
What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

author:Deputy Director of Daydream Factory


Recently, a video of Qinghai Hoh Xil Internet celebrity wolves driving Tibetan antelopes has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. In the video, the wolf did not show the intention of hunting, but simply drove away the sheep, which attracted the attention and discussion of many netizens.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

Interestingly, this wolf begged for food from tourists due to hunger last year, so he embarked on the road of eating "cooked food", and would ask for egg yolk pie from passing tourists every day, and now there is a picture of driving the sheep in Hoh Xili, netizens have joked that this wolf no longer eats meat, but will only drive away the sheep.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

This contrast and amusement has led many to speculate that there may be many reasons behind the behavior of wild animals that we do not understand, and that human activities are quietly changing them. Let's interpret the story of this Hoh Xil Internet celebrity wolf from different angles, and see what kind of survival reality and the shadow of human society are hidden behind it.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

1. The wolf's driving behavior

In this widely circulated video, we can clearly see a wolf appearing on the grassland, staring closely at the sheep in front of him, starting to trot and howling, and the sheep are frightened and flee in all directions, while the wolf chases them, the scene is very spectacular.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

Many netizens expressed their surprise after seeing this scene, because usually, the wolf we know is the main goal of hunting sheep, but the wolf's behavior does not show obvious hunting intentions, it simply drives away the sheep, and some even joke that the wolf may be defending its territory and does not want other animals to get close.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

Wolves do maintain their territory by driving other animals, which is part of their nature, and not all driving behaviors are for hunting, sometimes just to maintain their own living space and resources, which is also a kind of rule and order in the social structure of wolf packs.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

From this point of view, the wolf's driving behavior may not be for the purpose of hunting, but to express its territorial consciousness and social status, it just wants to tell other animals that this is its territory, and other animals are not welcome to approach, and the sheep are inadvertently intruding on its territory, so it will be driven away.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

Second, wolves beg for food from tourists

In addition to driving sheep on the grassland, another story of the wolf that has attracted attention is the fact that it used to beg for food from tourists. One day last year, a group of tourists were resting on the side of the road in Hoh Xil when they suddenly noticed a wolf walking towards them and howling somewhat, and after closer inspection, they realized that the wolf was begging for food from them.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

This scene is very surprising to many people, because according to common sense, wild animals will not easily approach humans, let alone take the initiative to beg for food from humans, but this wolf has broken this routine, appearing on the side of the road every day, and only asking for egg yolk pie from passing tourists, such behavior is very rare, and also makes many tourists feel shocked and curious.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

Some people believe that the wolf may be begging for food from tourists just for the purpose of curiosity or learning, and it wants to gain some new experience and knowledge through contact with humans, while others believe that the wolf may have done so because of some changes in the environment in which it lives, which has led to a shortage of food, so it will actively approach humans in the hope of getting some food from them.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

Either way, wolves' begging for food from tourists has left a lasting impression on people and has led to deeper speculation about the relationship between wild animals and humans, the impact of everything we do on them, and the fact that their survival status is invisibly reflected in the choices and decisions we make.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

3. The impact of human activities

Behind the behavior of wolves begging tourists for food and driving sheep on the grassland, there is actually a hidden impact of human activities on the living environment of wild animals. In a place like Hoh Xil, although it is blessed with unique natural resources and ecological environment, with the continuous development and progress of human society, the ecological balance here has also been affected and destroyed to a certain extent.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

On the one hand, the overexploitation and utilization of human beings will lead to the destruction of the habitat of wild animals, the original abundant food resources will gradually decrease, and the living space of wild animals will be squeezed and restricted.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

On the other hand, excessive human intervention and protection will also change the survival strategies and behavior patterns of wild animals, for example, the survival state of wolves in Hoh Xil has been affected to a certain extent, they can hunt and forage freely, but with the change of the environment, food becomes more and more scarce, and the survival pressure of wolves is also increasing, so there will be a situation of begging tourists for food.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

In this context, wolves may gradually change their survival strategies and find a more suitable way to survive, and the presence of humans will also become a part of their survival strategy.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

Whether it's begging for food from tourists or driving sheep on the grassland, it may be a choice they make in order to adapt to their new living environment, which also brings us some inspiration and conjecture.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore


Through the story of this hoh Xil red wolf, we can see the complex and delicate relationship between wild animals and human society, their every move can be affected by human activities, and everything we do has the potential to have a profound impact on them.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

In the process of protecting wild animals and ecological environments, we need to have a deeper understanding of them, respect their living conditions and choices, and at the same time be aware of the impact that human activities may have on them, and actively take various conservation measures.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

Efforts to restore and maintain the ecological balance so that wildlife can grow freely in their own world is also an important part of our harmony with nature.

What? The Internet celebrity wolf of Hoh Xil actually "expelled" the Tibetan antelope passing by! Netizen: I don't eat raw meat anymore

One day in the future, we can see this wolf in the grassland of Hoh Xil, and its living conditions and behaviors will also bring us new inspiration and conjectures, making us more deeply aware that the relationship between humans and wild animals is not just a simple protection and protection, but a community of common destiny for common survival and common development.

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