
Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

author:Nongnong Cultural Society
Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

Backstage at a star-studded awards ceremony, Sun Honglei faced the camera, with an indifferent light in his eyes. He said amazingly: "This little money like the money we earn as an actor is a fart!" Are the 2.08 million people going to turn against the sky? This sentence was like a thunderclap that exploded in the entertainment industry.

Let's trace the life trajectory of this top star, uncover the secrets of his success, and discover the truth behind his attitude towards money. Sun Honglei's story may bring us unexpected inspiration.

At that time, Sun Honglei was deeply attracted by the charm of break dancing. He begged his mother to support him in learning dance, but was met with strong opposition. Parents firmly believe that only reading can change their fate, and dance is nothing more than a useless plaything in their eyes.

But that didn't dampen Sun Honglei's love for dance. He played the role of a good student during the day, but at night he sneaked to the break dancing scene, observed the teacher's lecture through the crack in the door, and secretly recorded every move.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

Sun Honglei, who was shy in his pocket, could not afford to pay the tuition, so he could only rely on self-study to improve his dancing skills. He practiced repeatedly at home until his sweat soaked through his clothes and his legs ached.

After unremitting efforts, Sun Honglei's dancing skills became more and more exquisite, and he soon emerged in the local break dance competition.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. A discerning bar owner noticed Sun's talent and invited him to become a dancer-in-residence. Since then, Sun Honglei's life has turned a new page.

In the miniature society of bars, he not only honed his dancing skills, but also learned the wisdom of dealing with people. After each performance, he could receive a generous tip, sometimes as high as hundreds of yuan, which was undoubtedly a lot of income for Sun Honglei at that time.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

With the advice and encouragement of a noble person, Sun Honglei plucked up his courage and decided to participate in the national dance competition. He practices day and night to try to be at his best in the competition.

The hard work paid off, and with his outstanding performance, he became famous in one fell swoop and became a well-known contemporary dancer.

At this time, Sun Honglei seems to be the newcomer king of the domestic break dance scene, gaining fame and fortune. His dance classes are very popular, and students queue up to make appointments, sometimes earning more than half a month's salary in a day.

However, standing at the first peak of his career, Sun Honglei did not stop. He began to think about the future and realized that the career of a dancer was limited, and he needed to find a new breakthrough in order to develop in the long run.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

This kind of thinking laid the groundwork for his future transformation.

Standing at the pinnacle of his breaking career, Sun Honglei began to think about the future. He realized that a dancer's career was limited, and for the sake of long-term development, he decided to find a new way out.

At this critical juncture, opportunity once again favored him.

The Central Academy of Drama held a national enrollment, and with the encouragement of his friends, Sun Honglei resolutely embarked on the journey to Beijing to take the exam. However, fate always likes to play tricks on people.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

When he arrived in Beijing full of hope, he was told that the enrollment quota was full. Disappointed, Sun Honglei pleaded for one last chance, but it still didn't happen.

Just when Sun Honglei thought his dream was shattered, a few months later, he suddenly received a call from the admissions teacher, informing him that he was about to make up the record. The opportunity was not easy to come by, and Sun Honglei immediately packed his bags and embarked on the road to the north again.

This time, he was well prepared, not only studying his acting knowledge diligently, but also carefully preparing for the breakdance performance.

In the talent show, Sun Honglei's break dance amazed everyone present. He not only successfully attracted the attention of the teachers, but also stood out from thousands of candidates and successfully obtained the admission notice of Chinese opera.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

This experience made Sun Honglei deeply realize that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

After entering the Chinese opera, Sun Honglei was eager to learn acting skills and experienced countless failures and setbacks. He often practiced alone in an empty classroom until late at night.

Four years of tempering have made a qualitative leap in his acting skills.

After graduation, Sun Honglei resolutely devoted himself to the interpretation of the role of the dragon. He doesn't care about the size of the role, whenever he has the opportunity, he puts his heart and soul into it. In the process, he got acquainted with the famous actor Ding Jiali.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

The two have been in love for a long time in cooperation, and Ding Jiali has also become an important boost to Sun Honglei's career.

With Ding Jiali's connections, Sun Honglei got the opportunity to participate in the movie "Like Fog, Like Wind and Like Rain". He accepted the role with passion and threw himself into the performance.

However, the good times were short-lived. Because of Ding Jiali's help, Sun Honglei was labeled as "eating soft rice". The label was like a boulder, weighing him down.

In the face of doubts and criticism, Sun Honglei did not give up. He knows that only by speaking with strength can he truly win respect. He worked harder on his acting skills and tried to show his strength in each role.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

This period is both a challenge and an opportunity for Sun Honglei. Although the label of "eating soft rice" has made him controversial, it has also allowed him to gain more attention and performance opportunities.

He firmly believes that as long as he continues to work hard, he will one day be able to prove himself with his strength.

This difficult road of transformation not only exercised Sun Honglei's acting skills, but also honed his will. It laid a solid foundation for Sun Honglei's future success, and also made him deeply understand that in the entertainment industry, only by constantly improving himself can he gain a firm foothold.

This experience has become a key step in Sun Honglei's transformation from a dancer to an actor.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

In the difficult period when Sun Honglei was trying to get rid of the label of "eating soft rice", the opportunity came again. The casting of the TV series "Conquest" gave him the opportunity to change his fate.

In this drama, he received the responsibility of playing the villain role "Liu Huaqiang".

Sun Honglei knows that this is a critical moment to prove himself. He devoted himself to the role, delved into the psychological world of "Liu Huaqiang", and figured out every subtle expression and movement.

During filming, he often practiced his lines over and over again until he fully integrated into the character. His professionalism and dedication to acting left a deep impression on the crew.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

After the broadcast of "Conquest", Sun Honglei's performance shocked the audience. He interprets the role of "Liu Huaqiang" very well, as if he is the terrifying underworld boss.

The audience was deeply attracted by his sharp eyes and vicious lines, and the role of "Liu Huaqiang" became a classic villain in the history of Chinese TV dramas.

This drama not only set a new high in the ratings of Chinese TV dramas, but also made Sun Honglei famous in one fell swoop. The classic lines and shots of "Liu Huaqiang" are still talked about by people today, and have become popular emojis and secondary creation materials on the Internet.

Sun Honglei's acting skills have been unanimously recognized by industry insiders and audiences, and he has also been nominated for many important awards.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

Through "Conquest", Sun Honglei not only won the recognition of the audience, but also left a strong mark in the history of Chinese theater. This role became a turning point in his acting career, allowing him to completely get rid of the label of "eating soft rice" and become a representative of powerful actors.

The success of "Conquest" opened the door to the showbiz for Sun Honglei. Since then, he has received more invitations to high-quality roles, and his salary has also risen. This drama not only changed Sun Honglei's career trajectory, but also allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, paving the way for his future glory.

The huge success of "Conquest" opened the door to the showbiz for Sun Honglei. In the 15 years since, he has continued to challenge various types of roles, conquering audiences and industry insiders with his superb acting skills.

From tough guys to warm men, from villains to positive roles, Sun Honglei's performance range continues to expand, and every time he appears, he brings surprises to the audience.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

With the increase of fame, Sun Honglei's salary has also risen. It is rumored in the industry that a production team once offered a high price of millions of yuan per episode to invite him to star, but finally gave up due to budget problems.

This not only proves Sun Honglei's status in the industry, but also reflects that his commercial value has reached a new height.

After more than 20 years of unremitting efforts, Sun Honglei has successfully become a billionaire. His lifestyle has also changed dramatically: his trips are all luxury cars from the world's top brands, and his residences are luxury villas.

He can not hesitate to spend hundreds of thousands of yuan to buy luxury bags, just to make his wife smile. This extravagant lifestyle is in stark contrast to the days when he danced at bars to earn tips.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

However, success did not make Sun Honglei forget his original intention. He still retains his love for acting and rigorous work attitude. In front of each new role, he puts his heart and soul into it, striving for perfection.

This professionalism has earned him the respect of his peers and has allowed him to stay ahead of the competition in the entertainment industry.

Sun Honglei's success is not only reflected in wealth, but also in his influence. Each of his works is highly anticipated, and each of his public appearances attracts media attention.

From the unknown dancer back then to the top star in the entertainment industry today, Sun Honglei's transformation is legendary.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

However, standing at the pinnacle of success, Sun Honglei had a different thinking. He began to look at his own life and think about the meaning of money. This kind of thinking also influenced his attitude towards work and life.

He began to choose his characters more carefully, focusing more on the artistic value of his works than on their commercial value.

At the same time, Sun Honglei also began to pay attention to social welfare undertakings. He has been involved in several charitable projects and has used his influence to give back to the community. These actions not only enhanced his personal image, but also allowed him to find greater value as a public figure.

Sun Honglei's road to success, from a break dancing boy to a top star, proves that as long as you have talent and fighting spirit, you can also gain a foothold in the entertainment industry and win praise from the world.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

However, his thoughts on money and success also laid the groundwork for his later controversial remarks.

Back to the opening sentence that caused an uproar: "A little money like the money we earn as an actor is a fart!" Are the 2.08 million people going to turn against the sky? Behind this sentence, it actually reflects Sun Honglei's deep thinking about money.

In his opinion, the wealth of the entertainment industry is like the sea, unfathomable. However, not everyone is comfortable swimming in this ocean. Although his words are harsh, they speak of a cruel reality: in this glamorous circle, the gap between the rich and the poor is far greater than ordinary people can imagine.

For Sun Honglei, who has already achieved fame, money is no longer all he is pursuing. His focus has shifted from purely material pursuits to thinking about the value of life and social responsibility.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

This shift may be the reason why he is able to talk so openly about money.

However, this does not mean that he denies the importance of money. As he believes: "Money is not everything, but without money it is impossible."

This seemingly contradictory sentence actually expresses his dialectical view of money. He understands the power of money, but he also understands that money is not the whole of life.

Sun Honglei's road to success, from a break dancing boy to a top star, proves that as long as you have talent and fighting spirit, you can also gain a foothold in the entertainment industry and win praise from the world.

Sun Honglei: The little money I earn as an actor is a fart! Why did he say that?

His story may bring us some enlightenment: on the road of chasing dreams, we must not only maintain a rational understanding of money, but also adhere to our own value pursuit.

Money is important, but it's more important to find your own meaning in life.

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