
Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

author:Kusunoki University Hall
Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?
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Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

In the changing world of China's entertainment industry, Xie Na's story can be called a thought-provoking workplace legend. Once upon a time, she was the leader of Hunan Satellite TV, with more than 100 million fans, and she was in the limelight for a while.

However, the years are like knives, quietly changing the fate of this "popular queen".

Today's Xie Na has become the target of ridicule on the Internet, and has even been labeled as a "white-eyed wolf". The empire of business that has been carefully built for twenty years is crumbling in the blink of an eye, and it is on the verge of collapse.

What was the reason for the once powerful hostess to fall off the altar? Let's unveil the mystery of Xie Na's career and explore the twists and turns in it.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

In 2004, Hunan Satellite TV's ace program "Happy Camp" ushered in a little-known new face - Xie Na. At that time, she was just an ordinary group performer who followed the crew of "Young Fang Shiyu" to the show.

However, the gears of fate quietly turned, and Xie Na's life was about to usher in a huge turning point.

In the recording of the show, Xie Na showed an amazing performance. Regardless of her image, she devoted herself to the show, showing a unique sense of humor and variety show talent.

This performance immediately attracted He Jiong's attention. As a senior host, He Jiong is keenly aware of Xie Na's potential.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

After an in-depth exchange with Xie Na, He Jiong learned that she graduated from the Department of Broadcasting. Just when "Happy Camp" was looking for a new host, He Jiong did not hesitate to recommend Xie Na to the TV station.

Under his recommendation, Xie Na successfully joined the hosting team of the show and started her brilliant hosting career.

Xie Na, who debuted on the stage, quickly left a deep impression on the audience with her lively and cheerful personality. Her performance was in stark contrast to other hosts, breathing new life into the show.

Although Xie Na could only play the role of "Green Leaf" at that time, her addition undoubtedly brought a significant increase in ratings to "Happy Camp".

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

In 2004, after Li Xiang left "Happy Camp", Xie Na ushered in a period of rapid rise in her career. Her unique "whimsical" hosting style is like a clear stream, standing out among many traditional hosts.

The audience was attracted by her charm and regarded her as the new "first sister" of Hunan Satellite TV.

The tacit understanding between Xie Na and He Jiong has also deepened, and the interaction between the two in the show has become a major attraction. There was even a craze on the Internet that "there is a friendship called He Jiong Xie Na", which shows the audience's love for the pair.

"Happy Camp" has become the best platform for Xie Na to show her talent and win the love of the audience. On this stage, she has gradually grown into an all-round host, not only making great progress in hosting, but also showing a versatile side in acting, singing, etc.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

It can be said that "Happy Camp" is not only Xie Na's lucky stage, but also an important springboard for her career to take off.

In Xie Na's career, He Jiong has played a pivotal role. Their relationship is like a friendship movie with ups and downs, from knowing each other to drifting apart, which is embarrassing.

When they first met, He Jiong keenly discovered Xie Na's potential and resolved the embarrassment for her many times in the show. I remember that at a large-scale party, Xie Na gaged out of place, causing Wang Han to look at him angrily.

At the critical moment, He Jiong stepped forward and skillfully resolved the embarrassing situation. Such scenes are not uncommon, and He Jiong always lends a helping hand to Xie Na when she is in trouble.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

At the New Year's Eve party, when the Chinese women's volleyball team took the stage, Xie Na suddenly ran to the players to compete for height, breaking the solemn atmosphere. Faced with this situation, He Jiong once again showed his adaptability and quickly guided the show back on track.

This tacit cooperation has made "there is a friendship called He Jiong Xie Na" a hot word on the Internet. The audience envied their relationship and thought it was a rare sincere friendship in the entertainment industry.

With He Jiong's solid backing, Xie Na became more and more unscrupulous on the stage. Her hosting style is more daring, and she often plays cards out of the ordinary. Although this style brings many jokes to the show, it also buries hidden dangers.

However, this seemingly unbreakable friendship was cracked during a program recording. That day, during the competition for the microphone, Xie Na suddenly yelled at He Jiong: "Get out!" At this moment, the expression on He Jiong's face froze, and a trace of unbelievable pain flashed in his eyes.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

Although he was calm on the surface, he was greatly hurt on the inside.

He Jiong's change in attitude had a profound impact on Xie Na's career. Losing this powerful backer, Xie Na's position on Hunan Satellite TV began to be in jeopardy.

Once, He Jiong said affectionately: "The happy family will always have a place for Xie Na." However, after Xie Na made disrespectful remarks to He Jiong, He Jiong no longer seemed to care about Xie Na's future development.

Xie Na's hosting style is like a double-edged sword, which has not only won her a large number of fans, but also attracted a lot of criticism. Her unique performance of "madness" earned her a reputation as the "sun goddess" in her early days, and fans regarded her as a pistachio that could bring joy.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

However, as time went on, the style became more and more out of place, and even sparked widespread controversy.

On numerous occasions, Xie Na's performance has often sparked controversy. For example, at a New Year's Eve party, when the Chinese women's volleyball team took the stage, Xie Na suddenly ran to the players to compete for height, making the solemn atmosphere like child's play.

This inappropriate behavior made many viewers feel uncomfortable, believing that she lacked basic respect for important occasions.

What's even more critical is that Xie Na often interrupts other hosts during the show. Once, she forcibly interrupted Wang Han's hosting, causing the scene to fall into chaos for a while.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

Wang Han tried to continue hosting at a higher volume, but Xie Na was not to be outdone, and the volume soared. This behavior not only shows Xie Na's lack of basic professionalism, but also makes the atmosphere extremely embarrassing.

With the passage of time, the aesthetic fatigue of the audience has become more and more obvious. What was once a funny behavior now seems childish and lacking in depth. On Zhihu, the topic of "why Xie Na is so offensive" received a staggering 4. The 2.9 billion views show how controversial she is.

Many netizens have expressed their dissatisfaction with Xie Na's hosting style, believing that her performance lacks maturity and professionalism.

However, in the face of these criticisms, Xie Na does not seem to realize the seriousness of the problem. In an interview with Jiang Sida, she still insisted that her hosting style was orthodox.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

Xie Na has been hosting for more than 20 years, but her hosting skills don't seem to have improved significantly. Some viewers pointed out that Xie Na's hosting style is still in the early stage, lacking depth and connotation.

Xie Na's experience tells us that in the entertainment industry, it is far from enough to rely on temporary style characteristics. If you want to stay on the road in this fast-changing industry, it's essential to keep learning and improving your professionalism.

Xie Na's case may give inspiration to the younger generation of hosts: while maintaining personal characteristics, we should also pay attention to the improvement of professional quality, so as to be invincible in the fierce competition.

Xie Na's interpersonal relationship is like a gorgeous sand castle, which seems to be brilliant, but it gradually collapses under the wash of time. Once, she was the shining "sun goddess" with a huge fan base and many friends in the circle.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

However, now she is labeled as a "white-eyed wolf", from the attention of the public to the betrayal of relatives, this huge contrast is embarrassing.

The most striking thing is the breakdown of her friendship with Li Xiaoran. Rumor has it that when Xie Na was not yet famous, Li Xiaoran selflessly took her in for two years.

However, when Xie Na became popular, she chose to cut off all contact with Li Xiaoran, and even kept the contact information of the other party. Although Xie Na denied this statement, the balance of public opinion seems to have tilted in favor of Li Xiaoran.

The truth of this past is impossible to verify, but it has undoubtedly cast a shadow on Xie Na's public image.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

What is even more shocking is the deterioration of her relationship with He Jiong. The shocking sentence "get out" not only hurt He Jiong, but also made many viewers lose their favor towards Xie Na.

He Jiong's attitude in the show was obviously cold, and the interaction between the two became rusty. This change is undoubtedly a huge blow to the two who were once known as the "best partners in the entertainment industry".

With the suspension of "Happy Camp", Xie Na lost the most important stage. Former friends have moved away, and her status in the circle has declined sharply. Xie Na, who once had more than 100 million followers, is now less interactive on social media.

This series of changes can't help but make people reflect: in the complex environment of the entertainment industry, how to maintain sincere friendship? Xie Na's experience may have taught us a profound lesson.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

The suspension of "Happy Camp" is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Xie Na. This stage, which accompanied her through more than 20 spring and autumn seasons, suddenly disappeared. Having lost this "safe haven", Xie Na's resources have shrunk dramatically, and the former glory is no longer there.

Although Hunan Satellite TV gave her the opportunity to host "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", Xie Na's performance was not satisfactory. Compared with Huang Xiaoming, a non-professional host in the first season, her performance is even slightly inferior.

However, even in a difficult situation, there is hope for Xie Na's future. If she can seriously reflect on her own shortcomings, improve her professional quality, abandon those bad habits, and learn to be grateful, I believe that her career will be able to regain its glory.

After all, on the big stage of the entertainment industry, as long as you have strength, you will always have a chance.

Xie Na, who offended the "thigh", has worked hard to manage her career, and now it may come to an end?

Xie Na's story teaches us that in the workplace, there is no eternal peak, and there is no insurmountable trough. The key is how we deal with setbacks and how we constantly improve ourselves.

If Xie Na can know how to be grateful and maintain a humble attitude like Yang Di, I believe she will be able to win the love of the audience again.

Xie Na's career is not over yet, and we look forward to seeing her reborn. This is not only an expectation for Xie Na herself, but also an encouragement for everyone who struggles in the workplace: as long as you don't give up, there is always the possibility of starting over.

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