
Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

author:Kusunoki University Hall
Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

In July 2020, Huang Yumeng, a student at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, embarked on an unusual journey alone. The 23-year-old young woman chose an unexpected destination – the no-man's land of Hoh Xil in Qinghai province.

However, this adventure turned into a tragedy.

For 25 days, Huang Yumeng's whereabouts became a mystery. It wasn't until July 30 that search and rescue crews found her remains in the wilderness of Hoh Xil. The scene is puzzling: there is no blood, clothes are scattered around intact, and Huang Yumeng's body appears to have been eaten by wild animals only after his death.

This heartbreaking discovery raises countless questions: Was it an accident? Suicide? Or did he kill? Two years have passed, and Huang Yumeng's bizarre death is still an unsolved mystery, leaving the world with endless thoughts and sorrows.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

In July 2020, Huang Yumeng quietly left Nanjing. She didn't tell anyone her true destination, but simply told her family that she wanted to go out for a walk.

With mixed feelings, she boarded the train to Qinghai and began this destined extraordinary journey.

Two days later, at 4 a.m. on July 7, Huang Yumeng arrived in Golmud. While the city is still immersed in pre-dawn tranquility, she has already begun to prepare for the adventure ahead.

In a newly opened store, Huang Yumeng bought camping equipment and daily necessities. She moved quickly, with an imperceptible hint of nervousness and determination in her eyes.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

After getting ready, Huang Yumeng did not forget to call his family to report his safety. On the other end of the phone, her parents' voices were full of concern, and she forced a casual chat and mentioned that she had prepared gifts for them.

When she hung up, a hint of guilt flashed in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by determination.

At around half past five in the morning, Huang Yumeng stopped a taxi in front of a luxury hotel. She haggled with the driver and eventually reached an agreement to go to the Qingshui River.

Along the way, the curious driver asked her about her destination, and Huang Yumeng only lightly replied that she wanted to camp in a safe area. Her answer was vague and brief, and she seemed reluctant to talk about it.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

A few hours later, the taxi stopped near the Qingshui River. When Huang Yumeng got out of the car, a hint of determination appeared on his face. She glanced back at the road she had come from, as if saying goodbye to the past, and then stepped resolutely into the border of no man's land.

From this moment on, her trail dissipated into this mysterious and dangerous land like the mist of the early morning.

In the days that followed, Huang Yumeng's whereabouts became a mystery. Her mobile phone signal appeared several times in the vicinity of Hoh Xil on the afternoon of 8 July, but each call went unanswered.

By July 9, her mobile phone signal had completely disappeared, as if she had evaporated from the world.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

It was not until July 30 that after 25 days of arduous searching, search and rescue personnel finally found Huang Yumeng's body on the south side of the Qingshui River. Only a pile of bones and scattered belongings remained at the scene, and the young girl's life was forever frozen in the wasteland of Hoh Xili.

Huang Yumeng's last journey is a lonely and mysterious footprint. She faces the vast wilderness alone, perhaps in search of herself, or in her escape from reality.

In any case, the adventure ended in tragedy, leaving behind countless unsolved mysteries and endless regrets.

Huang Yumeng's college life began with a moment of hope. She was successfully admitted to Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a prestigious institution in the field of aviation.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

With his outstanding appearance and lively personality, Huang Yumeng soon became the focus of the campus and was known as one of the "Six Golden Flowers". However, beneath this glamorous exterior lies a heart that is gradually losing its direction.

When he first entered the school, Huang Yumeng's eyes shone with a vision for the future. She dreams of one day flying an airplane in the blue sky and becoming a good pilot.

However, reality soon hit her in the face. The heavy pressure of schoolwork was like a mountain, and she couldn't breathe. Especially in the practical operation course, Huang Yumeng's performance is always unsatisfactory, and he almost never completes the task within the allotted time.

Whenever he saw his classmates completing the training with ease, Huang Yumeng's heart would swell with a sense of frustration. She began to question whether she was really suitable for the profession and whether she had the ability to become a qualified pilot.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

In the dead of night, she often sat alone in front of the dormitory window, looking at the starry sky in the distance, her eyes full of confusion and uneasiness.

In 2019, fate dealt Huang Yumeng a heavy blow. The school arranged for them to participate in a closed training in South Africa, which was crucial for their successful graduation.

Huang Yumeng went all out and was fully prepared. However, at the critical moment, she failed the assessment because she was too nervous.

When Huang Yumeng received the notice of retreat with trembling hands, it was as if the whole world had collapsed. At that moment, she felt that her dream was shattering little by little. Although the school gave her the opportunity to transfer to the flight attendant major, Huang Yumeng's heart had lost its direction.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

She begins to doubt her choices and is filled with fear for the future.

2020 was supposed to be Huang Yumeng's graduation season, but fate played a joke on her again. Unable to defend her dissertation on time, she had to face the dilemma of staying in school for a year.

Watching his classmates happily welcome a new chapter in life, Huang Yumeng's heart was as empty and helpless as if it had been hollowed out.

This series of blows made the once sunny and cheerful Huang Yumeng gradually become silent. Her smile became more and more forced, and the sparkle in her eyes dimmed.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

However, no one knows that beneath this calm surface lies a heart that is about to collapse.

Huang Yumeng's college career, from the hopeful "Golden Flower" to the helpless "retreat", and then to the final confusion and despair, is an embarrassing process.

Her experience reflects the pressure and dilemma faced by many college students, and also serves as a wake-up call: on the road to pursuing our dreams, we not only need courage and perseverance, but also the ability to face setbacks correctly.

Huang Yumeng's story may make us reflect on how to help students build a healthy mental quality to better cope with life's challenges while cultivating their professional skills.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

In 1996, Huang Yumeng was born in Mianyang City, Sichuan, to a family of intellectuals. As the only daughter in the family, she has been bathed in the pampering of her parents since she was a child. This seemingly happy beginning, but it laid a hidden danger for her future life.

Huang Yumeng's parents, both high-ranking intellectuals, had high hopes for their daughter to carry on the family's intellectual tradition. However, their love may be too strong.

Huang Yumeng has hardly experienced the hardships of life, her every wish can be fulfilled, and she always has much more pocket money than her peers. Such a growth environment has invisibly cultivated her willful and competitive character.

Under the care of his parents, Huang Yumeng rarely encountered setbacks, so he did not learn how to face failure. She is accustomed to getting everything easily and lacks the ability to cope with difficulties.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

This pampered personality trait gradually emerged during her study career.

Huang Yumeng's academic performance has always been at the middle and lower level of the class. However, she didn't seem to care, as if she thought that everything would naturally get better. Until the important juncture of the college entrance examination, reality gave her a blow to the head.

When he took the college entrance examination for the first time, Huang Yumeng failed. This result was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for her. For the first time, she really felt the taste of failure, and her heart was full of unwillingness and confusion.

However, more pressure comes from the family. Her parents could not accept this result and insisted that she must be admitted to university in order to preserve the family's intellectual tradition.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

In desperation, Huang Yumeng chose to repeat. It was an unusually difficult year for her, and she was filled with resentment and uneasiness. Eventually, she was admitted to Anhui University of Science and Technology, but this result did not seem to satisfy her.

After entering university, Huang Yumeng found that he had no interest in his major. She begins to doubt her choices and feels lost about the future. This state of affairs continued until she had the opportunity to transfer to Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Huang Yumeng's upbringing tells us that excessive pampering can deprive children of their ability to face setbacks. By the time she finally realizes that life isn't all smooth sailing, it's too late.

Her heart is as fragile as a blank sheet of paper, unable to withstand the weight of reality. This spoiled only child has always been shrouded in a lingering shadow on the road to growth, which ultimately leads to her vulnerability and helplessness in the face of life's setbacks.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

The summer of 2020 should be a graduation season full of hope and longing for most college students. However, for Huang Yumeng, what should have been a joyous moment turned into the beginning of a nightmare.

The failure of the dissertation defense was like a hammer, completely breaking Huang Yumeng's fragile psychological defense. When she learned that she needed to stay in school for a year, she fell into despair like never before.

Standing in front of the window of the dormitory, she watched her classmates happily discuss the future, while she felt as if she had been forgotten by time. At that moment, loneliness and loss flooded her like a tidal wave.

Huang Yumeng began to question the value of his life. The aura of the former "golden flower" has long faded, leaving only deep doubts about his own ability. She felt that no matter what she did, she would not be able to succeed, even the most basic of school.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

The lives of those around her seem to be colorful, and she is trapped in a cage with no hope in sight.

Under this huge psychological pressure, Huang Yumeng decided to flee temporarily. She asked her parents to go out for a break, hoping to find herself on the road. However, no one expected that she would choose to go alone in such a dangerous place as Hoh Xil.

Hoh Xili, a place known as the "forbidden area of life", may have become the last refuge in Huang Yumeng's eyes. Perhaps she thinks that only in this deserted wilderness can she truly face herself and find inner peace.

Or, she hopes to prove her worth and regain her lost self-confidence through this adventure.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

Whatever the reason, this decision shows Huang Yumeng's inner despair and helplessness. When she stepped into the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, there was both fear of the unknown and a hint of relief in her eyes.

Perhaps in that moment, she finally felt that she was in control of her own destiny.

Little did Huang Yumeng, however, know that this decision would change her life forever and cause untold pain to her family and friends. In this inhospitable land, she faces extreme climates, oxygen-deficient environments, threats from wildlife, and unknown dangers everywhere.

This desperate journey became the last straw that crushed Huang Yumeng. Her story is not only a personal tragedy, but also a reflection of the great pressure and psychological dilemmas faced by young people today.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

It reminds us that in the process of pursuing our dreams, we need not only courage, but also reason and proper guidance to avoid tragedy.

Huang Yumeng's story is not only a personal tragedy, but also a wake-up call for the whole society. In this era of fierce competition, more and more young people are facing tremendous pressure.

Some people, like Huang Yumeng, choose extreme ways to evade or prove themselves, but this often has irreversible consequences.

Her experience reminds us to learn to cherish life and face life's setbacks rationally. At the same time, society also needs to provide more psychological support and career guidance for young people.

Huang Yumeng, a female college student who went to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil alone, has been dead for many years!

In family education, we should cultivate children's ability to face failure, rather than being overprotective.

Only by facing up to the problem and working together can we avoid more tragedies like this. Let us remember Huang Yumeng, remember the preciousness of life, and contribute to building a healthier and more positive social environment.

This article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time

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