket, signing with a record company, albums one after another, popular across the Taiwan Strait, what "Conquest" and "Sad Romance", those are all KTV must-order golden songs, and they are playing on the streets and alleys.

Especially in "Conquest", Na Ying sang so domineering that it was a domineering leak, which simply made people's hearts crisp.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

Saying that she is "after the first day in China" is not boasting, but people are piled up with real money sales and awards.

Later, Na Ying became a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, and she could be seen on TV every year.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

and the years when she was a mentor in "The Voice of China", she was also beautiful, and the champions she cultivated one after another, it can be said that the status of that sister in the music world is becoming more and more stable.

However, let's also talk about Na Ying, who has a straightforward personality and sometimes doesn't speak in a roundabout way, which is easy to offend people.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

For example, there was a lot of debate on the Internet about Daolang and Zhou Shen's previous evaluations, some people said that she was too arrogant, and some people thought she was real and unpretentious.

Anyway, Na Ying's controversy, like her achievements, is obvious.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

In 2024, Na Ying will appear on "Singer 2024", which is originally big news, but I didn't expect that she would still go into battle with illness, and shingles grew around her eyes, how uncomfortable it was, but she gritted her teeth and sang "A Starry Night", this tenacity is really not comparable to ordinary people.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

Teacher He Jiong said on the stage, the audience was moved and distressed, but it was much more complicated on the Internet, some said that this was a sensational card, and some said that Na Ying was a hardcore, and there were different opinions.

To be honest, as a melon-eating crowd, I think that Na Ying's persistence on the stage is at least worthy of respect.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

After all, it's not something that everyone can do if they're not feeling well and still be so devoted.

As for those controversies, who doesn't have a shortcoming, the key depends on how we look at it.

Na Ying has received mixed reviews for so many years, but her love for music and dedication to the stage are still quite admirable.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

As for those rights and wrongs, let's treat them as after-dinner conversations, after all, how can things in the entertainment industry be so simple to say?

Na Ying's acting career in the past few decades can be said to be wonderful, with peaks and valleys, praise and criticism.

56-year-old Na Ying suddenly fell! "It doesn't look like she fell lightly", netizens: Can you let her go?

But anyway, the classic songs she left behind in the Chinese music scene will not fade because of controversy, let's pay more attention to the works and less entangled in gossip, after all, good music is the most touching to people's hearts, isn't it?

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