
Wang Feng really changed after leaving Zhang Ziyi, in order to give his 21-year-old girlfriend a better future, he concentrated on making money

author:Straightforward and honest go to the world
Wang Feng really changed after leaving Zhang Ziyi, in order to give his 21-year-old girlfriend a better future, he concentrated on making money

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Rock veterans set off again: 53-year-old Wang Feng shaved his head, wore sportswear for love or ran for money?

Wang Feng, the rock and roll youth who once had messy long hair and roared on the stage in tight leather pants, seemed to have changed overnight, his neat and neat head replaced the iconic hat, and the comfortable and casual sportswear also replaced the classic shape that was once nicknamed "leather pants Wang", he was over fifty years old, and the whole person looked energetic, as if he had returned to the energetic youth, such a change naturally aroused heated discussions among netizens, some people said, In order to look more compatible with his 21-year-old girlfriend Lin Bei, he deliberately created a young state of "reverse growth"; Some people also say that he is changing his image for the upcoming 2024 tour, after all, the new Wang Feng can attract the attention of more fans and bring higher box office revenue

Wang Feng really changed after leaving Zhang Ziyi, in order to give his 21-year-old girlfriend a better future, he concentrated on making money

Set off again after half a hundred years old: Wang Feng's 2024 tour officially announced the weight of love and responsibility behind the opening of the 14 cities?

On June 29th, Wang Feng ushered in his 53rd birthday, he did not choose a romantic celebration, but officially announced a blockbuster news: the 2024 solo tour was officially launched! The tour covered 14 cities across the country, and it was the most of Wang Feng's tour in recent years, and it is expected to bring a lot of income, many people speculated that this huge tour may be to give Forest North a more stable future, after all, the age gap is there, and he needs to work harder to manage this relationship and take on the responsibilities of being a boyfriend and future husband

Wang Feng really changed after leaving Zhang Ziyi, in order to give his 21-year-old girlfriend a better future, he concentrated on making money

From the peak of traffic to disappearance: can Forest North return to the public eye?

Since the relationship with Wang Feng was exposed, Forest North has been on the cusp of public opinion, her similar appearance to the "eldest princess" Li Fuzhen of Samsung Group has won her a lot of attention, and even once the news of cooperation with Xinjiang Cultural Tourism was reported, with the disclosure of the relationship and some responses, her reputation began to decline, and netizens' curiosity about her gradually declined, the traffic and popularity of the past gradually dissipated, without topics and attention, Forest North seems to have returned to obscurity, whether it can return to the public eye in the future, Still an unknown

Wang Feng really changed after leaving Zhang Ziyi, in order to give his 21-year-old girlfriend a better future, he concentrated on making money

Wash your hands and make soup: Can you break the doubts and become the virtuous helper behind Wang Feng by taking cooking photos in the north of the forest?

Lin Bei updated a set of photos on social media, in the photo, she is wearing a white dress, her long hair is pulled up, and she is preparing meals seriously in the kitchen, although she is not wearing an apron, but this group of photos has won the praise of many netizens, thinking that she is virtuous and capable, and has the demeanor of a family woman, perhaps, for Wang Feng, who has experienced emotional twists and turns, a gentle and considerate woman who can take care of the family is what he really needs, can Lin Bei seize this opportunity to break the doubts of the outside world and become the virtuous helper behind Wang Feng, Time will tell

Wang Feng really changed after leaving Zhang Ziyi, in order to give his 21-year-old girlfriend a better future, he concentrated on making money

The rock prodigal son with a bumpy love history: Can Wang Feng find his final home in the ocean of love?

Wang Feng's emotional experience, just like his music, is full of stories and drama, from Ge Huijie to Qi Dan, and then to Zhang Ziyi, every love affair has attracted much attention, but it is also full of twists and turns, now, at the age of 53, he stepped into the river of love again, and the "father-daughter love" in the north of the forest has caused all kinds of speculation and discussion, some people bless, some people question, but for Wang Feng, the most important thing may be to follow his heart and cherish the people in front of him

Wang Feng really changed after leaving Zhang Ziyi, in order to give his 21-year-old girlfriend a better future, he concentrated on making money

The musical journey of an evergreen tree in the music world: Can Wang Feng create another brilliant new chapter in the rock legend?

After his debut for many years, Wang Feng has created countless popular songs, such as "Fly Higher", "Blooming Life", "In the Spring" and other songs, accompanying the youth of several generations, his music is always full of strength and hope, inspiring countless people to move forward in adversity, and now, he is still active on the stage of music, using his singing voice to convey his emotions and thoughts, the 2024 tour is a new starting point for his music journey, and let us look forward to this evergreen in the music scene to create brilliance and write a new chapter in the rock legend

Wang Feng really changed after leaving Zhang Ziyi, in order to give his 21-year-old girlfriend a better future, he concentrated on making money

The Future of "Father-Daughter Love": Can the Age Difference Cross True Love Can Conquer Everything?

The age gap of 21 years old is an unavoidable gap between Wang Feng and Forest North, in the eyes of the world, such an age difference is destined to face more challenges and tests, love has never had a fixed formula, and age cannot prevent the two hearts from approaching each other, whether Wang Feng and Forest North can cross the age barrier and prove their love with time and action, let us wait and see

Wang Feng really changed after leaving Zhang Ziyi, in order to give his 21-year-old girlfriend a better future, he concentrated on making money

True love hype? : Is Wang Feng's choice cynical or conscientious?

From announcing the relationship to announcing the official tour, Wang Feng's every move is full of topicality, some people think that he really wants to settle down and give Forest North a home; Some people also questioned that this is just another hype, to warm up for the tour and increase exposure, whether it is true love or hype, perhaps only time will tell

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