
This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

author:The red rabbit says something

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The red rabbit said things

Red Rabbit Says Things

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".


When we look back on the past, do we still remember the "singer king" of the sonic boom grassland?

He has conquered countless listeners with his singing, and he has also fallen into a low point in his life due to alcohol addiction.

This person is Tengger.

What ups and downs has he experienced in his life?

Let's walk into the story of this "talented singer".

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Talent is revealed, fate is uncertain

In 1960, on the prairie of Inner Mongolia, a baby boy fell to the ground.

His parents named him Tengger, which means "blue sky" in Mongolian, and enshrined a vision of a bright future for their children.

The name seems to indicate the trajectory of his future life, as vast as the blue sky, full of infinite possibilities.

Influenced by the singer's parents, Tengger showed amazing musical talent from an early age, as if he was destined to become a singer.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

He has a clear and loud voice, and he is naturally suitable for singing.

However, fate did not favor this talented young man, and his life path was destined to be bumpy and rugged.

In the dark, there seems to be a mysterious force manipulating in the dark, sometimes allowing him to ride the wind and waves, and sometimes making him fall to the bottom.

At the age of 14, Tengger, who was in the rebellious period of youth, became the "thorn" of the school, and he was there wherever there was trouble.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

His unruly personality was a headache for teachers and parents, and he was often furious with his stubborn behavior.

Once, he called himself a "great man" in front of his classmates and was caught red-handed by the principal.

The ashamed Tengger came up with the idea of suicide and wanted to end his troubles.

He had even written a suicide note, ready to end his young life in despair.

Fortunately, he was stopped in time by his keen brother and avoided the tragedy.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

This incident became a turning point in his life.

Since then, he has completely lost interest in school and exam-oriented education, and only wants to escape from this suffocating place to pursue his dreams.

The turning point came the following summer, when the School of the Arts' enrollment gave Tengger new hope.

He signed up with the mentality of giving it a try, and unexpectedly got the dance major.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Fate seems to play another joke on him, giving him a chance to show himself, but it puts him in another difficult choice.

However, the arduous dance training made him miserable, and he struggled with the limits of his physical strength and willpower every day.

Exhausted, he often doubted his choice, and even wanted to give up at one point.

Eventually, he mustered up the courage to apply to the school to transfer to an instrumental major.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

It was also from this time that Tengger's musical talent was fully developed, and his singing voice began to emerge and make a name for himself on campus.

At the same time, the habit of alcoholism also quietly grew in the free and casual environment of the college, which laid the foundation for the future.

Addicted to alcohol and led astray

Tengger's bones flow with the fanaticism and fascination of the prairie man for wine.

At the age of 15, he began to drink secretly, and the pleasure of tasting the forbidden fruit made him want to stop.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Perhaps it was the natural desire for freedom, or perhaps the pressure to escape from reality, alcohol became an integral part of his life.

In adulthood, this preference is even more out of control, and gradually evolves into a hobby and addiction.

As soon as he entered college, he often drank with his classmates all night, forgetting the troubles of reality in the paralysis of alcohol.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

His life seems to have been nothing but singing and drinking, and everything else has been overshadowed.

In order to drink, he even went to sell blood for money, and he didn't care about his health.

The mother was angry and helpless many times, watching her son sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire of alcohol, but there was nothing she could do.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

The vice of alcoholism followed him like a shadow, and Tengger's life took a sharp turn and went to the point of no return.

At the age of 27, he tied the knot with the beautiful and gentle Hasgaova, thinking that he could say goodbye to the past and start a new life.

On the day of the wedding, he made many beautiful vows and vowed to be a responsible husband and father.

However, after marriage, Tengger did not relent, and the problem of alcoholism intensified.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

He dragged his friends from all religions and nine streams to form the "Beer Association", and indulged in the drinking game and couldn't extricate himself.

He even opened a number of restaurants one after another, and almost all the income was "dedicated" to the wine glass.

The time and money that should have been used to run the family were squandered by him.

After his wife's bitter persuasion and quarrels, she finally chose to run away due to endless drinking problems.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

It wasn't until his wife left that Tengger suddenly realized, but it was already too late.

The sweet love of the past was buried by him himself, leaving only endless regret and self-blame.

The comeback became popular, mixed with joy and sorrow

Tengger, who reached middle age, once fell to the bottom of his life due to alcoholism and divorce, with nothing and no future.

His career hit a low point and his life became a mess.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

In the dead of night, he would fall into deep self-doubt and denial, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, in the most desperate moment, he met Zhula, who was 18 years younger.

This kind and strong woman never gave up, giving him new hope and strength.

Regardless of Tengger's past, she chose this frustrated man without hesitation.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

With her encouragement and support, Tengger was determined to bounce back and start anew.

He began to take his music career seriously, putting in more effort and sweat than before.

With the soulful and touching song "Paradise", he returned to the peak of music and rose to fame again.

This song exhausts his memories and feelings about the past, and expresses his determination to be reborn.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

After getting married, the two soon welcomed their lovely daughter Gagir, and their lives were full of laughter again.

Tengger vowed to be a good husband and father and make amends for his past mistakes.

He began to understand responsibility and responsibility, and took care of this hard-won home wholeheartedly.

However, fate once again played a cruel joke on Tengger, making a harsh mockery of his oath.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Three-year-old Gagir was diagnosed with a congenital condition that shattered the family like a bolt from the blue.

The Tenggers sought medical treatment everywhere and gave everything they had to save their daughter.

They traveled thousands of miles and traveled all over the country, but they were never able to find a cure.

Seeing that his daughter was getting thinner and thinner, and the flower of life was gradually withering, Tengger's heart was like a knife, but he couldn't do anything.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

In the end, they were unable to save their daughter's life, and watched her die forever at the age of 6.

Tengger was grief-stricken and discouraged, as if life had gone with his daughter.

Since then, he has been depressed and rarely sings national songs anymore.

The high-spirited "singer" is gone, leaving behind just an empty shell like a walking dead.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

He began to doubt the meaning of life and felt that everything had lost its color and temperature.

Indifferent to this life, return to the grassland

The death of his daughter plunged Tengger's life into a trough again, and he once thought that he would never be able to get out of the haze of grief.

The pain of losing his daughter was like a sharp blade, cutting an unhealable wound on his heart.

He began to indulge himself, and once again became addicted to the vice of alcoholism, as if only in the paralysis of alcohol could he temporarily forget the pain in his heart.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

He cut off his long hair for many years, symbolizing a break with the past; turned to cover pop songs, and became a cute "old naughty boy" in the eyes of a new generation of audiences.

On stage, his singing voice is still the same, but off the stage, he is already a ghost with a dead heart.

Despite his remorse for his past alcoholism, he eventually picked himself up and tried to face life with a new look.

Perhaps it was the healing of time, or perhaps a new hope beckoning, and he gradually found a new direction in his life.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Nowadays, he often returns to the grassland during the Qingming Festival to pay tribute to his deceased relatives and remember the lost time.

He also donated money to the children in his hometown to help them have a better tomorrow.

In the process of caring for the next generation, he also slowly healed his wounds.

He confessed: "I am from the grassland, and I will eventually return to the grassland."

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Here are my roots, my soul. "

This may be the destination and hope of Tengger's life.

He understands that life is impermanent, and only by laughing at life can he live up to the time he came from in this life.


Tengger's life is a legend full of ups and downs.

He conquered thousands of listeners with his talent, but also fell to the bottom due to alcohol addiction.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid a terrible price for his "addiction to alcohol".

He has had love and affection, and he has also endured the sorrow of life and death.

However, after all kinds of hardships, he still chose to face life and give back to his hometown.

This is Tengger - a "singer" who will always belong to the grassland, and a singer who will eventually rest under the blue sky.

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