
The man came home in the middle of the night, eavesdropped on his wife and a conspiracy, and he escaped by stabbing the window

author:Jax's hand

Let's talk about Li Tiezhu's daughter-in-law, Xiaolian, who looks very smart, with willow eyebrows and apricot eyes, like a fairy who came out of the painting. When the two first got married, it was as sweet as honey. But as the days went by, Xiaolian's mind began to come alive.

One day, Li Tiezhu went to work outside, and he was too busy with too much work to do, and he didn't go home for several days. That night, the moonlight was hazy, and Li Tiezhu finally finished his work and hurried home. Thinking about Xiaolian in my heart, I haven't seen her for a few days, and I don't know what she is like at home.

When he entered the village and saw his house brightly lit from a distance, Li Tiezhu's heart warmed up, and his steps became faster. But when he arrived at the door of the house, he heard the whispers and laughter in the house, and his heart tightened, why is the house so lively in the middle of the night?

The man came home in the middle of the night, eavesdropped on his wife and a conspiracy, and he escaped by stabbing the window

He crept over to the window and poked a small hole to peek in. Looking at this, Li Tiezhu was angry. Xiaolian was sitting with a strange man, talking and laughing, and clinking glasses. The man was white and clean, dressed very well, and he was not a good bird at first glance.

Li Tiezhu was on fire in his heart, he thought to himself: "This girl, I worked hard to earn money to support my family, she is good, she hooks up with others behind my back!" He was about to rush in, and heard Xiaolian whisper: "Don't worry, then Li Tiezhu will leave in a few days, this house and this land are all ours." When Li Tiezhu heard this, he was furious. He endured and continued eavesdropping.

The man said again: "This Li Tiezhu is really fateful, we didn't kill him last time." Xiaolian answered: "Hmph, this time I must let him go without returning!" When Li Tiezhu heard this, he was shocked, and he broke out in a cold sweat. Only then did I understand that these two people had wanted to harm him for a long time.

The man came home in the middle of the night, eavesdropped on his wife and a conspiracy, and he escaped by stabbing the window

He didn't dare to listen anymore for fear of being discovered. Quickly slipped away, thinking about what to do. Li Tiezhu thought as he walked, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he didn't dare to act rashly. At this moment, he saw the old king at the entrance of the village. Lao Wangtou is an old hunter in the village and knows a little about the rivers and lakes. Li Tiezhu thought to himself, he had to discuss with the old king to see what he had in mind.

So, he hurriedly stepped forward and told the old king about the matter. As soon as the old king heard this, he came up angrily, and he patted his thigh and scolded: "This girl is more poisonous than a snake and scorpion!" Iron pillar, you have to keep an eye on it, since those two goods want to fix you, they must have a backhand. When Li Tiezhu heard this, he panicked in his heart, and he asked, "Uncle Wang, what should I do?" The old king pondered for a while, and said, "Don't hurry home first, so as not to alarm them." I'm going to go to the town to find a few buddies, and let's try to deal with them together. Li Tiezhu listened, and his heart was a little more steady. He glanced at Old Wang Tou gratefully and said, "That's really troublesome for you, Uncle Wang." The old king waved his hand and said, "What's the trouble, we are all from the village, and we have to help if we can." ”

In this way, Li Tiezhu waited all night under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village. Early the next morning, the old Wang Tou came back with a few buddies. As soon as they put it together, they decided to secretly observe Xiaolian and the man first, and then look for an opportunity to do it. In the next few days, Li Tiezhu and Lao Wangtou took turns staring at Xiaolian and the man's home. They found that the man often ran to Xiaolian's house, and the two of them went out to buy things together, looking like a loving couple. Li Tiezhu looked at the anger in his heart, but he knew that now was not the time to do it.

The man came home in the middle of the night, eavesdropped on his wife and a conspiracy, and he escaped by stabbing the window

Time passed day by day, and finally one night, Li Tiezhu and Lao Wang Tou found that Xiaolian and the man had sneaked out of the house and went to the woods outside the village. Li Tiezhu's heart moved, and he felt that the opportunity had come. They discussed it for a while and decided to quietly follow along to have a look. The group tiptoed behind Xiaolian and the man, walking deeper into the woods. The more he walked, the more nervous he became, but Li Tiezhu knew that this was a critical moment and he couldn't drop the chain.

Finally, they came to a remote place. Xiaolian and the man were standing in front of a dirt pit, muttering something in a low voice. Li Tiezhu and the others hurriedly hid behind a big tree and eavesdropped on their conversation. The man looked around, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "This place is out of the way enough, no one should find it." Xiaolian looked ruthless and said viciously: "This time, we must let Li Tiezhu go and never return, if he is gone, we can live with peace of mind." When Li Tiezhu heard this, his heart felt like he had been pricked by a needle. He almost couldn't help but rush out, but the old king grabbed him and told him not to be impulsive. I saw the man take out a bottle from his bag and pour something into the dirt pit. Xiaolian picked up a wooden stick and began to stir the liquid. Although they couldn't see what was in the bottle, Li Tiezhu and the others knew in their hearts that this was definitely not a good thing. "Look at this posture, they are determined to fix me!" Li Tiezhu was so angry that the roots of his teeth itched, and he muttered hatefully. When the old king heard this, he nodded like pounding garlic, and his voice was low: "We have to hurry up and think of a trick, we can't let them succeed." As soon as the words fell, the man seemed to have discovered something, raised his head suddenly, and glanced at the place where Li Tiezhu and the others were hiding. Li Tiezhu's heart tightened, and he quickly lowered his head like an ostrich, for fear of being seen by the man. Fortunately, God opened his eyes, and the man just frowned, and lowered his head and muttered to Xiaolian. Li Tiezhu and the others took the opportunity to slip away quietly.

Back in the village, Li Tiezhu and Lao Wang decided to report to the police first and let the police take care of this matter. They still have to keep an eye on Xiaolian and the man, and don't let them make any more small moves. Early the next morning, Li Tiezhu went to the town's police station to report the case. After listening to his account, the police immediately took it seriously and sent several people to the village to investigate. After a few days, the police finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter. It turned out that the man was a liar and had already colluded with Xiaolian, and the two wanted to kill Li Tiezhu in order to occupy his family property. The bottle contained poison, and he was going to pour it into Li Tiezhu's well, so that he could drink it unconsciously. The police arrested the two at the police station, and after an interrogation, they were all recruited. The police dealt with them in accordance with the law and told Li Tiezhu that his home was safe and he could go home.

The man came home in the middle of the night, eavesdropped on his wife and a conspiracy, and he escaped by stabbing the window

Li Tiezhu returned to the village, looking at his house with bright lights, and his heart was warm. He knew that this was all due to the help of the old king. He walked to the old king's house and said gratefully: "Uncle Wang, this time it is really thanks to you and the villagers, if it weren't for you, I might have ......" The old king waved his hand and said: "Tiezhu, we are all from the same village, and it is appropriate to help each other." That girl is too ruthless, but fortunately, now that everything is over, you can live with peace of mind. Li Tiezhu nodded, with mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't expect that he would encounter such betrayal and framing. But he also understands that the past should be passed, and the most important thing now is to cherish the people in front of him and live a good life.

Since then, Li Tiezhu has become more diligent and warm-hearted than before. He no longer just buried his head in hard work, but began to care about the big and small things in the village. He helped the elderly repair their houses and took care of orphans and widows...... His good deeds have won the respect and love of the villagers. As for Xiaolian, she spent a long time in prison. In the dead of night, she would remember what she had done wrong and regret it, but it was too late...... A few years later, one early morning in spring, the courtyard of Li Tiezhu's house was full of flowers and vitality. The sun was shining all over the courtyard, and Li Tiezhu sat there, enjoying the tranquility and happiness, as if he had drunk a sip of home-brewed Lao Baigan, which warmed his heart. At this moment, a stranger stepped into the courtyard with a letter in his hand, saying that it was for Li Tiezhu. Li Tiezhu took the letter, opened it, and it was written: "Brother Tiezhu, hello, I am the orphan you saved back then, and now I have grown up, I want to come and see your ......" After reading the letter, Li Tiezhu showed a smile on his face, and his heart was warm, he knew that in this world, there are still a lot of kindness and beauty.

He got up and went inside, ready to cook a good meal for the guest who had come from afar. On the other side of the Jiangnan water town, the scenery is still picturesque, but the story has turned a new page. Let's keep chatting. Li Tiezhu held the letter in his hand, and his heart was as hot as drinking hot bud rice batter. He hurriedly put down his work and went to the kitchen to get busy, thinking to himself, this young man has come all the way and must be well entertained.

The man came home in the middle of the night, eavesdropped on his wife and a conspiracy, and he escaped by stabbing the window

After a while, Xiao Ming entered the house. Li Tiezhu saw that this was not the orphan he had saved back then, named Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming is now tall and mighty, with a righteous face, and he likes it when he looks at it. As soon as Xiao Ming entered the door, he shouted excitedly: "Brother Tiezhu, I finally found you!" Li Tiezhu greeted happily: "Oh, Xiao Ming, you are here!" Sit down, sit down, I'll go get you food." ”

A hearty meal was quickly put on the table. Xiao Ming looked at the table of dishes, and his eyes were red: "Brother Tiezhu, you are too good to me, I ......" Li Tiezhu interrupted him: "What are you talking about, we are all a family." When you lost your father and mother, can I not help you? Eat it, these are all specialties of our place, you can try it. As he spoke, he sandwiched a piece of braised pork for Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming ate and chatted with Li Tiezhu about his experience over the years. He said that he went to the city to work and endured a lot of hardships, but he also learned a lot. Now I have a small shop, and the business is not bad. He was grateful to Li Tiezhu for saving his life back then, so he came back to see him. Li Tiezhu listened to Xiao Ming's words, not to mention how happy he was. He feels that there are still many good people in this world, and as long as everyone has good thoughts, the world will become a better place.

The man came home in the middle of the night, eavesdropped on his wife and a conspiracy, and he escaped by stabbing the window

After eating, Xiao Ming took out a package from his bag and handed it to Li Tiezhu: "Brother Tiezhu, this is my gift to you, you can open it and take a look." Li Tiezhu took the package and opened it to see that there was a string of gold necklaces and a red envelope inside. He was stunned: "Xiao Ming, what are you doing here?" How can I ask for your things? Xiao Ming insisted: "Brother Tiezhu, you can accept it." This is my heart, and it is also a reward for your life-saving grace back then. As he spoke, he put the gold necklace on Li Tiezhu's neck. Li Tiezhu couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it, and his heart was warm, as if he had drunk a sip of hot wine. The warm current in his heart, Xiao Ming felt that his hard work over the years had not been in vain, and he had been rewarded. In those days, Xiao Ming lived in Li Tiezhu's house for the first time, and the two of them were as good as brothers, not to mention how harmonious they were. Li Tiezhu took Xiao Ming to walk around, let him see the beautiful scenery of the water town, and let him taste the authentic deliciousness.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Ming was leaving, he held Li Tiezhu's hand and said emotionally: "Brother Tiezhu, thanks to you all these years, I have this kindness in my heart." Li Tiezhu's eyes turned red, and he replied: "Xiao Ming, let's not say anything, just like a family." Come back often when you have time, and we'll get back together. Xiao Ming nodded, turned around and got into the car. As soon as the car started, he poked his head out and shouted: "Brother Tiezhu, goodbye!" Li Tiezhu waved goodbye until the car disappeared.

Seeing Xiao Ming away, Li Tiezhu's heart was empty, but he knew that this was only temporary. He believed that as long as people had goodness in their hearts, the world could become more beautiful. As the days passed, Li Tiezhu was still so diligent, getting up early every day, being helpful, and caring about everything around him.

The man came home in the middle of the night, eavesdropped on his wife and a conspiracy, and he escaped by stabbing the window

Besides, that Xiaolian, after being released from prison, returned to the village and found that everything had changed. The home is gone, Li Tiezhu has also moved away, and the people in the village have hid far away when they see her. Xiaolian regretted it very much, felt lonely, and knew that what she had done back then could not be remedied. She wanted to find Li Tiezhu and apologize to him, but she didn't know where to find it. At this moment, she met Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming told her that Li Tiezhu is doing well now and has started a new life. He also advised Xiaolian to cherish the present and not to go the wrong way. When Xiaolian heard this, she had mixed feelings in her heart, knowing that she had lost too much, but she also understood that there were some things that could not be turned back. She decides to leave the place that made her sad and start a new life.

A few years later, Li Tiezhu received a package containing a letter and a gold necklace. The letter read: "Brother Tiezhu, I am Xiaolian. I did a lot of wrong things back then, and I hurt you. Now I'm mending my life and starting over. I stole this gold necklace from you back then, and now I give it back to you, I hope you can forgive me. After reading the letter, Li Tiezhu sighed and put the necklace away. He knew that Xiaolian had changed, but some things, like a scar engraved on his heart, could not be erased. He decided to treasure the necklace as a memory of his life's journey.

Since then, Li Tiezhu has still lived his ordinary and fulfilling life. His kindness and diligence have won the respect and love of the villagers. 1 That golden necklace is really an unforgettable past in his life. It's like the winter in Nagada in our northeast, it's cold thoroughly, but the memories are as warm as the fire on the kang. This chain is not only an object, but also the indelible mark on the tip of his heart.

The man came home in the middle of the night, eavesdropped on his wife and a conspiracy, and he escaped by stabbing the window