
This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

author:Entertainment gossip


This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Text | Eight melon fish

Edit | Eight melon fish

Tengger, a "national treasure" singer born in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia.

He should have had a vast life, but he had many regrets that he couldn't let go.

"After seven years of marriage, I lost my wife."

"My 6-year-old daughter died."

And behind all these tragedies is inseparable from his "addiction to alcohol".

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

01 A "gifted singer" who attempted suicide

In 1960, a family in the Inner Mongolia prairie ushered in a "new life".

The mother lovingly looked at the crying baby in her arms.

Pray that his future is as open as the blue sky on the prairie.

Hence the name "Tengger", which means "blue sky" in Mongolian.

Due to the fact that both parents are singers.

Tengger, who has been exposed to it since he was a child, has shown an extremely extraordinary musical talent.

But there is still a "detour" to go before he officially becomes a "singer".

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

At the age of 14, the mischievous Tengger became a famous "thorn" in the school.

Wherever there is trouble, there is a figure for him.

Tengger himself enjoys this "limelight" way.

Until one time, he called himself a "great man" to his classmates.

It just so happened that all this was heard by the headmaster who was passing by.

He was called to the office on the spot and ordered to "call his parents".

Frightened, Tengger had a "crazy" idea in his head.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

He returned home and wrote a beaming suicide note.

Then he climbed to the roof of the city's theater and prepared to jump down.

Thinking of his parents' terrible "lessons", he was willing to "apologize with death".

Just as he was about to step onto the parapet of the rooftop with one foot.

Suddenly someone grabbed his arm from behind.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

It turned out to be the elder brother who had been secretly following his younger brother after discovering that he was not in the right state.

After learning the ins and outs of things.

My brother felt angry and funny.

In the end, he couldn't escape the fate of being taken home to listen to the training.

But after this incident, Tengger completely loathed the school.

Fortunately, the turn of fate came sooner than expected.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

A year later, in the summer, the Faculty of Art came to enroll students.

I heard that those who are hired by the dance major no longer need to go to school to take cultural classes.

Tengger immediately actively handed over the letter of submission.

Although the interview was full of "tricks".

But he still got his wish.

But when he really became a dance student.

Only then did he realize that the days in front of him were the real "hell on earth".

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

I have to get up before dawn to practice.

The endless leg presses and lower waist made him miserable.

He only went to the academic affairs office and begged the teacher to change his major.

The teacher looked at the pitiful eyes of a young man in front of him.

When he relented, he transferred him to learn a musical instrument.

It was also from this time that Tengger's musical talent was fully developed.

At the same time, the yearning for "wine" in his genes was also developed.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

02 A Mongolian man who "has no wine and no joy".

If 70% of the fluid in the human body is "water".

Then 70 percent of Tengger's body is "alcohol".

In order to drink, he did not hesitate to "sell blood" for wine money when he was 15 years old.

even opened four restaurants in one go after becoming famous, just to have a good drink.

What is it that causes him to love wine so much?

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

It probably has something to do with the genes of the Mongolian people in his bones.

The men of the grassland were born with a love of drinking.

Not only do I love to drink, but the amount of alcohol is also very good.

When Tengger was a child, he would steal the family's wine.

If you come across someone else's house holding a banquet.

He swaggered over to drink a "full drink".

When I was young, 2 catties of liquor were not a problem.

And in order to drink, he did not do any less crazy acts.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

When he first entered college, he would go out drinking with his classmates.

In the early hours of the morning, you can always see a few staggering figures supporting each other on campus.

But at that time, the living expenses were only 40 yuan a month.

It simply can't satisfy the frequency of his drinking.

Seeing that the wallet bottomed out, the "alcohol addiction" in my heart was like a hundred claws scratching my heart.

In a hurry, he ran to the blood donation station on the spot and donated 500 milliliters of blood.

Then he walked to the tavern with the 70 yuan he had gotten in exchange.

Although he was unimpressed by such a crazy act of his own.

But his mother was often worried about it.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Until one time, he was going to a wedding feast.

Before leaving, his mother told him to stay awake and go home.

Tengger's mouth was good.

But when he arrived at the wine table, he forgot all about his promise.

In the midst of the staggering, he could no longer remember when he had fallen asleep.

I only remember hearing my friend's hurried shouts the next morning.

When he opened his eyes, his mother, who was holding a horsewhip, was already standing in front of him.

Years later, Tengger was still a little embarrassed to recall the incident.

After all, he was 24 years old at the time, but he was taught a lesson by his mother in public.

However, he who has never had a long memory is about to pay a greater price for this.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

03 The "good life" ruined by alcohol

At the age of 27, he met the beautiful Hasgaova.

The two quickly fell in love and got married a year later.

There was also a brief sweetness in married life.

Until Tengger's love for wine became even stronger.

Haskova realized that she had completely underestimated her husband's obsession with alcohol.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Within two years of marriage, Tengger suddenly pulled a few friends in Beijing to form the "Beer Association".

In the name of "due diligence", drinking is becoming more and more frequent.

For this reason, his wife wasted her tongue arguing with him.

However, the more you argue, the more counterproductive it becomes.

Because of the annoyance, he had to drink another meal to "borrow wine to kill his sorrows".

The wife, who was gradually numb, wanted to live her life with one eye open and one eye closed.

But she didn't expect that there were even more desperate things waiting for her.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Gradually, the "Beer Association" could no longer satisfy Tengger.

He actually opened a restaurant again.

Four restaurants called "Tengjia Restaurant" were opened before and after.

On the surface, in the name of "investment".

In fact, it is still to make it easier for yourself to drink and have fun.

In order to call more friends to drink with him.

Tengger is exempt from almost every friend's order.

The more you drink, the less you earn.

In the end, all four restaurants closed down one after another because they couldn't make ends meet.

But disaster doesn't come alone.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Because of drinking, Tengger lost far more money than four restaurants.

It is reported that he spends as much as 5 million on alcohol every year.

I often give hundreds of thousands of collections at home to friends when I get drunk.

And he had a brief remorse after he woke up.

There is not the slightest sign of convergence.

Finally, Haskova was no longer willing to endure such a marriage.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

The departure of his wife finally dealt Tengger a painful blow.

But when he tried to make amends, he realized that it was too late.

Because at this time, at the age of forty, he turned out to be nothing.

He has no house, no car, and even his wife, who has been with him for seven years, has left him.

Even his singing career, which he relied on for survival, has fallen into a bottleneck.

Look at the status quo that cannot be changed in front of you.

He finally made up his mind to control how often he drank.

However, the only trace of slackness he left for himself still laid a hidden danger for him in the future.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

04 I woke up from a big dream, but it was too late

Two years after the divorce, he met Hungerjula, who was 18 years younger than him.

Although he still didn't have a house or a car at that time.

Even stayed in a small bungalow.

But the optimistic Zhula still stayed by his side.

Maybe it's because Zhula never gives up.

Or maybe it's because the time is coming.

This year, the song "Paradise" turned his life around.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

With the explosion of "Paradise".

Tengger's life has also improved.

and married Zhula, who accompanied him through the trough.

The bitter liquor used to dispel sorrows in previous years has also become a good wine for a happy life.

The two also welcomed their daughter after a year of marriage.

The middle-aged woman burst into tears of excitement.

The name he had chosen for his daughter ten years ago finally came in handy.

"Gagir" means "earth" in Mongolian.

However, Tengger's "blue sky" failed to shelter this "land" after all.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Three years later, Zhula gave birth to another son.

Just as they were basking in the joy of having both their children complete.

A "bad news" suddenly hit them.

The 3-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a serious congenital condition.

Tengger seemed to feel the fear of his 14-year-old again.

The rooftop that I couldn't step up to that year also came to mind again.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Most congenital diseases are caused by the mother's womb.

Tengger didn't dare to think about whether it would have something to do with his own drinking.

All he could do was drop everything he was doing and take his daughter around for medical treatment.

In the following three years, he took his daughter to search for famous doctors.

But the end result is invariably hopeless.

Eventually, Gagir died at the age of 6.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

The departure of his daughter became the second painful blow in Tengger's life.

Unlike his wife's departure.

He was grieved at the thought of never seeing his daughter again in his life.

For this reason, he cut off his long hair and was depressed all day long.

It was also from that year that Tengger was rarely seen in the music world.

It wasn't until five years later that he returned to the limelight.

But he never sang the song he wrote to his daughter back then.

Until 2018, he got drunk again.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

In one show, he was drunk.

suddenly hummed a "Farewell Song" about his daughter's marriage.

The appearance of choking up several times made countless viewers cry.

Although he said that even if he can't get over it in his heart, he has to face life.

But his daughter's departure has always been a hurdle that he can't talk about in his heart.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

After two marriages and the death of a loved one.

Now he has become more and more indifferent.

He is no longer obsessed with fame and fortune.

It is also rare to sing the folk songs of the past.

He constantly covers songs that are on trend.

has become a cute "old naughty boy" in the eyes of a new generation of audiences.

But he never forgot the grassland behind him.

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".

Every year during Qingming, he will return to his hometown.

I planted one sapling after another in my family's nearly 500 acres of pasture.

He called the ranch "Tengerlin".

In addition, he donated money in his hometown.

There are many traditional Mongolian sports competitions for students in their hometowns.

As he put it:

"I come from the grassland, and I will eventually return to the grassland."

This time, the 64-year-old Tengger finally paid the price for his "addiction to alcohol".


Tengger may have regretted his drunkenness more than once.

But it is often said that the best time to plant a tree is ten years ago.

The second is now.

Don't dwell on the past.

It's never too late to change in time.

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