
Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

author:Leave no trace in the Hall of Knowledge
Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was
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Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

In February 2021, the Hong Kong film industry ushered in a sad news: comedy superstar Wu Mengda died suddenly of advanced liver cancer. In the last moments of his life, the actor, affectionately known as "Uncle Da", made a thought-provoking decision: to divide his life savings in half, half to his children and the other half to his young wife, Hou Shanyan.

This seemingly simple arrangement sparked a lot of speculation and discussion at the time. Some people question the relationship between husband and wife, which is very different in age, and others worry that there may be disputes within the family as a result.

However, as time passed, Hou Shanyan's words and deeds gradually revealed Wu Mengda's foresight. In this article, we'll take you through the life trajectory of the comedy maestro and explore the wisdom behind his final arrangement.

Wu Mengda's acting career began in 1973, when he was successfully admitted to the Hong Kong Television Artist Training Course, and was a classmate with celebrities such as Chow Yun-fat and Lin Lingdong.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

Although his academic performance is excellent, due to the limitations of his appearance, Wu Mengda can only start as a supporting role. However, this did not dampen his enthusiasm, but instead inspired his determination to improve his acting skills.

The opportunity finally came in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang", and Wu Mengda became famous in one fell swoop with the role of "Hu Tiehua". This success opened the door to the showbiz for him, and also gave him a taste of fame and fortune.

According to Wu Mengda's own recollection, in just one year, he earned as much as $100,000.

However, fame brings not only opportunities, but also temptations. The young Wu Mengda was lost for a while and contracted the vice of gambling. This bad decision quickly caused him to lose all his savings and even go into huge debt.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

Life is in trouble, debt collectors come to the door one after another, and families are on the verge of breaking up. Just when Wu Mengda was almost desperate, thinking of his young daughter at home, he decided to regain his strength.

The turning point came in 1983, when Wu Mengda met Stephen Chow in the crew of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The two hit it off at first sight and began a 15-year journey together.

During this period, they co-created classic comedies such as "Journey to the West", "Truant Weilong", "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier", and Wu Mengda gradually grew into a recognized "golden supporting role" in the Hong Kong film industry.

Wu's success stems not only from his outstanding talent for comedy, but also from his dedication and tenacity. Even in the toughest of times, he stayed true to his dream of being an actor and tried to be the best in every role.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

This professional attitude has won the respect of peers and made the audience remember this "supporting role" that can bring laughter.

Looking back at Wu Mengda's acting career, we see an inspirational story of how an ordinary person finally achieved extraordinary achievements in the field of comedy through unremitting efforts.

His experience tells us that the road to success is not always smooth, but as long as you keep your original intention and persevere, you will eventually usher in your own glorious moment.

Wu Mengda's love life is as full of ups and downs as his acting career. In his early years, his first marriage ended in failure due to his addiction to gambling. This setback left a profound lesson for Wu Mengda and made him realize the importance of family responsibilities.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

Even after the divorce, he still struggled to fulfill his father's duties, not only buying a property for his ex-wife, but also paying high monthly child support.

The turning point in his life came in 1993. At that time, Wu Mengda met Hou Shanyan, who was more than 20 years younger than him, when he was filming "Happy Events in the Flower Field" in Malaysia.

Despite the huge age gap, the two quickly fell in love. This relationship came violently and warmly, and Wu Mengda even publicly said that Hou Shanyan was as important to him as life.

However, their union was not all smooth sailing. The outside world has a lot of complaints about this "year-old love", and there are constant doubts. In the face of all kinds of criticism, Hou Shanyan chose to prove her sincerity with actions.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

She not only takes care of her family, but also often visits Wu Mengda in person to the crew to send him warmth and care.

This marriage brought Wu Mengda inner peace and happiness. He began to devote himself more to family life, and he couldn't wait to go home to accompany his wife and children after every filming.

Hou Shanyan's gentleness and thoughtfulness made Wu Mengda feel the warmth of home, and also made him cherish this hard-won relationship even more.

As he grew older, Wu Mengda's health gradually deteriorated. Hou Shanyan's dedication is particularly precious at this time. She not only takes care of her husband's daily life, but also pays close attention to his physical condition.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

Whenever Wu Mengda is busy with work, Hou Shanyan will always visit him on the set in person to ensure that he is fully rested and cared for.

Wu Mengda has expressed his gratitude to his wife many times in public. He admitted frankly that it was precisely because of Hou Shanyan's support and companionship that he was able to maintain his strong creative enthusiasm in the later stage of his career.

This love not only broke the prejudice of the outside world against "old husbands and young wives", but also became an enviable model couple in the entertainment industry.

Through Wu Mengda's emotional experience, we see how a person learns from emotional setbacks and finally finds sincere love. The story of him and Hou Shanyan tells us that true love knows no age, and the key lies in mutual understanding, trust and dedication.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

This relationship not only enriched Wu Mengda's life, but also injected new vitality into his acting career, becoming an important force to support him through the final journey of his life.

In 2014, just when Wu Mengda's career and family life were on the right track, a sudden serious illness sounded the alarm for him. At that time, he was filming the TV series "The Legend of the Divine Doctor" in Shijiazhuang.

Although his body was already showing symptoms of discomfort, Wu Mengda still insisted on working and did not want to delay the progress of the crew. However, his professionalism was eventually defeated by his physical limits.

On an ordinary filming day, Wu Mengda suddenly fainted on the set. After being rushed to the hospital, doctors diagnosed him with viral myocarditis complicated by heart failure and was in critical condition.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

This news was like a bolt from the blue, which not only shocked the crew, but also plunged Wu Mengda's family into worry and panic.

In the days when he was hovering on the edge of life and death, Wu Mengda deeply realized the fragility of life and the importance of his family. He saw his wife Hou Shanyan waiting in front of the sickbed day and night, bursting into tears, and his heart was full of guilt and emotion.

This experience made him rethink his life values and lifestyle.

After a period of treatment and recuperation, Wu Mengda miraculously recovered. The aftermath of this experience became a turning point in his life. He was determined to change his lifestyle, no longer working as hard as he used to, and instead focusing more on his health and family life.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

Wu Mengda quit his habit of smoking and drinking for many years and began to pay attention to physical exercise. What's more, he has less work and more time and energy to devote to family life.

He began to re-examine the value of life and realized that instead of working hard to make money on the set, it was better to spend more time with his family and enjoy the beauty of life.

At the beginning of 2021, a heartbreaking news came: Wu Mengda was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. Faced with this irreversible fate, Uncle Da did not become depressed, but began to think about how to arrange the aftermath with his usual wisdom and calmness.

At the end of his life, Wu Mengda made a seemingly simple but profound decision: to divide his inheritance into two equal parts, half for his children and the other half for his wife Hou Shanyan.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

This arrangement looks plain at first glance, but it contains Uncle Da's foresight.

Leaving half of the property to his children reflects Wu Mengda's responsibility and love as a father. He hopes to be able to provide some financial security for his children after he leaves.

Leaving the other half to his younger wife, Hou Shanyan, shows his trust and gratitude to his wife. This decision not only takes into account the interests of each family member, but more importantly, lays the groundwork for the long-term harmony of the family.

Wu Mengda knows that his departure may have a big impact on this family with a large age gap. Through this distribution of the estate, he hopes to make his children understand and respect Hou Shanyan and avoid possible family disputes in the future.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

Behind this decision is Uncle Da's deep love for his family and thoughtful consideration for the future of the family.

On February 27, 2021, Wu Mengda left this world. His loss has grieved countless fans, but his wisdom and love will last forever. In the process of handling the funeral, Hou Shanyan's performance confirmed the correctness of Wu Mengda's decision.

Not only did she properly handle all the aftermath, but she also continued to take care of Wu Mengda's mother with all her heart.

What's even more touching is that Hou Shanyan did not ignore other family members because of her husband's departure. She still cares about all her children, including the children born to Wu Mengda and his ex-wife.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

Her behavior not only won the respect of her family, but also let the public see Wu Mengda's unique vision.

As time passed, people gradually understood the deep meaning of Wu Mengda's final decision. He not only provided financial security for his family, but also used his wisdom to resolve possible family conflicts and create an environment for his family to live in harmony.

Wu Mengda's departure is an end, but the love and wisdom he left behind has become a new beginning. In his own way, he explained what true family responsibility is, and also showed the world the responsibility and vision of a mature man in the last moments of his life.

Uncle Da's story allows us to see how love and family affection bloom at the end of life.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

Wu Mengda's life experience has left us with valuable inspiration. His story tells us that success is not only reflected in the brilliance of the career, but also in how to manage one's life and family well.

From the difficulties at the beginning of his career to the brilliant achievements later; From the twists and turns of the relationship in his early years to the happiness of his marriage in his later years, Wu Mengda's experience interprets the richness and colorfulness of life.

His unwavering sense of responsibility to his family, his positive change in attitude towards life in the face of a serious illness, and his final estate arrangements all reflect the wisdom and responsibility of a mature man.

The marriage between Wu Mengda and Hou Shanyan proves that sincere love can cross the age gap. They support each other and face the ups and downs of life together, showing the true meaning of marriage.

Two years after Wu Mengda died of illness, now looking at his wife's choice, he realized how smart Uncle Da was

Uncle Da's story makes us rethink the meaning of life and the value of family. It reminds us that no matter what stage of life we are in, we should cherish the moment, be kind to our families, and strive to be a responsible and wise person.

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