
Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

author:Straightforward and honest go to the world
Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

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The counterattack of an ordinary girl: from a monthly exam score of 83 points to a borrowed computer to win the competition

Jiang Ping, a girl from Lianshui, Jiangsu, can be said to be popular all over the Internet and has become the focus of heated discussions, this originally unknown girl, because of a series of "extraordinary" events, was pushed to the forefront of public opinion, the cause of the matter has to start from a screenshot of the Internet, the screenshot shows that Jiang Ping only scored 83 points in the school's monthly examination, which seems a little incredible for a "genius girl" who has won many awards in the competition. It has also aroused widespread attention and discussion among netizens

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

Some questioned the authenticity of the results, believing that it might be hype or rumors; Some people also have doubts about Jiang Ping's ability, thinking that there may be moisture in her competition results, and the doubts on the Internet have come and gone, pushing Jiang Ping to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, in the face of these doubts, Jiang Ping herself and her family chose to remain silent and did not make any response, and as the incident continued to ferment, more information about Jiang Ping was dug up by netizens, the most shocking of which was the computer she used in the competition

The "secret weapon" of a genius girl: an uproar caused by a borrowed computer

Just when everyone was discussing Jiang Ping's monthly examination results, a notice from the Lianshui County Education and Sports Bureau once again pushed the incident to a climax, which not only confirmed that Jiang Ping's monthly examination results of 83 points were true, but also disclosed an even more shocking news: Jiang Ping's computer used in the preliminaries was not her own, but temporarily borrowed

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

This news is like a bombshell, causing an uproar on the Internet, you know, Jiang Ping's competition is not an ordinary competition, but a national competition with high gold content, the contestants are all from all over the country, in such a high-level competition, using a temporary borrowed computer to participate, and can also achieve excellent results, this is simply unheard of

Is it true strength or is there something else hidden? There are multiple suspicions behind Jiang Ping's incident

As soon as the news came out, it immediately triggered various speculations and questions from netizens, some people believe that Jiang Ping was able to familiarize herself with an unfamiliar computer in such a short period of time and use it to complete the game freely, which fully proved her own strength; Some people also questioned the fairness of the competition, arguing that the use of temporary computers was unfair to other contestants, and even suspected that Jiang Ping may have used some kind of "special means" to stand out in the competition

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

For a while, the Internet was filled with various voices, some supported Jiang Ping, some questioned Jiang Ping, and many people maintained a wait-and-see attitude, hoping to get more and more detailed information

From obscurity to attention: restore a real "genius girl" Jiang Ping

With the continuous fermentation of the incident, Jiang Ping has gradually become the focus of being pushed into the spotlight from an unknown ordinary girl, in order to restore a real Jiang Ping, media reporters conducted in-depth interviews with her, trying to find answers from her growth experience

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

It is understood that Jiang Ping was born in an ordinary family, and her parents are not engaged in the IT industry, but she has shown a strong interest in computers since she was a child

Interest is the best teacher: Jiang Ping's indissoluble bond with computers

After entering junior high school, Jiang Ping's computer talent gradually revealed, she not only taught herself programming languages, but also often participated in various computer competitions organized by the school, and achieved good results, for Jiang Ping, learning computers is like playing games, full of fun and challenges, which also makes her full of motivation in the process of learning

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

In order to support their daughter's hobbies, Jiang Ping's parents enrolled her in various computer training courses, hoping that she could further improve her computer level under the guidance of professional teachers

From quantitative change to qualitative change: Jiang Ping's "counterattack" road

With the deepening of her studies, Jiang Ping gradually realized that it is not enough to rely on interest and talent, and that more efforts are needed to make greater breakthroughs in the field of computers, so she began to study harder, not only completing the homework assigned by the teacher seriously, but also reading a large number of computer books in her spare time, and trying to write some small programs

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

With Jiang Ping's continuous efforts, her computer level has improved by leaps and bounds, and she has won many awards in various competitions in the school, becoming a veritable "man of the year" in the school

Technology and the Game of Fairness: Deep Reflections Triggered by the Jiang Ping Incident

The Jiang Ping incident has attracted so much attention and discussion not only because of the drama of the incident itself, but also because it touches on the deep thinking of today's society about technological development, educational equity, and personal growth

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

Jiang Ping incident let us see the development of technology to the individual brought huge opportunities and challenges, in the rapid development of information technology today, mastering certain technical skills has become an important capital for individuals to stand out in the social competition, Jiang Ping can be familiar with an unfamiliar computer in a short period of time, and use technical means to achieve excellent results in the competition, fully illustrates her own technical strength and adaptability

Lessons from the Jiang Ping Incident: How to Find Your Own Direction in the Wave of Technology

In the current education system, high-quality educational resources are often concentrated in large cities and economically developed areas, and children from ordinary families like Jiang Ping often need to put in more effort if they want to get a fair chance to compete

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: 83 points in the monthly exam is true! The preliminaries computer is borrowed

The Jiang Ping incident has sounded the alarm bell for us, and it has also made us start to reflect on whether the existing education system is inadequate, and how to provide more equitable educational opportunities for all children, so that they can all compete on the same starting line, these are all problems that we need to seriously think about and solve

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