
Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

author:Book Society
Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!
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Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

The collapse of the patriotic image: Sun Honglei's mystery of Australian immigration

In this era of rapidly changing information, a news about the famous actor Sun Honglei is like a lightning bolt, which instantly ignites a heated discussion in the online world. This star, who once made an impassioned speech in front of the screen and shouted "Long live the motherland", is now revealed to have frequently appeared on the streets of Australia, and even entered and exited the local immigration office many times.

There are also rumors that Sun Honglei has quietly transferred a large amount of his property to Australia, a move that undoubtedly raises the impression that he may have made the decision to emigrate.

This news is like a bombshell, pushing Sun Honglei to the forefront of public opinion. The patriotic image he had painstakingly cultivated over the years seemed to crumble overnight, and what had once been a generous statement now sounded harsh.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

Netizens commented one after another, some lamented that "another star who loves the motherland has left", and others marveled that "the speed of immigration is really amazing".

But what is the truth of the matter? Has Sun Honglei really turned his back on his motherland and chose to settle overseas? Was his former patriotic manifesto just an elaborate performance? Let's press the questions for the time being, follow the footsteps of time, and walk into Sun Honglei's life trajectory together, and maybe find the key to solving this mystery in his growth experience and life choices.

From a poor boy to a dancing king: Sun Honglei's difficult rise

In Harbin in 1970, on an ordinary summer day, Sun Honglei fell to the ground. He was born in a small bungalow in Nangang District, where his father was an ordinary middle school Chinese teacher and his mother worked part-time in a garment factory.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

A family of seven was crammed into two huts, and the hardships of life began from the moment Sun Honglei fell to the ground.

At the end of each month, the family's financial situation is always stretched. Sun Honglei often saw his mother running around, borrowing money from relatives and friends to get by. Once, his mother waited for a long time at the door of the neighbor's house, and finally only got a cold sentence of "don't bother again", and the embarrassment and helplessness at that moment were deeply rooted in Sun Honglei's young heart.

He secretly vowed to change the fate of this family.

In order to supplement the family, the young Sun Honglei had to drop out of school and start a life of scavenging. While the other children played carefree, he had to wander the streets alone with heavy bags on his back.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

The burden of life weighed down the boy, but he never gave up hope.

A twist of fate came in 1987. That year, 17-year-old Sun Honglei came across the energetic street dance of "breakdancing". He seemed to have found the direction of his life and began to skip class to go to the dance hall to practice hard.

At first, the parents were disappointed with this "unprofessional" son, but Sun Honglei won the championship in the provincial competition with his extraordinary talent and unremitting efforts, winning a prize of 330 yuan.

Immediately afterwards, he won the runner-up in the national competition and won a prize of 700 yuan.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

In this way, Sun Honglei, who was only 17 years old, became the pillar of the family overnight. He began touring around the country and became famous, soon becoming the famous "Break King" in Harbin.

The once poor teenager finally put on a famous brand and drove a luxury car, completely changing the life of himself and his family.

Although this eight-year career as a dance king is full of hardships, Sun Honglei has completed a gorgeous transformation from a waste picker to a stage star with enthusiasm and perseverance.

This experience not only sharpened his will, but also laid a solid foundation for his future acting career. From a poor boy to a dance king, Sun Honglei used his life to interpret what it means to be "difficult and difficult, and Yuru is successful".

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

Emotional entanglements: Sun Honglei's love life has ups and downs

On the stage of Sun Honglei's life, love is undoubtedly a wonderful drama. His love life is a rollercoaster of ups and downs, full of dramatic turns.

The most eye-catching is the relationship between Sun Honglei and Ding Jiali. Ding Jiali was 11 years older than Sun Honglei and was at the peak of her career at that time. The two met because of the collaborative movie "Marie Curie", and then sparked a spark of love.

Ding Jiali not only took care of Sun Honglei in life, but also gave him selfless guidance in his career. She even did not hesitate to plead with the well-known director in person, and won Sun Honglei an important role in the TV series "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind".

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

It was this opportunity that made Sun Honglei famous in one fell swoop, from an unknown actor to a high-profile new generation star.

However, just when the two were about to enter the palace of marriage, Sun Honglei, whose career was thriving, made a surprising decision. He chose to ruthlessly abandon Ding Jiali, which not only made Ding Jiali fall into extreme pain, but also made Sun Honglei bear the infamy of "ingratitude".

Immediately afterwards, Sun Honglei had an affair with the married actress Gong Li. Although the two have never publicly admitted their relationship, their frequent visits to each other's residences have attracted widespread attention.

It is rumored that Sun Honglei once mustered up the courage to confess to Gong Li, who was 9 years older than him, but was decisively refused. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Sun Honglei, but he did not give up, but focused more on his work, hoping to win Gong Li's heart through his excellent performance.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

These troubled scandals made Sun Honglei once bear the label of "Flower Boy" and his reputation was damaged. However, fate always seems to like to play a joke on him.

Just when his career was in full swing, in 2007, Sun Honglei lost his loved ones one after another. First of all, my mother unfortunately passed away, and then my father also passed away. This is undoubtedly a big regret in Sun Honglei's life, and it also made him begin to deeply reflect on his life path.

It wasn't until 2014 that Sun Honglei met Wang Jundi, a violinist 15 years younger than him, at the Paris Film Festival. The two fell in love at first sight, quickly established a relationship, and soon held a grand wedding.

After marriage, Wang Jundi became Sun Honglei's right-hand man and took care of the family wholeheartedly. In 2017, they welcomed their lovely daughter Little Apple, and Sun Honglei finally experienced the joy of being a father.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

This marriage seems to have allowed Sun Honglei to find his true home, and it has also washed away his negative comments in the past. However, no one expected that fate played a joke on him again, and the rumors of Australian immigration once again pushed him to the forefront of public opinion.

Sun Honglei's emotional path, like his life, is full of ups and downs, and perhaps it is these experiences that have shaped the complex and real Sun Honglei we see today.

The glory of his acting career: from obscurity to "Yan Wang"

Sun Honglei's acting career is like an inspirational blockbuster, full of hardships and glory. In 1995, 27-year-old Sun Honglei resolutely decided to apply for the Central Academy of Drama with his love for acting.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

In order to pass the rigorous physical examination, he desperately lost 36 pounds in just one month, and this determination can not help but move people. Although he could only enter the school as an auditor, Sun Honglei worked harder than anyone else.

He was always the first to arrive in the classroom and the last to leave, practicing every move repeatedly, and soon won the praise of his teachers and was known as the most diligent student.

However, after graduation, Sun Honglei did not immediately usher in a bright future. Due to the lack of formal academic qualifications, he was repeatedly frustrated in his search for work. In order to survive, he can only run around, take on the role of a dragon, and silently accumulate experience.

The hardships of this period became an important cornerstone of Sun Honglei's future success.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. In the TV series "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind", Sun Honglei finally got an important role. He seized this opportunity and made the show popular overnight with his superb acting skills, and also made himself from a nobody to a high-profile new generation star.

This breakthrough opened the door to the showbiz for Sun Honglei.

Since then, Sun Honglei's acting career has been soaring. He has shown outstanding acting skills in one work after another, winning unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

Among them, his outstanding performance in the TV series "Latent" won him the honor of Best Actor at the first Feitian Awards. This award is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also marks the establishment of his status in the entertainment industry.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

In addition to traditional film and television works, Sun Honglei also frequently appears in major variety shows. His unique charm and sense of humor have won the love of the audience, and he is even known as the "King of Yan".

In the reality show "Extreme Challenge", he showed a gentle and delicate side and won the reputation of "warm man". The participation in these variety shows allowed the audience to see Sun Honglei's multi-faceted personality charm and further expanded his influence.

From a dance king to an actor, to a variety show star, Sun Honglei's acting career can be said to be colorful. With his own efforts and talents, he climbed to the top of the entertainment industry step by step, and became an irreplaceable powerful actor in the eyes of the audience.

However, at the most glorious moment of his career, a sudden immigration turmoil jeopardized his image of years of painstaking management. This dramatic turn of events can't help but make people sigh at the impermanence of fate, and it also makes us have to re-examine this former "national male god".

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

Immigration Turmoil: A Contest Between Truth and Rumour

Just when Sun Honglei's career was in full swing and his family was happy, a sudden turmoil pushed him to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion. The incident started with a set of photos posted by a netizen on social media.

This netizen claimed that he had met Sun Honglei's family on the streets of Australia many times, and even worse, he also witnessed Sun Honglei frequently entering and leaving the local immigration office.

As soon as this news was released, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet. Immediately afterwards, a netizen who claimed to be a fan of Sun Honglei broke the news, saying that Sun Honglei had not only quietly moved to Australia, but also secretly transferred a large amount of property to the country.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

This news is like a bombshell, setting off a huge wave of discussion in the online world.

Netizens left messages to express their opinions, and some sighed: "I can't imagine that another star who loves the motherland has left!" Others exclaimed: "The speed of immigration is amazing!" For a while, doubts about Sun Honglei arose, and the patriotic image he had carefully built over the years seemed to collapse overnight.

However, just when public opinion was one-sided, another netizen who claimed to be a loyal fan of Sun Honglei stepped forward and tried to clarify the facts for the idol. The fan published a long article, claiming that Sun Honglei had returned to China to start a new job, and attached a live photo of Sun Honglei in a well-known variety show in China as proof.

But instead of quelling the controversy, the explanation sparked more skepticism.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

As the situation continues to ferment, some professionals in the circle have also joined the discussion. Through in-depth analysis, they believe that Sun Honglei has been developing in China for many years, and the probability of suddenly making an immigration decision is not high.

These industry insiders speculate that Sun Honglei's trip to Australia is likely to be mainly for vacation and family visits. They pointed out that Sun Honglei and his family have deep career and connections in China, and there is no recent indication that they have an urgent need for immigration.

In the face of overwhelming speculation and doubts, Sun Honglei himself has always remained silent. Some analysts believe that this silence may be his strategy to deal with excessive interpretation and speculation.

After all, as a public figure, it is reasonable to choose to keep a low profile in the midst of gossip.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

However, regardless of the truth, this turmoil has undoubtedly cast a shadow on Sun Honglei's carefully crafted patriotic image. He once shouted "Long live the motherland", but now he is questioned about his departure from the motherland, and this huge contrast can't help but make people sigh at the drama of fate.

Reflections: The Private Lives and Social Responsibilities of Public Figures

Sun Honglei's immigration turmoil not only sparked a discussion about his personal choices, but also touched on the complex issues of public figures' private lives and social responsibilities. This turmoil is like a mirror that reflects the double standards and excessive attention that our society has for celebrities.

First, we have to think: do we have the right to be overly concerned and judge the privacy of celebrities? In the age of information explosion, every move of a public figure can become a hot topic.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

However, should we give them basic personal space? After all, even celebrities in the spotlight should have the right to choose their own lifestyle.

Second, how do the words and actions of public figures balance personal freedom with social influence? Sun Honglei once shouted "Long live the motherland" and created a patriotic image. Today's immigration rumors seem to contradict previous rhetoric.

At the same time, we also need to reflect on our attitudes.

Finally, the event also highlights the importance of media literacy. In the face of complex information, we need to have the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, rather than blindly following trends or jumping to conclusions.

Sun Honglei, who once shouted long live the motherland, but ran abroad, has long become a "joke"!

Perhaps, we need to build a healthier environment for public opinion. In this environment, we not only respect the private space of public figures, but also expect them to be cautious about their words and deeds and assume their due social responsibility.

At the same time, as members of the public, we should also cultivate the ability to think rationally and not be easily confused by superficial phenomena.

Sun Honglei's immigration turmoil may eventually subside, but the food it leaves us with will last for a long time. This is not only a judgment of an actor, but also an examination of the values of the entire society.

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