
The man searched for people for thousands of miles, and the inn was in danger, and the little beggar helped him escape two catastrophes

author:Jax's hand

In our northeast Nagada, something rare happened. There is a buddy named Li Tiezhu, who is a native farmer, but he has an unusual thought in his heart - he wants to go over the mountains and mountains to find a long-lost sister in the south. This girl, when she was a child, the two of them had a good time, and they were like brothers and sisters. But then the family suffered, and the girl was sold to the south. Tie Zhu has been thinking about it in his heart, and after saving money for several years, he finally set foot on the road south.

He carried a large burden of dry food and clothes, and a hoe in his hand, intending to do odd jobs along the way to earn some money. Along the way, he has suffered everything, trekked through mountains and rivers, and slept in the open. On this day, he arrived in a lively town, and seeing that it was getting late, he planned to find an inn to rest.

He entered the town, looked left and right, found an inn that looked very clean, and walked in. There are not many people in the inn, but it is lively enough. Tie Zhu found a corner table and sat down, ordered a few side dishes, and prepared to fill his stomach. While he was eating, he saw a little beggar in the corner, dressed in tatters and as thin as a monkey, staring at the food on the table, and his mouth watered at it.

The man searched for people for thousands of miles, and the inn was in danger, and the little beggar helped him escape two catastrophes

Tie Zhu's heart softened, remembering the taste of starvation when he was a child, so he beckoned Xiao Er to add another pair of dishes and chopsticks, and evenly distributed the dishes to the little beggar. The little beggar was so grateful that he hurriedly thanked him and devoured it. After eating, Tie Zhu went to the counter to pay the money, and asked Xiao Er about the situation in the town. Xiao Er told him that although this town is prosperous, it is not peaceful at night, and thieves often haunt him.

When Tie Zhu heard this, he muttered a little in his heart, but he didn't take it too seriously, after all, he didn't have anything valuable on him, and he wasn't afraid of thieves. He went back to his room, washed up briefly, and lay down to rest. But not long after he lay down, he heard a noise outside. He got up and walked to the window, and peeked out, only to see a few black shadows sneakily approaching the inn, still holding a bright knife in their hands.

Tie Zhu's heart tightened, and the secret path was not good. He hurriedly put on his clothes and pulled out the hoe from under the bed, ready to deal with the unexpected. At this moment, the door was kicked open with a "bang", and several thieves rushed in. Tie Zhu raised his hoe and shouted, "Bah! Wait for the thieves, don't be rampant! The thieves were stunned for a moment, then laughed. The leading thief sneered: "Yo, it's still a hard stubble!" Brothers, give it to me! Before he could finish speaking, several thieves swung their knives and slashed at the iron pillar.

The man searched for people for thousands of miles, and the inn was in danger, and the little beggar helped him escape two catastrophes

As soon as the little beggar stepped into the door, he shouted at the top of his voice: "Brother Tiezhu, don't panic! I'm here to support you! Before he could finish speaking, he swung the stick in his hand at the gang of thieves. When the thieves saw this posture, they were so angry that they turned their heads and threw themselves at the little beggar. Don't look at the little beggar who is as thin as a monkey, but his movements are very sharp, jumping around inside and outside the house, and fighting with the thieves. When Tie Zhu saw this, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, and he joined the battle group in high spirits. After some scuffle, the two finally knocked the thieves to the ground one by one. The other guests in the inn were also woken up and ran out to see the excitement. As soon as the thief was subdued, everyone gave a thumbs up to the iron pillar and the little beggar. The little beggar was so tired that he was panting, but he still showed a satisfied smile and said to Tie Zhu: "Brother Tie Zhu, thank you for the meal just now, we are now brothers who have passed our lives." Tie Zhu also patted the little beggar on the shoulder happily and said, "Brother, you are really good! I was really impressed to be able to stand up at a critical moment. The two looked at each other and smiled, and the distance in their hearts suddenly narrowed. After this night of tossing, Tie Zhu's impression of the little beggar has changed greatly, and he regards him as a real buddy. The little beggar was also full of respect for him because of the righteousness and bravery of the iron pillar. The two walked together and continued to embark on the road of searching for the person.

Along the way, they encountered many stumbles, but each time they were able to save the day. The bravery and tenacity of the iron pillar, combined with the wit and flexibility of the little beggar, allowed them to escape again and again. The friendship between the two has also deepened along the way, supporting each other, encouraging each other, and going through many difficult days together.

On this day, they came to a big mountain, which was so high that it reached into the sky, and the clouds and mist were so thick that it made people's hearts tremble when they looked at it. Tie Zhu looked at the mountain, sighed and said, "My sister is in this mountain, but where can we find her?" The little beggar thought for a while and said, "Brother Tiezhu, don't worry, let's find a place to inquire first, and then make plans." So, the two of them found a small village at the foot of the mountain and settled down, and began to ask around for news of the girl.

The man searched for people for thousands of miles, and the inn was in danger, and the little beggar helped him escape two catastrophes

After some hard work, they finally learned from a villager that the girl was indeed in the mountain, but no one knew the exact location. Because the terrain of this mountain is steep, and wild beasts are rampant in the mountain, ordinary people dare not drill into it. When Tie Zhu heard this, he was anxious and worried. He looked at the mountain in front of him and said silently in his heart: "Sister, how are you doing in the mountains?" Brother is going to find you no matter what! The little beggar was also deeply moved when he saw that Tie Zhu was so firm, he patted Tie Zhu on the shoulder and said, "Brother Tie Zhu, don't worry, with me with you, we will definitely find a sister." ”

The two discussed it and decided to go into the mountain to find the girl the next day. They prepared some dry food and water, and also borrowed two machetes from the villagers just in case. Early the next morning, the two set off. They walked along a small path into the mountains, the mountain road was rugged, and the two of them walked breathlessly. But the thought of seeing her sooner viva filled their hearts with anticipation and strength. After a morning's trek, the iron pillar and the little beggar finally touched the depths of this dense forest. The trees in this place are frighteningly tall, and the foliage is so dense that even the sunlight can't squeeze in. The two of them crept along, for fear of alarming the wild creatures in the woods. Suddenly, a low roar broke the silence, shaking the hearts of the two of them. They quickly stopped, held their breath, and pricked up their ears to listen. The roar was getting closer and closer, and finally, they could see that it was a big black bear!

The black bear's blood-red eyes were as wide as copper bells, and they approached them step by step. Tie Zhu and the little beggar were so frightened that their faces turned white, but they knew that they couldn't be cowardly at this time, and they had to finish the game as soon as they coaxed it. Tiezhu clenched the machete in his hand, ready to hit it hard; The little beggar picked up a stone and planned to find an opportunity to sneak attack. Just as the black bear was about to pounce on him, the little beggar suddenly roared: "Brother Tiezhu, jump to the left!" Although Tiezhu didn't understand what was going on, he reflexively jumped to the left. It was too late, and the black bear's huge paws slammed into the place where they had just stood, shaking the ground. The two were so frightened that they broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly launched a counterattack before the black bear could stand firmly. The pillar slashed at the bear's hind legs, and the little beggar kept throwing stones at the bear's head. After some fighting, they finally knocked the bear to its stomach. The two of them sat on the ground tired, panting.

The man searched for people for thousands of miles, and the inn was in danger, and the little beggar helped him escape two catastrophes

Tie Zhu looked at the little beggar and said gratefully: "Brother, if it weren't for your voice, we would have to explain here today." The little beggar waved his hand and said, "Brother Tiezhu, we are brothers, and it is right to help each other." After resting for a while, the two continued their walk into the mountains. The further you go, the more beasts there are, but no matter what danger you encounter, the two of them can fight side by side and fight together. After countless hardships and dangers, they finally came to the depths of the mountain.

Here, they found a hidden cave, the entrance of which was so tightly covered with vines and branches that it was impossible to find without looking closely. The two glanced at each other, and they both knew in their hearts: the girl must be hiding here! They cautiously walked into the cave, which was dark and rumbling, with only a faint glow of fluorescent stone. Following the glow of the fluorescent stone, they went deeper and deeper. Suddenly, they heard a faint cry, and it was the girl's! The two of them were so excited that they quickened their pace. Finally, they came to a spacious stone room, and in the center of the stone room sat a ragged woman, who was their long-lost sister!

When the girl saw Tiezhu and the little beggar, she was so excited that she burst into tears, she threw herself into Tiezhu's arms and cried loudly: "Brother, I finally see you!" Tie Zhu also hugged his sister tightly, and tears came out of his eyes: "Sister, you have suffered all these years!" The three of them hugged their heads and cried for a while before they slowly calmed down. As soon as Tie Zhu asked, the sister told me that she had been sold to the south and adopted by a rich boss. But the boss's family, she has children by herself, and she doesn't treat her sister well, she has been bullied and tortured. Later, she saw the opportunity, ran out of the smoke, wandered all the way to the mountain, and hid in this cave.

The man searched for people for thousands of miles, and the inn was in danger, and the little beggar helped him escape two catastrophes

Tie Zhu listened to the girl's bitterness, and felt distressed like something. He gently touched his sister's head and said, "Sister, don't be afraid, with my brother here, no one will dare to bully you in the future." The little beggar also accosted: "Sister, and me, let's go home together!" "The three of them, you look at me, I look at you, they all smile, and their eyes are full of hope for the future.

They packed their bags and prepared to leave the cave and return to their hometown to start a new life. The iron pillar, the little beggar and the girl have experienced countless hardships and dangers along the way, but they all broke through one by one. Their friendship and family affection are also getting deeper and deeper on this road.

Back in their hometown, they were warmly welcomed by the villagers. Everyone gathered around the fire and listened to them talk about the adventures along the way, and from time to time they expressed amazement and emotion. Under the care of the villagers, the girl slowly regained her former demeanor. Tie Zhu looked at his sister, his heart was full of relief and pride, he knew that he had found his relatives and fulfilled his wish.

The man searched for people for thousands of miles, and the inn was in danger, and the little beggar helped him escape two catastrophes

The little beggar also settled in the village, no longer wandering, and followed the iron pillar to farm and hunt, and lived a stable life. Although he is occasionally mischievous, the people in the village love him as if he were their own child.

As the days passed, the relationship between Tiezhu and his sister became deeper and deeper. They work together, share the bits and pieces of life together, and plan the future together. The little beggars also became more sensible and mature under their influence.

One day, Tie Zhu and his sister decided to have a wedding and officially became husband and wife. They invited relatives and friends from the village to witness their happy moment. On the day of the wedding, the whole village is immersed in joy and festivities. Tie Zhu took the girl's hand and said affectionately: "Sister, do you know? My biggest takeaway along the way is that I found you. No matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, we will face them together and walk through them together. The girl was moved to tears, hugged the iron pillar tightly, choked up and said, "Brother, me too." With you, I'm not afraid of anything. The little beggar also wiped his tears on the side, and he sighed: "Brother Tiezhu and Sister Tiezhu are really a natural pair. Seeing them so happy, I also feel so lucky. ”

The man searched for people for thousands of miles, and the inn was in danger, and the little beggar helped him escape two catastrophes

After the wedding, Tiezhu and his sister started a new life. Our guys, Tie Zhu and his daughter-in-law, really took care of the family's one-third of an acre of land, and served the two old people comfortably, even the little nephews and nieces were also brought up by them. Although life is tight, you can see the smiles on their faces, and you can know that their hearts are full of hope and happiness. Besides, that little beggar is now terrible, he has grown into a sturdy young man, hardworking and kind, and very responsible. He opened a grocery store in the village, and the business was so good that his life was prosperous.

On that day, the little beggar came to Tiezhu's house happily carrying a basket of fresh vegetables and fruits, and said, "Brother Tiezhu, sister-in-law, I have come to see you." These are all new items in my store, and the best ones are selected. Tie Zhu took the basket, smiled from ear to ear, and hurriedly invited the little beggar to sit in the house, everyone sat around the kang, chatted about the ups and downs of the past, the sweetness of the present, and the laughter continued, as if those hard days had become a passing cloud, and the only thing left was happiness and satisfaction.

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside. As soon as the iron pillar opened the door, yo, it turned out that the village chief came with a few fresh faces. The village chief looked serious and said, "Tiezhu, these people are officials of the imperial court, and they have something to do with you." Tie Zhu was stunned for a moment, wondering what was going on. Hurriedly let the officials into the house, and when they asked, they found out that they had been ordered by the emperor to find a princess who had been missing for many years. After some inquiry, they thought that the princess was hiding in the cave of the Iron Pillar family. Tie Zhu and his daughter-in-law were dumbfounded when they heard this, they didn't expect their sister to be a princess!

The man searched for people for thousands of miles, and the inn was in danger, and the little beggar helped him escape two catastrophes

Officials said the princess, the emperor's favorite daughter, had been missing for years for a number of reasons. Now the emperor has finally found her whereabouts and wants to take her back to the palace. Although the two of them were reluctant, they also understood that this was the girl's life. After discussing it for a while, I decided to support my sister to return to the palace and enjoy a better life. The girl shed tears of gratitude, saying that she would always remember the kindness of the iron pillar and the little beggar, and would try her best to help those in need.

In this way, the girl left her hometown with the officials and returned to the palace. Tiezhu and the little beggar stayed in the village and continued to live their ordinary and happy life. They often think of those days full of adventures and adventures, and they will also be relieved and proud of their girls' happiness. This story spread in the village and became a hot topic after dinner. Whenever the Iron Pillar, the little beggar and the princess who had been missing for many years were mentioned, everyone sighed as if that legendary experience was just yesterday. 123578