
Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

author:Loving Home Joy Reading
Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?
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Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

In 2019, at a high-profile public event, the appearance of the famous director Feng Xiaogang caused a commotion. This time, however, it was not his new work that attracted attention, but his looks.

The white spots that had once spread wantonly on his face had miraculously disappeared, replaced by a healthy, rosy complexion.

The change surprised both the media and the audience. You must know that not long ago, Feng Xiaogang was plagued by vitiligo for many years, and was even thought to have deteriorated for a time.

With these questions in mind, people began to look back on Feng Xiaogang's long journey of battling vitiligo, trying to unravel this puzzling mystery.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

2006 should have been a year of thriving career for Feng Xiaogang. His directing talent has been recognized by the industry, and his works have won applause from the audience.

However, fate played a cruel joke on him at this time.

That year, because of local discomfort in his body, Feng Xiaogang had to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. When the doctor announced that he had vitiligo, Feng Xiaogang's heart did not have too many waves.

Maybe it was because he had a premonition of this outcome, after all, it was a genetic disease that had been passed down from generation to generation in his family.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

Recalling the time when his mother was diagnosed with cancer in her forties, Feng Xiaogang's heart was filled with bitterness. At that time, he took care of his mother every day, hoping to give her more care in his limited time.

However, he never imagined that he would also step into such a predicament.

During the filming of the movie "Night Banquet", Feng Xiaogang's condition began to appear. Visible white patches appeared on his body, staggered with yellow patches, and even his face began to show white patches.

The once high-spirited director now looks frail, as if he has aged a lot overnight.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

Faced with such a diagnosis, the doctor advised Feng Xiaogang to take a slow but firm conservative approach. However, this suggestion was strongly resisted by Feng Xiaogang.

It turned out that receiving treatment meant that he had to completely quit smoking and alcohol, and avoid all kinds of spicy and stimulating foods. For Feng Xiaogang, who is accustomed to a fast-paced life, this is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

"Isn't the pursuit of life happiness?" Feng Xiaogang often asks himself this. He believes that birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws, and you can't leave the rest of your life to the hospital because of a chronic disease.

This is not only a physical torture for him, but also a shackle for the spirit.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

So, Feng Xiaogang made a surprising decision: to give up treatment. He believes that instead of struggling in the hospital, it is better to continue to use his talents in the field of film and television and create more wonderful works.

This will not only make him feel happy, but also bring joy to the audience.

Although this decision is surprising, it also shows Feng Xiaogang's love for life and career. He chose to fight the disease in his own way, using his creations to fight the pain of his body.

This attitude may be one of the reasons why he was able to continue to create excellent works in the years that followed.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

Feng Xiaogang's love life is as ups and downs as his movies. His first marriage began in his youth, when he was a young man with dreams and a longing for love.

In the hospital, Feng Xiaogang met the beautiful and moving nurse Zhang Di. With a tall figure, a delicate face, and a white nurse's uniform, Zhang Di's image is deeply rooted in Feng Xiaogang's heart.

In order to take a look at her more, Feng Xiaogang went in and out of the hospital frequently. With the increase in communication, the relationship between the two is also quietly growing.

In the time of looking at each other and talking again and again, Feng Xiaogang saw Zhang Di's shy smile, and his cheeks flushed. This young love soon blossomed, and the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

Soon after, they ushered in the crystallization of love - their lovely daughter Feng Siyu.

However, life after marriage is not a fairy tale. Feng Xiaogang devoted all his energy to his career, growing step by step from an obscure art assistant to a well-known director who has attracted much attention.

This process was full of hardships and dedication, and it also made the relationship between him and Zhang Di gradually estranged.

At first, the conflict between the two was just a few minor arguments, and they chose to keep silent and bury their heads in their own affairs. But as time went on, the rift grew, and finally Feng Xiaogang chose to run away from home.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

A twist of fate came on the set of the movie "The Great Satan". At that time, the director enthusiastically asked Feng Xiaogang what he thought of the film. Feng Xiaogang bluntly said that the film is excellent in all aspects, but the heroine's performance is slightly insufficient.

These words unexpectedly angered the actress Xu Fan, who was sitting behind her, and she left angrily.

This unpleasant encounter became the beginning of the relationship between Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan. In order to resolve the misunderstanding, Feng Xiaogang invited Xu Fan to spend time with him many times. In the process of getting along, Feng Xiaogang's feelings for Xu Fan deepened day by day, and Xu Fan's hatred for Feng Xiaogang gradually turned into love.

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. Xu Fan knew that Feng Xiaogang already had a family, but he still chose to maintain a close relationship with him. When Zhang Di learned of this, she did not choose to divorce immediately, but insisted on waiting for nine years, hoping that Feng Xiaogang would change his mind.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

In the end, Zhang Di realized that she could never wait for Feng Xiaogang to turn back, and resolutely decided to go through divorce procedures with him. She chose to let go and let Feng Xiaogang pursue her own happiness.

Soon after, Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan held a grand wedding. At the wedding, the guests joked that the couple was "flowers stuck in cow dung". In the face of such ridicule, Xu Fan responded wittily: "The key to inserting flowers on cow dung is whether the cow dung is fertile and can nourish the growth of flowers.

Today, like this flower, I am thriving every day! These words not only show Xu Fan's wisdom, but also express her expectations for this marriage.

Feng Xiaogang's marriage experience, from a young first love to a mature choice, reflects the change in his attitude towards life. Although his decision was controversial, it also reflected his obsessive pursuit of happiness.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

This experience has undoubtedly become an indelible chapter in his life.

In 2007, Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan's family welcomed a new member - their baby daughter Xu Duo. However, there have always been many speculations and questions about this girl's life experience.

It is rumored that Xu Duo may be the child born to Feng Xiaogang and his ex-wife Zhang Di. In the face of such speculation, Feng Xiaogang remained silent and never made any response to the outside world.

This attitude not only did not quell the suspicions of the outside world, but only made the mystery even more confusing.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

As Xu Duo grows up, people are surprised to find that the similarity between her and Feng Xiaogang is as high as eighty or ninety.

Feng Xiaogang once explained that he chose to adopt because he was worried that he would pass on the disease to future generations after learning that he had a genetic disease. However, Xu Duo's appearance so similar to him made this explanation a little pale.

This mystery has always hung over Feng Xiaogang's family and has become a hot topic of discussion among the public and the media. Despite this, Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan's love for Xu Duo is obvious to all.

In public, we can often see a warm picture of a family of three happy.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

Perhaps, blood ties are not the only criterion that defines a family. In Feng Xiaogang's world, love is the true bond that binds the family. No matter what Xu Duo's true identity is, she is an irreplaceable baby daughter in the hearts of Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan.

This adoption mystery not only reflects the public's curiosity about the private lives of celebrities, but also triggers people's thinking about the nature of family and family affection. Perhaps, as Feng Xiaogang showed in the movie, sincere feelings and responsibilities are the foundation of building a happy family.

Faced with vitiligo, Feng Xiaogang made a surprising decision: to refuse conventional medical treatment and continue to devote himself to his beloved film career.

This choice seems a little incredible to others, after all, with Feng Xiaogang's worth, he is fully capable of bearing expensive medical expenses.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

However, for this director, who has been in the film and television industry for many years, if he is allowed to spend the rest of his life in the hospital, it will undoubtedly be a greater torture. Feng Xiaogang once said frankly: "Even if it can't be completely cured, it doesn't matter, after all, I am not an actor who relies on my appearance to make a living."

These words reveal his ridicule of himself, and also show his open-minded attitude in the face of illness.

Despite this, the sudden onset of vitiligo still haunted Feng Xiaogang like a nightmare, sometimes keeping him awake at night. But he persevered and never set foot in the hospital to seek treatment.

He chose to use a positive and optimistic attitude to carry out a long battle against the disease.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

Feng Xiaogang's unconventional choice has caused a lot of controversy. Some people think he is joking with his health, while others praise his dedication to his career.

However, Feng Xiaogang does not seem to be evaluated by the unexpected world, he just silently continues his creation.

Interestingly, when many enthusiastic fans learned of Feng Xiaogang's illness, they generously donated their ancestral home remedies. In the face of these kindnesses, Feng Xiaogang always smiled gratefully, but still insisted on his choice.

Did this unconventional way of battling the disease affect the development of his disease? The answer seems to have been revealed in that public appearance in 2019. The white spots on Feng Xiaogang's face magically disappeared, which made people think about his choice anew.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

Today's Feng Xiaogang, although the white spots on his face are no longer conspicuous, his overall complexion still looks slightly pale. When he takes off his hat, we can still see large white spots on the top of his head.

However, these external changes do not seem to have affected his career and daily life.

In public, we can often see Feng Xiaogang happy with his family, his smile is still hearty, and his eyes are still flashing with love for life and career.

However, Feng's story has also sparked some controversy. In particular, some of his decisions in marriage, such as choosing to leave home and leave his homeland, are worthy of criticism in the eyes of some.

Feng Xiaogang: Vitiligo has completely worsened, and he is worth 2 billion but gave up treatment, how is he doing now?

Feng Xiaogang's experience teaches us that there is no standard answer in life. Everyone has the right to make their own choices, but at the same time they are responsible for those choices.

Whether it's battling illness or dealing with feelings, perhaps the most important thing is to be honest and responsible for yourself and others.

Feng Xiaogang's story is not only a legend about illness and struggle, but also a mirror, reflecting the confusion and persistence of each of us in the face of life choices.

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