
36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

author:Paper Airplane Six Entertainment
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36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Text: No. 6 Paper Airplane Entertainment

Edited |

Oh, this melon is really not small, let's talk about the things in this circle today, and talk about the things between our "fairy sister" Liu Yifei and her mysterious "godfather" Chen Jinfei.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Having said that, in this entertainment industry, the water is deep enough to raise fish, but there are also so many people who have been eye-catching since childhood, and Liu Yifei is one of them.

It is said that Chen Jinfei saw the pearl and discovered her acting talent when Liu Yifei was still a budding flower.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

This Chen Jinfei, that is a ruthless character, not only rich and powerful, but also visionary, he single-handedly led Liu Yifei into the colorful entertainment circle, carefully carved, and was stunned to cultivate a little girl into a "fairy sister".

This title of "godfather", people outside always feel meaningful when they listen to it, but in the end, people are really praising it and it really hurts.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Chen Jinfei's support for Liu Yifei is not just lip service, he smashed it with real money, smashed out several classic roles, and let Liu Yifei take root in the entertainment industry step by step.

I remember that in 2008, Liu Yifei also became the first Golden Eagle Goddess, the limelight, it is really unbeatable, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a collection of thousands of favors.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Speaking of which, I have to mention the "King of Kung Fu".

This blockbuster in 2008 directly made Liu Yifei jump onto the international stage and partner with Jackie Chan, which is an opportunity that many actors dream of.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

This time, Liu Yifei's name is not only well-known in China, but also in the world.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

However, in the entertainment industry, how can there be no turmoil? Later, Liu Yifei encountered a brand turmoil, which caused a lot of trouble, but she chose to be silent, and this silence made the outside world begin to guess, especially the relationship between her and Chen Jinfei, which was examined by various magnifying glasses.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

What's even more lively is that the scandal between Chen Jinfei and Yang Caiyu was full of rumors of empathy and falling out of favor, coupled with the news that Liu Yifei's mother was rumored to have come back, this series of events simply sent a sumptuous meal to the people who eat melons.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

In the face of these disturbances, our fairy sister is still quite calm, she chose to keep a low profile, speak with her works, silently improve herself, and respond to all doubts with her strength.

And Chen Jinfei gradually faded out of the public's sight, between these two people, right and wrong, outsiders really look at flowers in the fog, looking at the moon in the water, the more they look at it, the more confused they become.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

In the final analysis, the emotional entanglements in the entertainment industry are as complex as spider webs, but there is one line that is clear, that is, they have worked together for their respective dreams.

As for what the future holds, let's not worry too much about the people who eat melons, after all, everyone has their own choices and their own way to go.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Let's respect their decision and bless them.

After all, whether it is the fairy sister or the driving force behind it, it is not easy to maintain the original intention and insist on oneself in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

As for the truth, let's leave it to them to interpret it themselves, after all, life is not a serial, there are not so many scripts, more real and complex daily life.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Let's eat melons and eat melons, or pay more attention to works and gossip less about private life, so that the atmosphere of the entertainment industry may be fresher.

Let's continue to talk, Liu Yifei, this girl, is really the type of God who appreciates food, she looks good, and her acting skills are not bad.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Under the escort of Chen Jinfei, which of the plays she acted in those years was not well-known? Bai Xiuzhu in "The Family of Gold Powder", that arrogant and delicate energy, makes people love and hate; Wang Yuyan in "Dragon Babu" is simply the fairy sister who came out of the book, pure and refined; and then to the little dragon girl in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the fluttering white clothes are so immortal.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Each of these roles has made her famous to the next level, and the audience popularity is also very good, and the title of "fairy sister" is called like this.

In 2008, it was a big turning point in Liu Yifei's career, participating in "The King of Kung Fu" and cooperating with international superstar Jackie Chan, which is not just as simple as making a movie, it is simply a ticket to the international express.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Jackie Chan's status in the circle, needless to say, bring up the newcomer, and the effect will be very good.

Through this movie, Liu Yifei is not only popular at home, but also abroad has begun to know this beautiful actress from the East, and her international popularity has soared.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

After that, our fairy sister became more and more busy, movies, TV series, and advertising endorsements, one after another, and every time she appeared, she could bring surprises to people.

Her acting skills are also constantly improving, from the initial youth to the later ease, every step is solid.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

She doesn't rely on hype, she doesn't rely on scandals, she speaks with her works, this kind of attitude is really commendable in this impetuous circle.

Moreover, Liu Yifei's foreign language skills are also very good, and she speaks English smoothly, which makes her more comfortable in international cooperation.

Remember her performance in Mulan? It was a big production that attracted global attention, and the Hua Mulan she played not only had the heroism of not letting the eyebrows go, but also had delicate emotional expressions, and the evaluation at home and abroad was quite high.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Such an opportunity is not available to anyone, Liu Yifei seized it with her own strength, and also let the world see the strength and beauty of Chinese women.

In terms of personal image, Liu Yifei is also quite low-key, except for the promotion of her works, it is rare to see her participate in any messy variety shows, let alone those smoky hypes.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

She is like a clear stream in the entertainment industry, silently being herself, focusing on the improvement of her acting skills and the shaping of her role.

This purity of focusing on art itself makes people can't help but give a thumbs up.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Of course, there are many popular people, and there are always such and such speculations about her relationship with Chen Jinfei, but Liu Yifei doesn't seem to care about these gossips, and still maintains her own rhythm and style.

This mentality is also one of the reasons why she can continue to shine on the road of acting.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Liu Yifei's acting career can be said to be smooth, and every step is both steady and exciting.

We, the people who eat melons, just watch her works with peace of mind and appreciate her acting skills, as for the disturbances behind them, leave time to slowly clarify.

After all, a good actor ultimately has to rely on his work to speak, and everything else is fleeting.

36-year-old Liu Yifei, who is riddled with black materials: The drama is straight down, after all, it is inseparable from the "godfather" Chen Jinfei?

Liu Yifei still has a long way to go in the future, let's look forward to her bringing more excellent works and continuing to shine on the international stage!

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