
When I wanted to buy a dress at the mall, I forgot that it was 2024! So who is buying it?

author:Pink sweet peach peach

Went to the mall and entered a store that I had never seen before, a short-sleeved store was very good-looking, I felt that more than 200 was acceptable, and the price was 500+, I complained that it was too expensive, and the clerk next to me "The current short-sleeved is this price, five or six hundred is the normal price"

When I wanted to buy a dress at the mall, I forgot that it was 2024! So who is buying it?

Clothes are really hard to buy, 1500 budget to buy a coat, 500 budget to buy a skirt, you may not be able to buy quality version style OK, the same offline.

When I wanted to buy a dress at the mall, I forgot that it was 2024! So who is buying it?

Because like you said, it's not that we can't afford it, but we don't think it's worth it. I spend my money however I want, and I don't pay for goods and services that I don't approve of. It's disrespectful to my money.

When I wanted to buy a dress at the mall, I forgot that it was 2024! So who is buying it?
When I wanted to buy a dress at the mall, I forgot that it was 2024! So who is buying it?

Actually, I can accept hundreds or thousands as long as it's worth it. Sometimes when I go to the mall, I don't understand that a T-shirt is inlaid with gold edges? A set of skirts is one or two thousand or even more expensive!

When I wanted to buy a dress at the mall, I forgot that it was 2024! So who is buying it?

So what I want now is that it either really looks better or it is cheap casual and comfortable. I bought dozens of pieces this summer and kept a few of them, so it's okay not to waste them!

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