
Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

author:Loving Home Joy Reading
Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart
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Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

In an ordinary living room in Jinan, Ms. Zhao Ying sat quietly in front of the window, her eyes looking into the distance, but her heart was full of concern for her daughters. She sighed softly: "My eldest daughter Gong Wen, who unfortunately died young, and Gong Li, the youngest daughter who has no children for life, are really regrets and pains that my loving mother can't erase in her life!" Behind this sentence, what kind of family joys and sorrows and ups and downs of life are hidden? Let's step into Gong Li's life journey, uncover the little-known story of the legendary actress, and explore a mother's deep and complex love for her daughters.

In this period spanning decades, we will witness how Gong Li overcomes obstacles on the road of chasing her dreams, and how she continues to grow in the test of family affection and love.

With a dream, Gong Li resolutely decided to apply for an art school. However, reality dealt her a heavy blow - she failed the art exam, and then the college entrance examination results were not satisfactory.

This succession of setbacks was enough to make many people give up, but Gong Li showed extraordinary perseverance and determination.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

After hitting walls everywhere, by chance, Gong Li successfully entered the Jinan Song and Dance Troupe. Here, she met Bole - the head of the regiment, Yin Dawei. Yin Dawei has a discerning eye and gives Gong Li valuable opportunities and guidance.

In 1985, the opportunity struck again. Although Gong Li's exam score was still 11 points away from the admission line, her talent and potential impressed the examiners of the Central Academy of Drama.

The academy made an exception to admit this enthusiastic young girl and let her step into the palace of professional performance.

A twist of fate came in 1987. Gong Li, who was still a sophomore at the time, was selected by the new director Zhang Yimou to play the heroine "Jiu'er" in "Red Sorghum".

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

This role has not only become Gong Li's masterpiece, but also a turning point in her career. "Red Sorghum" won the highest honor at the 38th Berlin International Film Festival "Golden Bear Award", and Gong Li's superb acting skills were widely recognized.

From an unknown student to a high-profile star, Gong Li has proved the power of dreams with her persistence and hard work. Her success not only fulfilled her wishes, but also made her parents, who had opposed her, extremely proud.

However, this is only the beginning of Gong Li's legendary life, and more challenges and opportunities await her.

In this dream-chasing process, Gong Li showed extraordinary courage and perseverance. Her story tells us that as long as we have a dream in our hearts, no matter how difficult the road is, we can walk out of our own wonderful.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

But at the same time, we can also feel that behind Gong Li's success, there are family worries and the inner contradictions of her mother, Ms. Zhao Ying. This complex family relationship will play an important role in Gong Li's future life journey.

In 1991, just as Gong Li was fully engaged in the filming of "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit", a bad news hit like a thunderbolt from the blue. She received a call from her mother and learned that her sister Gong Wen had advanced breast cancer.

This news made Gong Li's heart twist, and she immediately put down her work and hurried back to her hometown in Jinan.

However, fate is merciless. In June 1992, Gong Wen left forever. The death of her sister not only brought a huge blow to Gong Li, but also made her feel a great responsibility.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

Gong Wen left behind two young children, and Gong Li resolutely decided to take on the responsibility of taking care of her nephews and nieces, treating them as her own.

Gong Li has not yet recovered from the grief of losing her sister, and in 1995, another bad news came - her father died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. When Gong Li rushed to the hospital, her father had already passed away.

Faced with her father's cold body, Gong Li fell into deep self-blame and grief. She regretted that she couldn't spend more time with her father because of her busy work.

Gong Li knows that her emotional state is closely related to the mood of her family. She struggled to keep herself up and found time to spend with her mother in between busy shoots. Every holiday, she carefully selects gifts to surprise her family.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

In order to create a warm environment for her family, Gong Li even purchased a spacious and comfortable mansion in Jinan, Shandong Province, hoping to provide a place for her family to gather.

This experience made Gong Li more deeply appreciate the preciousness of family affection. She treats her three sisters-in-law as sisters and does her best to meet the needs of her family. However, for her mother, Zhao Ying, the pain of losing her eldest daughter and husband, as well as the worry that her youngest daughter Gong Li would not be able to have a complete family, has always been an indelible pain in her heart.

Gong Li's story tells us that even in the most glorious moments of life, the bonds of family affection have never weakened. She interprets the other side of "successful women" with practical actions - not forgetting her original intention and repaying her family.

However, we can also feel that while Gong Li is working hard to protect her family, the concern and worry for her two daughters in the heart of her mother Zhao Ying has always been with us.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

This complex mother-daughter relationship has become an indispensable part of Gong Li's life journey.

Gong Li's love life has always been the focus of public attention. Her eight-year relationship with Zhang Yimou can be called one of the most sensational topics in the literary circle. This relationship began with the filming of "Red Sorghum", and the two fell in love at work for a long time.

However, this high-profile relationship is difficult to achieve a positive result for various reasons.

When her mother, Zhao Ying, learned about this relationship, her heart was full of worries. She doesn't want her daughter to become a "third party" in his mouth and suffer from social criticism. Under the persuasion of her mother, Gong Li made a difficult decision to end this relationship that once caused a sensation in the film and television industry.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

This undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Gong Li, but she chose to face it strongly.

Soon after, Gong Li and Huang Hexiang met and soon entered the marriage hall. However, this seemingly happy marriage did not go as she wished. There is a huge difference in the concept of life between the two, and there are frequent disputes over trivial family matters.

In the end, this relationship, which had lasted for 13 years, came to an end.

This failed marriage experience made Gong Li lose confidence in love for a while. She decided to spend the rest of her life alone and devote all her energy to her career. However, this decision kept her mother Zhao Ying awake at night and washed her face with tears every day.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

Zhao Ying was worried that her daughter would feel lonely in her later years because she had no heirs, which became an unrelieved pain in her heart.

Under the care and persuasion of her family, Gong Li gradually walked out of the haze of feelings. In 2017, the god of fate favored her again. In France, Gong Li met the musician Michel.

The artist, who was nearly twenty years older than her, impressed Gong Li with her mature and steady charm.

After careful consideration, Gong Li decided to give love another chance. She tied the knot with Michelle and started a new chapter in her life. This marriage finally let Zhao Ying's hanging heart go.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

She was relieved to see that her daughter had found true happiness, and at the same time told Gong Li to cherish this hard-won feeling.

Today, Gong Li and Michelle have settled in France and live a peaceful and happy life. Although she has no biological children, Gong Li and Michelle's daughter get along well, and the family atmosphere is happy.

This experience made Gong Li understand that true happiness does not lie in the judgment of the outside world, but in inner satisfaction.

Gong Li's love road is bumpy, from sensational love to calm and tranquil happiness, she uses her own experience to interpret the various possibilities of love. At the same time, we also saw the important role played by the mother Zhao Ying in her daughter's emotional journey.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

Her worries, persuasions, and ultimate relief all reflect a mother's deep and complex love for her daughter.

When her career is booming, Gong Li has never forgotten the importance of her family. In 1994, she starred in the film "Alive" and won the BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

At this important moment, Gong Li's first thought was to share the joy with her family. She returned home delighted, bringing her father his favorite foreign wine and carefully selecting delicate pastries for her mother.

This small gesture reflects her deep concern for her family.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

Gong Li knows that her success is inseparable from the support and understanding of her family over the years. Despite her busy schedule, she struggles to find time for her family in her hectic shooting schedule.

When she learned that her parents had always had the desire to travel abroad, Gong Li decided to arrange a family trip abroad after "Farewell My Concubine" was completed, hoping to make up for the debt she owed to her parents over the years.

However, the parents understood their daughter's hardship and politely declined the offer. This made Gong Li feel a little regretful, but she also cherished every moment with her family even more. She began to pay more attention to time management, and used holidays to go home to spend time with her mother and spend time with her siblings.

In order to create a warm and comfortable environment for her family, Gong Li purchased a spacious mansion in Jinan, Shandong. She hopes that this place can be a warm haven for the whole family to reunite, and make up for her regret that she can't always be by her side because of work.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

In the process of balancing career and family, Gong Li showed rare wisdom and responsibility. She interprets the other side of "successful women" with practical actions - not forgetting her original intention and repaying her family.

Despite this, we can still feel the concern for her daughter in the heart of her mother Zhao Ying. While she is proud of her daughter's achievements, she often worries that her busy work has neglected her personal life.

This complex mother-daughter relationship has become an indispensable spiritual pillar for Gong Li in the pursuit of career success.

After experiencing the glory of her career, the loss of family affection, and the ups and downs of love, Gong Li finally found her own happiness in a foreign country. This journey of life has made her deeply realize that the meaning of life is not only about career success, but also about inner peace and satisfaction.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

In the face of all kinds of speculation and judgment from the outside world, Gong Li chose to remain silent and interpret her life choices with actions. She understands that true happiness comes from inner fulfillment, not from the eyes of others.

Although she did not conceive a child of her own, her relationship with her husband Michelle is still as loving as ever, she gets along well with her stepdaughter, and her family life is harmonious and happy.

Gong Li's experience tells us that everyone's definition of happiness is different. She interpreted the true meaning of life in her own way, and also gave her mother Zhao Ying great comfort.

Although Zhao Ying is still heartbroken by what happened to her two daughters - the early death of her eldest daughter Gong Wen and the tortuous life journey of her youngest daughter Gong Li, she also felt some comfort in her heart when she saw her youngest daughter finally find her happy home.

Gong Li's mother: The son and daughter-in-law are intimate, and the two daughters have become a pain in her heart

Gong Li's story shows the arduous journey of a woman who struggles to find a balance between her career, family, and personal pursuits. Her experience teaches us that the ups and downs of life are opportunities for growth, and true happiness often lies in the ordinary daily life.

Although Gong Li's life choices may not be understood by everyone, she has the courage to pursue her inner voice and finally finds her own happiness, which may be the most valuable wealth in life.

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