
Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

author:Kusunoki University Hall
Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?
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Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

In 1995, a news that shocked the Chinese TV circle quietly spread: the three-year marriage between the well-known CCTV host Cheng Qian and the singer Wang Yue came to an end. Behind this divorce, there is a little-known hidden marriage past.

Time flies, and today, 28 years later, Cheng Qian ushered in the second spring of his life. He started a new family with his wife, who was 20 years younger, and was happy to have a precious son. And how did his former wife Wang Yue set sail again? A story of love, betrayal and rebirth is unfolding before our eyes.

Cheng Qian's life is like a TV series full of ups and downs, full of dramatic twists. Born in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, he has had an unusual family background since he was a child.

"I have two pairs of parents," Cheng said of his family. However, this seemingly peaceful family secret was accidentally revealed when Cheng Qian was 14 years old.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

After the release of a movie called "Unforgettable Battle", the whispers of neighbors caught Cheng Qian's attention. Through inquiry, he was surprised to find that Cheng Zhi, the protagonist in the movie, turned out to be his biological father.

This sudden truth plunged the young Cheng Qian into deep confusion and pain. It turned out that the person he had always called his father was actually his second uncle, and his biological father was the famous actor Cheng Zhi.

The unveiling of this mystery of life experience has had a huge psychological impact on Cheng Qian. He once fell into self-doubt and denial, and even had the idea of suicide.

Fortunately, with the care and support of his friends, Cheng Qian gradually came out of the haze and regained his strength.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

Despite his complicated family background, Cheng Qian did not stop there. With his handsome appearance and outstanding talent, he found his direction in life in Guangzhou. By chance, Cheng Qian participated in the host selection of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau and was successfully selected with his excellent performance.

The ratings of the "Public Security" column hosted by him have been rising steadily, winning the love of the audience.

This hard-won success opened the door to a bigger stage for Cheng Qian. He was quickly recognized by Guangdong TV and successfully transferred to the station. In Guangdong TV, Cheng Qian's talent has been fully utilized, and his career has also ushered in a period of rapid rise.

Soon after, Cheng Qian ushered in another important turning point in his life - he successfully entered CCTV. On CCTV, the stage of the highest level in the country, Cheng Qian is like a fish in water.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

His hosting style is humorous and funny, and he soon became the "first brother of CCTV" in the minds of the audience. In 1994, his outstanding performance at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala made him famous and famous.

However, just when his career was booming, Cheng Qian's love life was surging. An unknown history of hidden marriage, as well as the ensuing emotional entanglements, are quietly affecting the life trajectory of this "CCTV first brother".

The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala in 1988 became a turning point in the fate of Cheng Qian and Wang Yue. This is the first time Cheng Qian has served as the host of a large-scale gala, and Wang Yue has emerged in the music world with a song "A Beautiful Jasmine".

The amazing performance of the two on the stage not only won the applause of the audience, but also made each other have a strong interest in each other.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

In the communication under the stage, Cheng Qian was personable and talked extraordinary, and his sense of humor made Wang Yue laugh. And Wang Yue's clear and moving voice and dignified and elegant temperament also deeply attracted Cheng Qian.

The two quickly fell in love and began a sweet romance.

However, as Cheng Qian's position at CCTV became more secure, he began to consider the impact that a public romance could have on his career. In the environment at the time, the single image of the host was often more popular.

Out of concern about his career prospects, Cheng Qian made a difficult decision - to hide his relationship with Wang Yue from the outside world.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

Wang Yue was initially confused and uneasy about this decision. She longs for an upright relationship in her heart, but she can't bear to be a stumbling block to her career. After careful consideration, she chose to compromise and silently supported Cheng Qian's decision.

In 1992, the two quietly received a marriage certificate, but this good news has always been locked in the bottom of their hearts. Cheng Qian still shows himself as single, and even when facing direct questioning from the media, he resolutely denies the fact that he is married.

This state of hidden marriage brought huge psychological pressure to Wang Yue, and she began to doubt her place in Cheng Qian's heart.

With the passage of time, Cheng Qian's position in CCTV has become more and more stable, but the relationship between him and Wang Yue has become increasingly estranged. Cheng Qian, who was once full of energy and confidence, became more and more unfamiliar in Wang Yue's eyes.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

She began to wonder if the Prince Charming, who had made her so excited, had disappeared.

Just when Wang Yue was shaken by this marriage, a bigger blow quietly came - Cheng Qian was suspected of cheating. This news was like a bolt from the blue, completely shattering Wang Yue's last expectation for this marriage.

Faced with Wang Yue's questioning, Cheng Qian finally admitted his betrayal. This truth is tantamount to a fatal blow to Wang Yue. Despite her heartbeat, she made the decision to end the marriage.

In 1995, after three years of secret marriage, Cheng Qian and Wang Yue finally went through divorce procedures at the Civil Affairs Bureau. This divorce not only made Wang Yue lose her love, but also made her deeply suspicious of marriage and trust.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

After the divorce, Wang Yue's heart was full of disappointment and pain. The man she once loved dearly, not only concealed their marriage, but also betrayed her trust. This experience left Wang Yue with scars that were difficult to heal, and it also made her afraid of her future love life.

However, life always has to go on. After a difficult period of adjustment, Wang Yue decided to start again. She chose to leave this place full of painful memories and fly abroad to start a new chapter in her life.

This decision became another important turning point in her life.

After Cheng Qian's marriage to Wang Yue came to an end, he was not with the so-called "third party" as speculated by the outside world. On the contrary, a new variable has appeared in his emotional life - CCTV newcomer Dong Qing.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

In 2001, the relationship between Cheng Qian and Dong Qing quietly warmed up, and the relationship was finally confirmed. At that time, Dong Qing was just an ordinary employee of CCTV, unknown, and Cheng Qian was already a hot host.

At work, Dong Qing can often feel Cheng Qian's talent and charm. She admired Cheng Qian's humorous hosting style and was impressed by his professionalism. Cheng Qian, on the other hand, was attracted by Dong Qing's ingenuity and potential.

In 2002, the relationship between the two took a step further and decided to live together. During this time, Cheng Qian became Dong Qing's mentor and friend. He carefully instructed Dong Qing in hosting skills and helped her grow rapidly.

With the help of Cheng Qian, Dong Qing's hosting level has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has quickly grown from an obscure small role to a host who can take charge of himself.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

However, as time went on, the trajectories of the two began to diverge. Dong Qing's career is thriving and he has gradually become a new star of CCTV. In contrast, Cheng Qian began to lose some important hosting opportunities.

In this highly competitive industry, the slightest mistake can be replaced by a newcomer.

Faced with the gap in his career, Cheng Qian began to try to transform the film and television industry. However, this move has sparked dissatisfaction with CCTV. In the end, Cheng Qian chose to leave CCTV and devote himself to his acting career.

Although he is still popular with some crews with the popularity he has accumulated in the past, it is no longer the same as the scenery of the first brother of CCTV in the past.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

At the same time, the gap between Cheng Qian and Dong Qing is widening day by day. This career gap has put a lot of pressure on the relationship between the two. The two who were once close began to have contradictions and frictions.

Finally, in 2007, Cheng Qian and Dong Qing's six-year relationship came to an end.

After the breakup, Dong Qing's career continued to flourish, and she soon started a new relationship with the wealthy businessman Mi Chunlei. Cheng Qian, on the other hand, began a relatively low-key single life, focusing on his acting career.

At the same time, we can't help but ask, how has Wang Yue's life changed? After the divorce, she chose to leave the sad place and fly abroad to start a new life.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

The experience was undoubtedly a major blow to her, but it also gave her the opportunity to re-examine her life.

In a foreign country, Wang Yue gradually healed his inner wounds and rediscovered the meaning of life. She no longer defined her value in marriage and relationships, but began to pursue personal growth and career development.

It is rumored that she restarted her family abroad, had children of her own, and lived a peaceful and happy life.

The emotional entanglement of the three is like an emotional wrestle spanning many years. Cheng Qian experienced ups and downs from peak to trough in it, Dong Qing achieved a counterattack from a nobody to a CCTV celebrity, and Wang Yue chose to go away and refound the direction of life.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

This experience not only changed the trajectory of the three people's lives, but also gave them a new understanding and thinking about love and career.

Time flies. After experiencing several ups and downs, Cheng Qian's life ushered in a major turning point in 2013. This year, he met and knew Zhu Rui, who was 20 years younger than him, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Although the age gap is not small, Cheng Qian takes good care of Zhu Rui. In public, he always takes care of his wife's needs and feelings in a thoughtful manner. The carefulness and thoughtfulness of this mature man made Zhu Rui feel warm and reassured.

The relationship between the two seems to be a mellow wine after years of precipitation, and it is more and more intoxicating.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

In 2014, at the age of 51, Cheng Qian ushered in another important moment in his life - he became a father. For Cheng Qian, this daughter is undoubtedly a precious gift from God.

Although he is over half a hundred years old, Cheng Qian, a first-time father, is still full of vitality, often accompanying his daughter to play and enjoy the joy of family.

In his career, Cheng Qian also started new attempts and breakthroughs. He went from the front of the stage to behind the scenes, transforming into a director. This decision allowed him to rediscover the direction and passion of his career.

Although his age made him encounter some difficulties in the selection of actors, he did not stop there, but devoted his energy to his creative and directing work. In this new field, Cheng Qian has created a number of works, showing a talent that is different from that of the host.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

This new marriage and career transformation seems to have injected new vitality into Cheng's previous life. A glimmer of hope reignited in his eyes, as if he had been reborn.

The setbacks and twists and turns of the past seem to have become nutrients for growth, allowing him to maintain his love and pursuit of life when he reaches middle age.

Cheng Qian's story tells us that there is no fixed script in life. Even if you have experienced failures and setbacks, as long as you maintain an open and enterprising attitude, you can still shine in the second half of your life and write a moving chapter.

The years are like songs, Cheng Qian, Wang Yue and Dong Qing have each walked out of different life trajectories and composed their own unique life movements.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

After experiencing the ups and downs of his career and the twists and turns of his relationship, Cheng Qian finally restarted his family at the age of 51 and found inner peace and happiness. His story illustrates the uncertainty of life and the courage to start over.

Wang Yue chose to go to another country and start again in a foreign country. Her experience teaches us that even if we are traumatized, we can find our own happiness again.

And Dong Qing has achieved great success in his career and has become the gold medal host of CCTV. Her upbringing demonstrates the power of perseverance and dedication.

The story of the three is like a life sonata about growth, choice, and redemption. Their experience teaches us that no matter what setbacks we encounter, life always gives us a chance to start over.

Cheng Qian has been divorced for many years: he married his little wife and became a father at the age of 51, how is his ex-wife's life?

The important thing is that we face it bravely, cherish the moment, and strive to create our own happiness.

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