
The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.

author:Pink sweet peach peach

I've never seen such an iron rice bowl,

Missile repair professional! (Missiles are not all launched immediately, maintenance and repair, protection from moisture, squibs)

There are only 2 vocational schools in the country! This major is opened, and it is an iron rice bowl if you are admitted! Straight from graduation to death...

The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.
The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.

Hahaha, however, missile maintenance, repairing missiles that have not been used for a long time, not missiles that have not exploded after being fired!

The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.

But liberal arts students are very envious of the choice of science students! Question: The undergraduate is not necessarily good!

The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.

The troops have special people, special training, to be responsible for missile maintenance. Just like a car, car maintenance and repair are two concepts, maintenance is maintenance, maintenance can be repaired to the appearance of the condition, can be much more advanced than maintenance.

The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.

You understand the curriculum talent development plan.

The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.

The main thing is that most people hear about this for the first time, and the first thing that comes to mind about missiles is military weapons, but it is reasonable to think about firefighting missiles for fire fighting.

The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.

Otherwise, let the graduate students polish the coating on the outer surface!

The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.
The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.
The most ungodly major in college! Missile maintenance professional, netizen: I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl.

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