
Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

author:Qi discusses the past and the present
Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation
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Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on Feng Siyu's desk, and she stared out the window with a lot of thoughts. In the photo album in his hand, the smiling faces of his father Feng Xiaogang and mother Zhang Di are frozen in the past, and the other page is a photo of his father and stepmother Xu Fan.

The ups and downs of these two marriages have caused countless ripples in her heart.

Feng Siyu gently stroked the photo and muttered: "Why do the once sweet parents go to divorce?" How did I go from hating my stepmother to understanding her? She remembered the scandal that came out after her father's successful career, and couldn't help frowning.

With these questions, Feng Siyu decided to re-examine the family's past, hoping to find his own answers in the complex emotional labyrinth. She took a deep breath and flipped the pages of her memory.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

Feng Xiaogang's life is like a movie with ups and downs, from obscurity to fame, every step portrays his tenacity and wisdom.

Feng Xiaogang, who was born in an ordinary family, experienced the pain of his parents' divorce in his childhood. Under the sole care of his mother, he learned to read words and feelings, and also practiced the ability to flatter.

These seemingly negative traits later became a powerful tool for him to navigate complex interpersonal relationships.

After graduating from high school, Feng Xiaogang resolutely chose to join the army. Although life in the barracks was hard, it opened a new door for him. As a literary soldier, he showed amazing talent in stage art design.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

The days and nights on the boom in the auditorium inadvertently laid a solid foundation for his future career as a director.

However, the retirement in 1984 was like a hammer that knocked Feng Xiaogang back to reality. When he was assigned to the Beijing Urban Construction Company's trade union as a propaganda officer, he felt that his future was bleak.

But fate always favors those who are prepared, and by chance, Feng Xiaogang got acquainted with Zheng Xiaolong, who works at the Beijing Television Art Center.

Zheng Xiaolong's insight opened the door to new opportunities for Feng Xiaogang. Through his introduction, Feng Xiaogang got acquainted with Wang Shuo, a celebrity in the literary world at that time. In the face of this rare opportunity, Feng Xiaogang showed amazing learning ability and perseverance.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

He devoted himself to Wang Shuo's work until he was able to grasp the details of any work. This kind of dedication deeply touched Wang Shuo.

In 1994, the opportunity finally came. Wang Shuo generously licensed "Stewardess" as the script material for Feng Xiaogang's debut film "Never Lose My Love". As soon as the film was released, it attracted widespread attention, and Feng Xiaogang officially embarked on the road of directing.

From a military literary soldier to a well-known director, Feng Xiaogang's history of struggle interprets what it means to be indomitable and brave to climb the peak. His experience teaches us that success is not an accident, but a perfect combination of opportunity and preparation.

On every seemingly ordinary day, Feng Xiaogang is silently accumulating strength for his dreams, and finally shines brightly when the opportunity comes.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

At the beginning of Feng Xiaogang's career, love also quietly came. Through the introduction of his colleagues, he met the beautiful and generous Zhang Di. Despite the disparity in family conditions, Feng Xiaogang finally won Zhang Di's heart with sincere feelings and unremitting efforts.

The sweetness of the newlywed has not faded, and the trials of life have followed. Feng Xiaogang's mother suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was bedridden for a long time. Zhang Di did not hesitate to take care of her mother-in-law.

The meticulous care day after day shows her extraordinary filial piety and patience. Feng Xiaogang saw it in his eyes and was moved in his heart, and cherished this hard-won love even more.

The operation went smoothly, and the family's hanging hearts were finally relieved. In order to help his daughter recover, Feng Xiaogang carefully selected a variety of toys, hoping to distract the child's attention and reduce the pain after the operation.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

Watching their daughter gradually recover her health, Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Di's hearts were full of relief and gratitude.

In this marriage, Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Di have experienced many difficult moments together and shared countless happy times. They support each other and face life's challenges together.

Zhang Di's strength and dedication made Feng Xiaogang deeply feel the warmth of his family; And Feng Xiaogang's efforts and responsibilities also gave Zhang Di great support and strength.

However, just when they thought that they had overcome all the difficulties in life and that happiness would last forever, fate played a joke on them again. An unexpected figure is about to appear and completely change the trajectory of this family.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

Looking back on this marriage, there are sweetness, hardships, laughter, and tears. It is a testament to how two people support each other in difficult situations and how they fight together for love and family.

This experience also laid a deep imprint on Feng Siyu's understanding of marriage in the future.

When his career was thriving, fate arranged an unexpected encounter for Feng Xiaogang. During a collaboration, he met the talented actress Xu Fan.

Xu Fan's intelligence and charm instantly attracted Feng Xiaogang's attention, and the two gradually fell in love at work.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

At first, Feng Xiaogang tried to suppress this feeling, but the throbbing in his heart became stronger and stronger. He began to appear by Xu Fan's side frequently and cared for her. This sudden feeling made Feng Xiaogang fall into a deep contradiction.

At the same time, Zhang Di is still silently paying, taking care of her daughter and mother-in-law, and maintaining the family. When the rumors about her husband and Xu Fan reached her ears, her heart was full of uneasiness and confusion.

Zhang Di had expected Feng Xiaogang to give an explanation, but what she was waiting for was a long silence.

Facing his wife's silence, Feng Xiaogang's heart was full of guilt and contradictions. He knew that his actions had hurt his family, but he couldn't let go of his feelings for Xu Fan. After a long struggle, he finally filed for a divorce.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

Zhang Di couldn't accept this harsh reality at first. She stubbornly believes that if only give each other some time, everything will be fine. However, in the seventh year, she finally had to face reality and agree to a divorce.

This decision made her a single mother and raised Feng Siyu alone.

Although Feng Xiaogang left a fortune and house at the time of the divorce and promised to cover his daughter's living expenses and school fees, these material compensation could not make up for the mental trauma caused by the breakdown of the family.

The most hurt is the young Feng Siyu. She couldn't understand why her father was leaving, and she couldn't accept this sudden change. Whenever Feng Xiaogang tried to communicate with her, she would lock herself in her room and refuse any communication.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

The once intimate father-daughter relationship has now become alienated and indifferent.

Feng Xiaogang could only stand outside the door, telling his inner apologies and helplessness alone. He hoped that time would heal the wounds in his daughter's heart, but he didn't know how long it would take.

The end of this marriage not only changed the life trajectory of Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Di, but also deeply affected Feng Siyu. She begins to have doubts about love and is full of fear of marriage.

These emotions will continue to haunt her for years to come, and will be the starting point for her to think about life and relationships.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

Feng Xiaogang's marriage to Xu Fan brought a huge impact to Feng Siyu. In her young heart, Xu Fan seemed to be the culprit who caused her parents' divorce.

Every time he got along with his stepmother, Feng Siyu would deliberately show coldness and even hostility, turning a blind eye to Xu Fan's kindness.

Xu Fan is well aware of Feng Xiaogang's love for his daughter, and tries hard to repair the relationship with his stepdaughter. She buys beautiful clothes, fun toys and delicious snacks for Feng Siyu, hoping to bring them closer together.

However, these acts of kindness have been repeatedly treated coldly by Feng Siyu.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

The turning point in the relationship occurred during an unexpected event. When Feng Siyu was discovered by the teacher because he was playing a game console at school and needed his parents to be there, Feng Xiaogang, who was far away, could not arrive in time.

In a hurry, Feng Siyu could only turn to Xu Fan for help.

To Feng Siyu's surprise, Xu Fan put down the work at hand without saying a word and hurried to the school. In the face of the teacher's severe criticism, Xu Fan resolved the conflict with a gentle but firm attitude, showing surprising maturity and wisdom.

At this moment, Feng Siyu's opinion of Xu Fan began to quietly change. She realized that she might be prejudiced against her stepmother and underestimated her ability to behave in the world. As time passed, in the face of Xu Fan's patience and sincerity, the estrangement between the two gradually dissolved.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

Feng Siyu began to look at Xu Fan with new eyes and understand her situation and dedication as a stepmother. She found that Xu Fan not only took care of herself in life, but also gave her spiritual support and understanding.

This kind of intimate relationship gradually formed gave Feng Siyu a new understanding of family and feelings.

This experience taught Feng Siyu that relationships between people are not static, and that through sincere communication and mutual understanding, even initially hostile relationships can gradually transform into bonds of mutual respect and love.

Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan's married life was not all smooth sailing. When Xu Fan expressed his desire to have children, Feng Xiaogang politely declined on the grounds that he was worried about hereditary vitiligo. This decision hit Xu Fan hard, but she chose to be understanding and tolerant.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

In the end, the couple adopted a girl named Xu Duo in an attempt to fill this regret.

As Feng Xiaogang's career took off, the media began to hype up his affair with a mysterious woman. Faced with overwhelming speculation, Xu Fan chose to remain silent, but the pain in her eyes was difficult to hide.

Feng Siyu witnessed her stepmother's grievances, and her heart was mixed.

After experiencing these twists and turns, Feng Siyu has a deeper understanding of marriage and love. She felt sorry for her mother Zhang Di, who was still strong and independent after the divorce, and at the same time sympathized with her stepmother Xu Fan, who silently endured everything.

Feng Xiaogang's daughter Feng Siyu: I feel sorry for my mother who is divorced and no longer married, and I also sympathize with my stepmother Xu Fan's situation

The encounter between these two women in love made Feng Siyu deeply worried about marriage.

However, by observing their stories, Feng Siyu also saw the power and resilience of love. She began to think about how to maintain sincere emotions and find balance in marriage in complex relationships.

These reflections will become an important guide for her in the future of life.

Feng Siyu realizes that love and marriage are not fairy tales, they require efforts and compromise on both sides. She is determined to learn from the experiences of her parents and stepmother and be more cautious and rational in her future love life, while also maintaining her longing and expectation for love.

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