
Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?

Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?

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Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?


An Internet celebrity named "Crazy Brother" died in a cycling accident, which is embarrassing. It is understood that the madman was in an extreme cycling challenge at the time of the incident, planning to ride 800 kilometers through no man's land, but an irreparable accident occurred on the way. Such tragedies have been repeated repeatedly, what is the reason for this accident? What are the dangers and challenges of the 800-kilometre cycling route? Let's uncover the story behind this tragedy and explore the safety reminders behind extreme challenges.

Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?

1. 800 km cycling route: challenges and dangers coexist

Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?

In recent years, with the rise of outdoor sports, more and more people have begun to try various extreme challenges, and cycling is one of the popular challenges. The crazy brother's riding challenge this time can be described as the limit of the limit, the cycling route he chose is at a high altitude throughout the whole journey, and what tests physical fitness and willpower more is that there are no supply points on the whole route, which can be said to be a real "starving ghost ride".

Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?

It is understood that this 800-kilometer cycling route is a national highway that was just opened last year, and it crosses the Qiangtang uninhabited area, where the geographical environment is very harsh, not only has the challenge of high altitude hypoxia, but also has changeable weather and complex terrain, which can be said to be a great test of the cyclist's technical and physical fitness.

For an ordinary cycling enthusiast, such a cycling route is difficult enough, but the madman chose to ride at high altitude for 8-10 hours in a row, and he challenged alone, and what is even more unbelievable is that after completing a day's riding, he continued to challenge 1100 kilometers the next day, which can be said to be very desperate.

Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?

2. Background of the accident: safety awareness faded into fatal injury

Perhaps it was because he worked too hard that the madman had an irreparable accident on the way to the challenge. It is understood that at the time of the accident, the madman had come to a deserted highway in Tibet, and his accident was because he accidentally hit the guardrail while riding, resulting in a very serious head injury.

Once an accident occurs in such a no-man's land, it is almost impossible to get timely rescue, and after the convoy where the madman brother is called, due to the remoteness of the location and the inconvenience of transportation, the arrival time of the rescuers is relatively long, which also directly leads to the madman brother missing the best time for treatment, and finally unfortunately died.

Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?

Through this tragic accident, it is not difficult for us to find that the most fundamental reason why the crazy brother had an accident in the extreme riding challenge is because of his safety awareness, in order to pursue the excitement and sense of accomplishment of the extreme challenge, he ignored the importance of safety, excessively challenged his physical limits, and finally paid the price of his life.

3. Lessons from tragedy: Safety always comes first

In the face of a tragic accident like Brother Madman, we deeply regret that we should also learn some profound lessons from it, especially those who like to push the limit. No matter what kind of extreme challenge, we must have a cautious heart, not because of impulse and pride, and ignore the importance of safety, only on the premise of ensuring our own safety, can we challenge the limit and pursue higher achievements.

In the process of extreme challenges, we also need to fully understand our physical and psychological state, rest and adjust in time, not to be overly strong, but also not to be swayed by external pressure, only in a good state, can we have enough courage and perseverance to complete the challenge.

When choosing a challenge route and itinerary, we should also have some concerns, especially in high-altitude areas, whether it is riding or driving there are certain dangers, we should carefully choose the challenge that suits us according to our actual situation, not blindly follow the trend, let alone put ourselves in danger for the pursuit of excitement.

Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?

Once there is an accident on the way to the extreme challenge, we must also learn to call the police and self-rescue in time, and at the same time, we must have enough patience and confidence, believing that the rescuers will arrive in time to give us help and support.

Internet celebrity lost his life after riding 800 kilometers in one day, what caused this accident?


Extreme challenge can bring us infinite challenge and sense of achievement, but safety is always the first, we should not use life to take risks, nor should we use life to challenge the limit, I hope that through such a tragic accident, more people can pay attention to safety issues, so that everyone can participate in various challenge activities, maintain a cautious heart, do safety first, civilized participation, and jointly create a safe and harmonious challenge environment.

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